Areas of Focus
- 肝脏病理
- 医学教育
- The angiogenic makeup of human hepatocellular carcinoma does not favor vascular endothelial growth factor/ angiopoietin-driven sprouting neovascularization, Zeng W, Gouw AS, van den Heuvel MC, Zwiers PJ, Zondervan PE, Poppema S, Zhang N, Platteel I, de Jong KP, Molema G, 2008
- Hepatocellular carcinomas in cirrhotic and noncirrhotic human livers share angiogenic characteristics, Zeng W, Gouw AS, van den Heuvel MC, Molema G, Poppema S, van der Jagt EJ, de Jong KP, 2010
- Molecular Characterization of the Vascular Features of Focal Nodular Hyperplasia and Hepatocellular Adenoma: A Role for Angiopoietin-1, Gouw AS, Zeng W, Buiskool M, Platteel I, van den Heuvel MC, Poppema S, de Jong KP, Molema G, 2010
- Correlation of MicroRNA-16, MicroRNA-21 and MicroRNA-101 Expression with Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression and Angiogenic Factors in Cirrhotic and Noncirrhotic Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Zeng W, van den Berg A, Huitema S, Gouw AS, Molema G, de Jong KP, 2014
- Activation of AKT pathway by Nrf2/PDGFA feedback loop contributes to HCC progression, Liu D, Zhang Y, Wei Y, Liu G, Liu Y, Gao Q, Zou L, Zeng W, Zhang N, 2016
- 肝细胞肝癌(HCC)中PDGF-A的表达及其临床意义, 高琼媚,刘丹阳,周仲文,张乔安,刘国元,曾文姣, 2019
- 戴维·格芬医学院基础医学教育课程分析, 马淑兰,曾文姣, 2019
- Angiogenesis in human liver tumors, Wenjiao Zeng, 2009
- 2019: 医学教育和医学教育管理百篇优秀论文二等奖
- 2019.1: 上海医学院第四届PBL案例撰写大赛一等奖
- 2018.4: 复旦大学上海医学院第一届课程思政教案大赛优胜奖
- 2014: 复旦大学基础医学院“优秀本科生专业导师”称号
- 2013-2014: 复旦大学“三八红旗手”
- 2012: “《病理学理论与实践》课程”获复旦大学研究生教学成果奖(第三完成人)