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23 实例探究
Increasing Profitability through IoT: A Case Study on Whitaker Oil Company - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Datacor 帮助 Whitaker Oil 提高盈利能力
Whitaker Oil 经营着一家拥有多家公司和多个设施的复杂企业。 Whitaker 需要一个商业软件解决方案来帮助他们在交易层面管理和衡量盈利能力,并且是专门为化工行业设计的。
Datacor ERP: Streamlining Operations for C&L Aqua Professionals, Inc. - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Datacor ERP:节省时间
17 年来,公司一直使用 Peachtree Accounting 作为软件解决方案,但不是行业特定的,我们强制重新键入信息并将数据复制到其他软件包中。决定新软件供应商的一个主要因素是消除这些冗余并让员工更有效地工作。
Haviland Boosts Productivity and Business Agility with Datacor ERP - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
由于无线系统和 ERP 应用程序之间缺乏集成,定位库存困难且耗时;进行更新和增强既昂贵又麻烦。大量时间浪费在寻找产品和协调这两个系统上。缺乏实时数据也是一个重大问题。
Datacor ERP: A Game Changer for deVan Sealants, Inc. - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Datacor ERP:提高效率
该公司需要一个有效的现代软件系统,以提高工作效率,并及时优先处理和完成客户订单。他们还需要一个系统,使他们能够为他们的主要客户使用 EDI(电子数据交换)。
Datacor's IoT Solution Maximizes Data Utilization for Bedford Specialty Sales, Inc. - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Datacor 的 IoT 解决方案最大限度地提高了 Bedford Specialty Sales, Inc. 的数据利用率
Bedford Specialty Sales, Inc. 是一家位于马萨诸塞州雪莉的特种化学品经销商,在管理其销售数据方面面临着重大挑战。该公司依靠手动流程,使用基本会计软件进行库存管理,并使用 Microsoft Excel 电子表格和 Word 文档来捕获和控制销售数据。这种方法不方便用户使用,并且随着业务的增长而变得越来越难以管理。该公司需要仔细跟踪客户并按批次监控每件产品,但现有系统很麻烦,限制了他们有效管理成本的能力。缺乏专用软件解决方案阻碍了公司的发展及其快速准确地做出业务决策的能力。
Haviland Enterprises Streamlines AP Process with Datacor ePayments - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Haviland Enterprises 通过 Datacor ePayments 简化 AP 流程
Haviland Enterprises 是一家大型化学品分销公司,其供应商付款流程面临严重低效问题。该公司严重依赖手动、纸质流程进行付款,每周在三个州的多个地点进行多次。这导致美联社团队的工作量不断增加。此外,尽管许多供应商表示倾向于电子支付,但哈维兰缺乏安全存储敏感数据的资源。该公司需要一种能够自动化支付流程、减少工作量并安全处理敏感供应商数据的解决方案。
Chempax Simplifies Reporting Capabilities for ChemSpec, Ltd. - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Chempax Simplifies Reporting Capabilities for ChemSpec, Ltd.
ChemSpec, Ltd., a specialty chemical distributor, was facing challenges in generating comprehensive reports quickly and easily. The company wanted to improve its operational efficiency and communication. Additionally, they were looking to upgrade their system without causing disruptions to their business operations.
Deeks & Company Reduces Costs and Gains Efficiency with Chempax - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Deeks & Company Reduces Costs and Gains Efficiency with Chempax
Deeks & Company, a chemical distributor, was in need of an ERP solution provider with deep knowledge of the chemical distribution industry. They required a flexible solution that could address industry regulations, improve operational organization and efficiency, and gain better control of inventory levels.
Datacor Insures Smooth Transition to Chempax for Pariser Industries - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Datacor Insures Smooth Transition to Chempax for Pariser Industries
Pariser Industries, Inc. was faced with the challenge of replacing their discontinued Sage PFW legacy system. The company was in need of a solution that would improve operational efficiency and provide visibility for better informed decision-making. The legacy system was not meeting the company's needs and was hindering their ability to operate efficiently and make data-driven decisions.
eChempax Keeps Fitz Chem on the Road to Success - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
eChempax Keeps Fitz Chem on the Road to Success
Fitz Chem Corporation was facing several challenges in their operations. The company was struggling with improving communication throughout the business, especially between their ERP and CRM systems. This lack of effective communication was leading to redundancies in work processes, which was inefficient and time-consuming. Additionally, the company was finding it difficult to effectively cultivate and manage their customer data. This was hindering their decision-making process and overall business efficiency.
Dowd and Guild Inc. Empowers Team with eChempax - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Dowd and Guild Inc. Empowers Team with eChempax
Dowd and Guild Inc. faced several challenges in their operations. They needed access to real-time data from anywhere and at any time of the day or night. The company was maintaining multiple databases, which caused many issues. They also wanted to enhance their reporting capabilities to allow decision-makers the ability to find solutions with confidence. The lack of a unified database was causing inefficiencies and errors in their operations. The company needed a solution that would streamline their operations and improve their decision-making process.
Haviland Enterprises Boosts Productivity and Business Agility with the Chempax ERP System from Datacor - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Haviland Enterprises Boosts Productivity and Business Agility with the Chempax ERP System from Datacor
Haviland Enterprises, Inc., one of the largest privately held chemical distribution companies in the U.S., was facing significant challenges with its existing AS/400-based ERP system. The system was not specific to the Chemical industry, and over the years, a number of modifications were made to make the software more usable for the company. However, this resulted in a system that was cumbersome and costly to maintain. Updates to the software required testing against custom code, making it cost-prohibitive. Additionally, the system lacked real-time data visibility. While the system did offer wireless capabilities, it was not fully integrated with the rest of the ERP system, leading to inaccuracies and wasted time in locating products and reconciling the two systems.
Success Stories: Chempax a Time Saver for C&L Aqua Professionals, Inc. - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Success Stories: Chempax a Time Saver for C&L Aqua Professionals, Inc.
C & L Aqua Professionals, Inc. was using Peachtree Accounting for their software solution for 17 years. However, it was not industry-specific, forcing the company to re-key information and duplicate data into other software packages. This redundancy was a major challenge as it was inefficient and time-consuming. The company was in need of a software solution that was industry-specific and could eliminate these redundancies, allowing their staff to work more efficiently. They were looking for a software vendor that could offer a complete solution.
CAM2 Racing Forward with Chempax - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
CAM2 Racing Forward with Chempax
CAM2, a world-class automotive lubricants company, was in a critical phase of expanding its market reach. The company needed a software solution that could cater to its growing needs and help manage its operations across four locations in the United States and numerous distributors worldwide. The challenge was to find a software package that was specifically designed for lubricant and chemical companies and could provide an all-in-one solution, covering manufacturing, accounting, and sales management.
A Conversation with John Thompson... - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
A Conversation with John Thompson...
Tannin Corporation, a distributor-manufacturer for the leather industry, was in search of a comprehensive solution that could handle all aspects of their business operations. This included shipping, accounting, manufacturing, and receiving. They needed a system that could manage their entire business for chemical distribution and manufacturing, including batch tickets and real-time inventory control. The company has multiple locations across North America, including Canada and Mexico, and sales representatives all over the world. Therefore, they needed a solution that could standardize their business operations across all locations, ensuring that all employees have access to the same information.
A Conversation with Jay Baker... - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
A Conversation with Jay Baker...
Superior Oil Company, a distributor, manufacturer and waste recycler, was facing challenges with its inventory and customer data management across its multiple locations. The company was unable to view inventory or customer data from other locations, leading to constant calls to gather this information. Additionally, the company was using 9 different databases for each of its locations, leading to inefficiencies and inconsistencies in data management. The company was also facing issues with its financial reporting, taking up to 3 weeks to get financials with their previous system. They were also doing manual double entries for all of their accounting.
Datacor Helps Brown Chemical Grow Its Business For Over 23 Years - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Datacor Helps Brown Chemical Grow Its Business For Over 23 Years
Brown Chemical Company Inc. was founded in 1936 with only 4 employees. By 1980, Brown had grown to 15 employees with a significant number of products and customers. The demands for their products and services were outpacing their ability to perform. They needed a way to do more with existing resources. Many of their internal processes were labor-intensive and they needed the ability to streamline work processes and satisfy their growing base of customers.
Datacor Takes The Pain Out of Software Installation - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Datacor Takes The Pain Out of Software Installation
Tilley Chemical was in search of a software solution that could seamlessly integrate their processes without causing major disruptions to their business operations. They had previously considered multiple vendors but had a long-standing relationship with Datacor, having purchased their Chempax software 15 years prior. The company needed a solution that would not only upgrade their existing software but also provide them with long-term support and an understanding of the specific needs of the chemical industry.
Datacor Helps Whitaker Oil Increase Profitability - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Datacor Helps Whitaker Oil Increase Profitability
Whitaker Oil operates a complex enterprise with multiple companies and multiple facilities. The company was in need of a business software solution that could help them manage and measure profitability at the transaction level. The solution needed to be specifically designed for the chemical industry, capable of handling complex batching and blending, inventory management, purchasing, safety, price management, order entry, invoicing, and financial statements.
Heatbath boosts revenue and reduces cost with - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Heatbath boosts revenue and reduces cost with
Heatbath Corporation, a leader in metal finishing and heat treating salts technologies, was seeking new capabilities to enhance their business efficiency. They needed a solution that could track products from their inception to their end for ISO compliance. Additionally, they required up-to-date cost and product information on a customer level, which would enable them to quickly adjust to inflationary and competitive pressures.
Chempax gives companies the competitive edge in Customer Service - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Chempax gives companies the competitive edge in Customer Service
Lintech International, a company serving the Chemical Distribution market, was struggling with an outdated software solution that was not meeting their needs efficiently. They needed the ability to email order confirmations and invoices to their customers in a timely manner. The company was using two separate systems to support their sales representatives (CRM) and accounting staff, which was slowing down communication and required dual maintenance.
Chempax changeover at Zeller + Gmelin a SNAP - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Chempax changeover at Zeller + Gmelin a SNAP
Zeller + Gmelin Corporation, a leading international manufacturer of UV high-quality specialty printing inks for the graphics industry, had outgrown its SNAP process manufacturing software and was looking for a replacement solution that was robust, flexible and would allow a smooth changeover. In addition, Zeller + Gmelin needed a way to provide remote access from its nine branch locations to link the entire enterprise for a more efficient operation.
Bulk Chemicals improves its bottom line - Datacor Industrial IoT Case Study
Bulk Chemicals improves its bottom line
Bulk Chemicals, Inc. (BCI) was experiencing rapid growth and needed a business management solution that could integrate its various departments into a single, cohesive operating unit. The company was previously using custom software with individual modules that operated separately, leading to inefficiencies as the same data was handled multiple times. BCI needed a solution that would streamline information between departments such as customer service, accounting, inventory, manufacturing, quality control, and research and development.


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