COPA-DATA 是人体工程学和高动态过程解决方案的技术领导者。该公司成立于 1987 年,在其位于奥地利的总部为 HMI/SCADA、动态生产报告和集成 PLC 系统开发软件 zenon。 zenon 通过其在欧洲、北美和亚洲的办事处以及世界各地的合作伙伴和分销商进行销售。由于分散的公司结构,客户可以从本地联系人和本地支持中受益。作为一家独立公司,COPA-DATA 可以快速灵活地采取行动,在功能和易用性方面不断设定新标准,并引领市场趋势。在 90 多个国家/地区安装了超过 135,000 个系统,为食品和饮料、能源和基础设施、汽车和制药行业的公司提供了高效自动化的新空间。
LG Innotek、三星电子、德州仪器、宝马集团、DÜRR、大众汽车、奥迪、库卡、阿尔斯通电网、西门子、Sprecher Automation、Adelholzener Alpenquellen、Bonduelle、博世包装系统、克朗斯、百特、Lifescane、罗氏、ABB、安海斯-布希英博、百味来、大陆集团、嘉士伯、可口可乐、福特、喜力、微软、雀巢、雷迪博士、辉瑞、百事可乐、保时捷、劳斯莱斯、SABMiller、蒂森克虏伯、Vattenfall
COPA-DATA 是基础设施即服务 (iaas), 平台即服务 (paas), 功能应用, 传感器, 和 自动化与控制等工业物联网科技方面的供应商。同时致力于汽车, 电网, 设备与机械, 食品与饮料, 包装, 药品, 和 公用事业等行业。
COPA-DATA的技术栈描绘了COPA-DATA在基础设施即服务 (iaas), 平台即服务 (paas), 功能应用, 传感器, 和 自动化与控制等物联网技术方面的实践。
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Case Study
Zenon the Ideal Basis for An Ergonomic HMI
KHS develops and produces machines and equipment for filling and packaging in the drinks industry. Because drinks manufacturing, filling and packaging consist of a number of highly complex processes, the user-friendly and intuitive operation of equipment is increasingly gaining in significance. In order to design these processes as simple as possible for the user, KHS decided to introduce a uniform, transparent and standardized solution to the company. The HMI interface should meet the requirement for people with different qualifications and enable them to work on a standard platform.
Case Study
World leading zenon technology at Vipoll (Slovenia)
Vipoll aims to consolidate its market position and break into new markets not only in Slovenia but also internationally. A brewing customer needed to access the entire data from a production line. It was necessary to visualize the whole line and also to collect all its data, record that data transparently and make the data available to business users. The main focus was to grab data according to Weihenstephan standards. The Weihenstephan standards define which production data should be recorded at a filling plant and specifies how that data should be transferred.

Case Study
Enlightened energy efficiency at Zumtobel
Several years ago, Zumtobel started a new measurement project. The aim of this project was to profit financially through a sustained program of energy efficiency while simultaneously protecting the environment. Zumtobel was looking for a clear visualization solution well-suited to facility management. The aim was to measure not only energy data on electric meters, but to collect and save data from the whole facility for later analysis.

Case Study
Concentrating on the essentials
Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich offers a comprehensive range of services in industrial material processing. The focus is on machines, equipment and services for mixing, granulating /pelleting, drying and fine grinding. The main areas of application are concrete, dry mortar, plasters, building materials, sandlime brick, ceramics, glass, carbon items, friction linings, battery compounds, metallurgy, foundry molding sand and environmental protection. The company wanted to a pioneer in ensuring a consistent, smooth and efficient production process throughout the entire mixing procedure. The aim was also to promote pleasure in working with the new user interface.

Case Study
Industrial IoT @ Gorenjske Elektrarne
Managing remote power generation sites has its own particular challenges, not least in terms of the efficient monitoring of operations. Given the nature of its power sources, many of the company’s power generation sites are located in remote and difficult terrain. This can present challenges in terms of the monitoring and control of remote locations.

Altizon Systems
Altizon empowers Industrial Digital Revolutions globally by helping enterprises use Machine Data to drive business decisions. With a global footprint of over 100 enterprise users, Altizon is a leading Industrial IoT platform provider as recognized by Gartner, Forrester, BCG, Frost & Sullivan, and others.

Adroit Technologies
Adroit Technologies is a privately held software development company that has been developing award winning real-time software for the industrial automation markets for over 25 years. The principal activities of the company are product development, consulting and solutions development, primarily in the industrial sector. Year founded: 1989 Revenue: $11 - 100 million (2014 est.)

Altair is a leading provider of enterprise-class engineering software enabling innovation, reduced development times, and lower costs through the entire product lifecycle from concept design to in-service operation. Our simulation-driven approach to innovation is powered by our integrated suite of software which optimizes design performance across multiple disciplines encompassing structures, motion, fluids, thermal management, electromagnetics, system modeling and embedded systems, while also providing data analytics and true-to-life visualization and rendering.

Aras Corp
Aras Corp is a leading provider of product lifecycle management and digital thread solutions. Its extensive out-of-the-box functionality and modern web-based, cloud-ready architecture enable you to deploy quickly and continuously enhance your PLM environment in a fraction of the time required by conventional enterprise PLM / PDM systems and at a total cost of ownership far below that of any leading competitor.

Intel designs, manufactures, and sells integrated digital technology platforms worldwide. The company's platforms are used in various computing applications comprising notebooks, desktops, servers, tablets, smartphones, wireless and wired connectivity products, Wearables, transportation systems, and retail devices. It offers microprocessors that processes system data and controls other devices in the system; chipsets, which send data between the microprocessor and input, display, and storage devices, such as keyboard, mouse, monitor, hard drive or solid-state drive, and optical disc drives; system-on-chip products that integrate its central processing units with other system components onto a single chip; and wired network connectivity products.Featured Subsidiaries/ Business Units:- Intel Inside- Intel Data Center Manager (DCM)- Saffron Technology- Wind River

AUVESY-MDT is a solid medium-sized enterprise based in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The software octoplant offers worldwide a secure solution for version control and data management in industrial automation. This leading version control software is the basis to heighten production efficiency by reducing errors and downtime; and monitor and control automation projects.傲晖数据软件(南京)有限公司是AUVESY-MDT在中国的全资子公司,与西门子、施耐德、三菱、微软等合作伙伴携手已为全球50多个国家安装3200多套软件。AUVESY-MDT研发的versiondog/octoplant用来统一管理各种自动化设备(如:PLC/机器人/HMI/CNC/相机/压机/拧紧机/工控机/马达驱动等),且不受制造商的限制,实现灾难恢复以提高运营效率,并减轻网络安全攻击,保持生产连续不间断。集团总部位于德国兰道。

Microsoft develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics and personal computers and services. Its best known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, Microsoft Office office suite, and Internet Explorer and Edge web browsers.Year Founded: 1975Revenue: $93.6 billion (2014)NASDAQ: MSFT

Microsoft Azure (Microsoft)
Microsoft Azure is a Cloud Computing platform and infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers. It provides both PaaS and IaaS services and supports many different programming languages, tools and frameworks, including both Microsoft-specific and third-party software and systems. Azure was announced in October 2008 and released on 1 February 2010 as Windows Azure, before being renamed to Microsoft Azure on 25 March 2014.