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18 实例探究
Global Deployment of IPAM at Top Tier Pharmaceutical Company - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
IPAM 在顶级制药公司的全球部署
这家大型制药公司面临以下挑战: - 巩固网络作为其知识产权开发、质量保证和投放市场的基础设施,同时增强全球网络的安全性、速度和敏捷性。 - 更好地管理将收购公司合并到主要公司网络的过程。 - 通过实施基于角色的访问、完整的更改跟踪和替换分散的、基于电子表格的 IPAM 数据管理来降低业务风险。 - 提高网络相关 IT 投资的投资回报率,例如虚拟化、云和 SDN。
The Medical University Simplifies Network Management with BlueCat - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
医科大学使用 BlueCat 简化网络管理
南卡罗来纳医科大学 (MUSC) 拥有六所学院的近 3,000 名学生、1,500 名全职和兼职教师以及一个拥有 750 个床位的医疗中心,是南卡罗来纳州唯一的综合性学术健康中心。 MUSC 提供生物医学科学、牙科、健康专业、医学、护理和药学方面的教育课程。每年,MUSC 的医院接收近 33,000 名患者,而其门诊设施为 800,000 名患者提供服务。 MUSC 的网络跨越 30 多个远程站点,其 IP 地址空间由大约 30,000 个 IP 地址组成。该网络必须支持医院和大学的多样化需求,以及医学研究人员对在线协作的强烈需求。
Scalable Global Routing for Hybrid Cloud in the Insurance Industry - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
这家保险公司拥有大约 20 个应用站点和 450 多个用户站点进行互连,希望继续无缝运营。更重要的是,它希望在整个混合资产中实现一致的策略执行、安全和风险管理。为了满足这一要求,云团队在 Azure 中部署了专用终结点来保护 IP,但对网络影响没有太多了解。不幸的是,这使得无法解析数据中心资源和 Azure DNS 区域之间的 DNS(并因此确保连接性)。云团队意识到,仅使用 Azure 工具集无法同时满足安全性和可扩展性要求。
Medical Technology Company Streamlines Operations with BlueCat's Network Automation - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
管理部署在现场的医疗设备与公司服务人员之间的网络连接被证明是一个多方面的挑战:合规性:根据健康保险流通与责任法案 (HIPAA),医疗设备与公司服务器之间的所有连接都必须加密。网络冲突:公司的设备依赖于部署它们的医疗中心和诊所的 IT 基础设施。可见性:随着时间的推移,公司的网络基础设施已经通过多次合并、收购、战略计划和合作伙伴关系形成。该公司基于 Microsoft 的 DNS 无法提供如此复杂的、基于合规性的网络架构所需的功能范围。为了提高自动化流程的效率,该公司需要为其 DNS 基础设施提供一个单一的事实点——一个支持 API 和自动化使用的基础设施。
Scalable Automation Initiatives in the Healthcare Industry: A Case Study - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
他们的自动化计划无法扩展在这个拥有 129,000 人的组织中,整个网络团队只是少数专业人士。他们依靠一些 Powershell 脚本与 BlueCat 的 API 进行交互。虽然宠物项目证明了自动化 DDI 服务的价值,但团队开始遇到规模问题。
Global Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Visibility in the Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
该公司的公司结构(和网络)围绕支持多个垂直领域的世界级创新而组织,在多个云上拥有数千个订阅。并且看不到其中的内容。掌握这家制造商的全球云资产对其云和网络团队至关重要。他们需要它来管理 IP 地址和命名空间的分配以避免冲突,并更有效地对跨本地和云的查询做出权威和安全的响应。他们还需要它来跟踪服务健康、安全和合规目的的使用情况。云服务提供商 (CSP) 在实现他们所需的多云可见性方面没有帮助。 “
Case Study: Medical Technology Company - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
Case Study: Medical Technology Company
The medical technology company faced several challenges in managing network connections between medical devices deployed in the field and the company’s service staff. The company had to ensure compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which required all connections between medical devices and the company’s servers to be encrypted. This involved creating and managing separate VPN tunnels for over 15,000 field-deployed devices. The company also faced network conflicts as the devices relied on the IT infrastructures of the medical centers and clinics where they were deployed. The devices were assigned IP addresses by the network teams of each facility, usually without any coordination. This introduced the potential that devices in different facilities would be assigned the same IP address, making remote monitoring and maintenance much harder to track. The company’s network infrastructure was complex due to multiple mergers, acquisitions, strategic initiatives, and partnerships. Maintaining visibility into the DNS of this complex enterprise was a significant challenge.
Alesund kommune Simplifies Network Management and Eliminates DHCPRelated Downtime with BlueCat - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
Alesund kommune Simplifies Network Management and Eliminates DHCPRelated Downtime with BlueCat
Alesund kommune, a Norwegian municipality with a population of 42,982, was using a combination of Windows 2000 server, Linux and BIND to manage its DNS and DHCP. However, the lack of redundancy for DHCP made it impossible to ensure the robustness of the network. The municipality occupies seven of the outer islands in the county of Møre og Romsdal, making it a highly-dispersed environment. Alesund wanted to find a DNS/DHCP solution that would not only eliminate potential network downtime, but would also simplify network management and improve administrator and user productivity while simultaneously decreasing the associated costs of managing its distributed network. The municipality has approximately 3,000 nodes in the network, spread over about 200 different subnets, with most of the clients being Windows and PXE (Pre-Boot Execution Environment) thin clients. With Windows 2000 server, it was impossible to divide all the nodes up into different classes within subnets, which made the system extremely difficult to monitor and manage.
German Grocery Giant, Edeka SouthWest, Deployed a Centralized, Automated BlueCat IPAM System - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
German Grocery Giant, Edeka SouthWest, Deployed a Centralized, Automated BlueCat IPAM System
Edeka SouthWest, one of the largest food producers, distributors, and retailers in Germany, was facing challenges with its expanding IT infrastructure. The company's IT department had deployed many devices on the company’s network to keep pace with its expanding ERP system. Each device needed its own IP address. Since the IT team managed IP addresses manually with spreadsheets, the group struggled to keep track of IP data. The company relied heavily on its mission-critical technologies, such as its ERP solution. Any downtime could mean lost customers and revenue. Therefore, the spotlight was squarely focused on the IT department and service desk to ensure that its network always functioned at peak performance, IP address data was always accurate and valid, and systems were always available.
Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe University Simplifies and Automates Network Management with BlueCat6 - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe University Simplifies and Automates Network Management with BlueCat6
Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe University (HS-OWL) in Germany was facing challenges with its network environment. The university had a limited IPv4 address space and was using an open source tool to document its IP addresses and networks. However, there was no integration between this tool and the university's DNS and DHCP core network services. The management and maintenance of these separate tools were time-consuming for the IT staff. The lack of integration also increased the risk of a network configuration error causing an outage that would directly impact the university's students, faculty, and staff. The university's network encompasses about 10,000 active IP addresses on campus and serves the needs of some 6,000 students and 600 staff. The DNS, DHCP, and IP Address Management (IPAM) solution selected would have to be scalable to support network growth and include a flexible API to enable integration with the university's existing in-house and custom-built network management tools.
The Medical University of South Carolina Simplifies Network Management with BlueCat - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
The Medical University of South Carolina Simplifies Network Management with BlueCat
The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) is a comprehensive academic health center with nearly 3,000 students, 1,500 teaching staff, and a 750-bed medical center. The university's network spans over 30 remote sites and comprises approximately 30,000 IP addresses. The network must support the diverse needs of both the hospital and university, as well as the intensive demands of medical researchers for online collaboration. The number of IP-connected devices on the network is growing exponentially, including smart phones, tablets, and specialized healthcare devices like wireless IV pumps. In addition, security cameras and door locks that used to be hard-wired are now IP-enabled. To maintain the reliability of the network and better serve its users, MUSC needed an efficient way to manage, automate, and delegate day-to-day network administration tasks.
ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion Trusts BlueCat to Support its State-of-the-art Production and Multimedia Services - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion Trusts BlueCat to Support its State-of-the-art Production and Multimedia Services
ProSiebenSat.1 Produktion, a subsidiary of ProSiebenSat.1 Media AG, offers comprehensive services for the production and multimedia distribution of TV content. The company was using a rudimentary IP Address Management (IPAM) system that was primarily used for documentation and did not enable consistency checks. The system was outdated and no longer met ProSiebenSat.1 standards. The company was looking for a modern IPAM system that would guarantee improved processes and would be both flexible and upgradable. It was also planned that the group’s existing Windows servers would eventually be integrated into the IPAM system and managed centrally.
TYROLIT Delivers Resilient DNS and DHCP with BlueCat; Looks Ahead to IPv6 - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
TYROLIT Delivers Resilient DNS and DHCP with BlueCat; Looks Ahead to IPv6
TYROLIT, a technology-driven manufacturer and one of the world’s largest producers of grinding, cutting, drilling and dressing tools, as well as machines for the construction industry, experienced a serious crash of its Microsoft DHCP server in January 2010. This crash impacted its operations and caused the company to begin looking for a more resilient, hardware-based DNS and DHCP solution to replace its Microsoft DHCP servers. The company's network spans numerous remote sites worldwide and encompasses some 15,000 IP addresses. Any outage can cause production delays that cost the company money and impact its reputation, which makes DNS/DHCP resiliency and uptime a major concern.
BlueCat Provided Support and Expertise, as well as a Resilient, Scalable, and Redundant Network to University College Dublin - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
BlueCat Provided Support and Expertise, as well as a Resilient, Scalable, and Redundant Network to University College Dublin
Over the years, University College Dublin (UCD) built its own DDI infrastructure, consisting of BIND DNS and DHCP as well as several Red Hat servers. They also created an in-house IPAM solution that allowed its network team to easily create address ranges and edit IP data. However, the network was growing rapidly and placing more demands on the current system. The growth and increasing demand on the network put pressure on the already-tight resources, and the University did not want to be in a precarious position where its networks management group was stretched too thin. As resources left the team, it was becoming harder and harder to run the in-house solution. It made logical sense to move to a managed commercial DDI project where they had robust expertise and extensive support. In addition, UCD was in the process of upgrading to IPv6. They were operating a dual stack and had IPv6 running on a few test networks. As they looked for a new IPAM product, this was something that had to be addressed.
BlueCat helps W&W Informatik seamlessly transition from previous DDI solution, increasing productivity and eliminating down-time - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
BlueCat helps W&W Informatik seamlessly transition from previous DDI solution, increasing productivity and eliminating down-time
W&W Informatik, a German IT company, was facing challenges with its previous DDI vendor. The outdated version of the solution they were using had limited functionality, poor data consistency, and major issues handling high volumes of DDNS transactions. These limitations reduced the performance, reliability, and availability of the solution, hindering W&W’s productivity. Periodically, all VOIP phones would reboot causing the solution to fail, resulting in outages of the VOIP infrastructure. W&W’s network is heavily distributed across Germany and with the company’s rapid growth, they must deal with the challenge of offices frequently opening and sometimes closing. Each new office requires the setup of a small network. To support this rapid growth, W&W needed to find a DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management (DDI) solution that would grow with its network. Their network needs have evolved since their legacy solution was initially rolled out – the company’s focus has shifted to private cloud implementation, VMWare automation and server automation – and their solution was no longer able to meet their requirements. Additionally, their previous DDI vendor did not offer the ease of upgrade and support that W&W was looking for.
BlueCat Helps Cologne Bonn Airport Redesign its Network Architecture to Improve IPAM, Gain Visibility and Streamline Processes - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
BlueCat Helps Cologne Bonn Airport Redesign its Network Architecture to Improve IPAM, Gain Visibility and Streamline Processes
Cologne Bonn Airport, one of the largest commercial airports in Germany, was facing challenges with its home-grown network. The rapid growth in Wifi connectivity from personal mobile devices and greater use of IP-enabled devices, such as security cameras, dramatically increased network demand. In addition, the airport added many IP-based services to improve the customer experience. With multiple DNS zones, differing technologies, and a segregated network access team, the airport lacked a standardized network configuration or centralized visibility. The airport's network team turned to Axians, a German technology company, for guidance on the project.
The Universität Salzburg Implements a Comprehensive DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management (DDI) Solution with BlueCat - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
The Universität Salzburg Implements a Comprehensive DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management (DDI) Solution with BlueCat
The Universität Salzburg, with 16,500 students and around 2,700 employees, faced a significant challenge when the Universities Act 2002 was implemented, granting greater autonomy and self-determination to Austrian universities. This change necessitated a routine replacement of the hardware for the existing DNS server infrastructure. The university's Project Manager, Mr. Thomas Wenniger Dipl. Ing. (FH), sought the expertise of schoeller network control, a technology distributor with experience in networking and infrastructure. The discussions that followed presented options for a comprehensive DNS, DHCP and IP address management (DDI) solution. BlueCat, a leading provider of DDI solutions, was recommended for evaluation. The university had concerns about replacing Microsoft DNS, but the extensive workflow opportunities offered by BlueCat's DDI products for the allocation and management of IP addresses by the IT helpdesk and network administrators sparked interest.
Case Study: U.S. Government Laboratory - BlueCat Networks Industrial IoT Case Study
Case Study: U.S. Government Laboratory
The Laboratory conducts scientific research on highly sensitive technical areas, and as such its network requires a unique architecture. The vast majority of the Laboratory’s workforce is comprised of U.S. citizens, but foreign scientists also work at the lab through cooperative projects and scientific exchange programs. The Laboratory’s network administrators segmented their network to ensure that information was unable to move from the protected enclave of U.S. citizen workers to the enclave used by foreign nationals. This created an administrative headache, however, as the DNS for both areas had to be managed separately under the Microsoft DNS the lab was using. Spreadsheets were used to keep track of IP addresses and host records, but this was hardly a failsafe method – manual errors frequently caused network outages and increased overall operational risk. Split administration also lengthened the time it took network administrators to respond to help desk tickets. With a constant flow of foreign researchers and guests, adding and deleting host records took a great deal of time and energy away from more pressing tasks.


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