Areas of Focus
- 靶向纳米递药系统
- 纳米解毒剂
- 药物新剂型与新制剂的研究开发
Work Experience
- 2003.07 – 2005.08 广州白云山和记黄埔中药有限公司 - 工程师
- 2014.01 – 2015.01 美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UCSD) - 访问学者
- 2008.07 – 2016.10 复旦大学药学院 - 讲师
- 2016.11 – 至今 复旦大学药学院 - 副研究员
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1996.09 – 2000.06 学士:华南师范大学生命科学院生物学专业
- 2000.09 – 2003.06 硕士:中山大学生命科学院植物学专业
- 2005.09 – 2008.06 博士:复旦大学药学院药剂学专业
- Preparation and brain delivery property of biodegradable polymersomes conjugated with OX26, Z. Pang, W. Lu, H. Gao, K. Hu, J. Chen, C. Zhang, X. Gao, X. Jiang, C. Zhu, 2008
- Detoxification of Organophosphate Poisoning Using Nanoparticle Bioscavengers, Z. Pang, C.M. Hu, R.H. Fang, B.T. Luk, W. Gao, F. Wang, E. Chuluun, P. Angsantikul, S. Thamphiwatana, W. Lu, X. Jiang, L. Zhang, 2015
- UPA-sensitive ACPP-conjugated nanoparticles for multi-targeting therapy of brain glioma, B. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Z. Liao, T. Jiang, J. Zhao, Y. Tuo, X. She, S. Shen, J. Chen, Q. Zhang, X. Jiang, Y. Hu, Z. Pang, 2015
- Cyclopamine disrupts tumor extracellular matrix and improves the distribution and efficacy of nanotherapeutics in pancreatic cancer, B. Zhang, T. Jiang, S. Shen, X. She, Y. Tuo, Y. Hu, Z. Pang, 2016
- 2010.12: 教育部自然科学一等奖