
Bosch.IO 在全球拥有 900 多名从事数字化和物联网工作的专家,并与来自博世各地的 30,000 名开发人员和人工智能专家合作。博世每年在各行各业制造和运送超过 10 亿台设备(“物品”)。我们拥有一支由顾问、云软件开发人员、解决方案架构师、项目经理、用户体验设计师、商业模式创新者、数字营销和销售专家以及培训师组成的团队,他们与我们的客户一起创造战略构想并将其付诸实践。
博世物联网套件是博世、其客户及其合作伙伴构建广泛的物联网解决方案、服务和项目的基础。它融合了博世集团的行业知识,适用于所有行业,例如农业、能源、家庭和建筑、零售、移动和制造。如今,它将超过一千万的传感器、设备和机器与其用户和企业系统连接起来。构建物联网应用程序所需的所有功能: - 可靠地连接和管理设备、传感器和网关 - 提供安全的访问管理 - 创建物理设备的数字表示 - 在一个仪表板中可视化来自不同来源的所有数据 - 执行固件更新和软件推出流程 -管理和分析物联网数据
Bosch.IO的技术栈描绘了Bosch.IO在平台即服务 (paas), 和 传感器等物联网技术方面的实践。
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Case Study
ThyssenKrupp employs Visual Rules BRM
ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe found itself in the position of needing to replace, step by step, the models it had programmed itself to manage the production of various grades of steel with a solution equipped to face the demands of the future. The solution had to be easy to integrate and designed to be rolled out step by step. ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe uses its automation systems to manage the whole production process at its company steel plants. This is done using clever algorithms that map the functional relationships across all stages of the steel production process. However, there are still a host of other changeable factors that influence the quality of the product obtained, and these also need to be factored in in the form of rules or formulae. What ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe was looking for was a suitable piece of software to fulfill this rule-based management function.

Case Study
Consolidating the IT landscape
The IT architecture had grown over 15 years and the EDI communication was spread across several EDI server. This involved high efforts which were to be reduced with the introduction of an EAI standard software:- Connection of about 100 partners and 400 customers, exchange of highly heterogeneous message formats, i.e. record structures, EDIFACT, customer specific formats, XML and binary files- Connection to FTP, E-Mail, mailboxes (IBM, Eurolog, Telecom) and MQ-Series- Reduction of maintenance and evaluation efforts, easy tracing of data flows, increase in performance, introduction of central error handling

KaaIoT Technologies
We are an IoT company that hitches technology to business outcomes. Our Kaa Enterprise IoT Platform doesn’t just boast technical functions but aims directly at the strategic goals for modern enterprises. In the scope of our products and solutions, we actually deliver comprehensive, sustainable business models empowered by IoT. This is what drives our clients’ success stories forward.

BaseN provides new ways to capture, process, visualize and control enormous amounts of data in real-time - which can help businesses in various industries improve what they do, and how they do it. The BaseN service is a next generation SaaS (Software as a Service) suite that enables you to gather system, network and cloud measurement data and arrange the information in a context that is relevant to you and your customers. The BaseN service displays the data in an easily understandable, concise and relevant way - real-time and historical. A unified view of status and performance can be seen at a glance, not limited only to infrastructure but also applications and services.

Rayven is a SaaS technology company focused on helping industrial businesses seize the opportunities that real-time data integration and next generation Industry 4.0 technologies can deliver.Rayven's Dynamix integrated data, AI + IoT platform brings together all their systems, sensors and software to give real-time oversight of operations and provide their people with all all-new insights, capabilities, and predictive analytics to improve them - all in one place.Rayven works directly with industrial businesses as well as with partner organisations, enabling them to build bespoke IoT solutions using Dynamix and their own technology that enable them to do more for their customers, simply.Visit for more information.