Areas of Focus
- 动物营养代谢与免疫调控
- 功能性多肽研究与开发
- 动物微生态制剂
- 微生物与宿主互作及机制
Work Experience
- 2019.09-2020.07 - 北京大学 - 博士后/助理研究员
- 2020.10-2023.08 - 清华大学 - 博士后/助理研究员
- 2023.09-至今 - 中国农业大学 - 副教授
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2013.09-2019.07 博士: 中国农业大学
- 2018.01-2019.01 联合培养博士: 美国北卡州立大学
- A universe of second messengers for cGLR-STING signaling, X. B. Wei and C. G. Zhang, 2023
- SMPDL3A is a cGAMP-degrading enzyme induced by LXR-mediated lipid metabolism to restrict cGAS-STING DNA sensing, Y.F. Hou, Z.M. Wang, P.Y. Liu, X. B. Wei, Z. Y. Zhang, S. L. Fan, L. L. Zhang, F. P. Han, Y. K. Song, L. Chu and C. G. Zhang, 2023
- LL-37 transports immunoreactive cGAMP to activate STING signaling and enhance interferon-mediated host antiviral immunity, X. B. Wei, L. L. Zhang, Y. L. Yang, Y. F. Hou, Y. F. Xu, Z. M. Wang, H. L. Su, F. P. Han, J. Han, P. Y. Liu, S. Q. Hu, M.D. Koci, X. X. Sun, C. G. Zhang, 2022
- NF-κB activation enhances STING signaling via altering microtubule-mediated STING trafficking, L. L. Zhang, X. B. Wei, Z. M. Wang, P. Y. Liu, Y. F. Hou, Y. F. Xu, H. L. Su, M. D. Koci, H. Yin, C. G. Zhang, 2023
- Targeting the TLR2 Receptor with a Novel Thymopentin-Derived Peptide Modulates Immune Responses, X. B. Wei, L. L. Zhang, R. J. Zhang, R. J. Wu, et al., 2021
- A Novel Cecropin-LL37 Hybrid Peptide Protects Mice Against EHEC Infection-Mediated Changes in Gut Microbiota, Intestinal Inflammation, and Impairment of Mucosal Barrier Functions, X. B. Wei, L. L. Zhang, R. J. Zhang, M. D. Koci, D. Y. Si, B. Ahmad, et al., 2020
- C-terminal Amination of a Cationic Anti-inflammatory Peptide Improves Bioavailability and Inhibitory Activity against LPS-induced Inflammation, L. L. Zhang, X. B. Wei, R. J. Zhang, M. D. Koci, D. Y. Si, B. Ahmad, et al., 2021
- A highly efficient hybrid peptide ameliorates intestinal inflammation and mucosal barrier damage by neutralizing lipopolysaccharides and antagonizing the lipopolysaccharide-receptor interaction, X. B. Wei, L. L. Zhang, R. J. Zhang, R. J. Wu, D. Y. Si, B. Ahmad, J. N. Petitte, P. E. Mozdziak, et al., 2020
- Novel Hybrid Peptide Cecropin A (1-8)-LL37 (17-30) with Potential Antibacterial Activity, X. B. Wei, R. J. Wu, D. Y. Si, X. D. Liao, L. L. Zhang and R. J. Zhang, 2016
- Expression, Purification, and Characterization of a Novel Hybrid Peptide with Potent Antibacterial Activity, X. B. Wei, R. J. Wu, L. L. Zhang, B. Ahmad, D. Y. Si and R. J. Zhang, 2018
- Effects of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens LFB112 in the diet on growth of broilers and on the quality and fatty acid composition of broiler meat, X. B. Wei, X. D. Liao, D. Y. Si, L. L. Zhang and R. J. Zhang, 2017
- 2023年 - 清华-北大生命科学联合中心杰出博士后奖
- 2021年 - 清华-北大生命科学联合中心杰出博士后奖
- 2019年 - 北京大学拜耳优秀博士后奖
- 2018年 - 国家留学基金委留学奖学金、诺伟司国际优秀博士奖、赢创动物营养学优秀博士奖
- 2017年 - 大北农优秀博士奖
- 2016年 - 中国农业大学三好学生、中国畜牧兽医学会优秀论文奖、华美源优秀博士奖