ESCRYPT - Embedded Security 是全球领先的嵌入式安全系统供应商。 ESCRYPT 为各种嵌入式应用程序、相应的基础设施和组织方面提供保护。 ESCRYPT 为客户提供一站式 IT 安全所有问题的解决方案。凭借其在嵌入式安全方面的丰富经验,ESCRYPT 在许多不同的分支机构拥有独特而全面的专业知识。 ESCRYPT 提供针对特定行业量身定制的全套安全产品、咨询服务和解决方案。 ESCRYPT 服务包括安全评估、安全战略和架构、定制软件、定制硬件、认证支持、PKI 和密钥管理、应用程序和代码测试以及培训和意识。特色产品: - CycurHSM - CycurKEYS - CycurLIB - CycurTLS
ESCRYPT 隶属于博世集团 100% 子公司 ETAS GmbH。 ETAS GmbH 为汽车行业和嵌入式行业的相邻领域的嵌入式系统开发提供创新的解决方案。作为系统公司,ETAS 提供全面的产品系列,涵盖集成工具和工具解决方案以及工程服务、咨询、培训和支持。 ETAS 在德国、美国、日本、韩国、中国、印度、法国、英国、瑞典、意大利、巴西和俄罗斯联邦设有代表处。
ESCRYPT (Bosch) 是 网络安全服务, 和 测试与认证等工业物联网服务方面的供应商。同时致力于汽车等行业。
ESCRYPT (Bosch)的技术栈描绘了ESCRYPT (Bosch)在等物联网技术方面的实践。
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Softeq Development Corporation was founded in 1997 in Houston, TX, as a full-stack software development services provider. Over the years, we shifted our focus from mobile and web application development to niche solutions — particularly, Machine Learning, immersive technologies and software and hardware for the Internet of Things.

TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH
TÜV Informationstechnik (TÜViT) is 100 percent about IT security. It is part of our DNA, and has been since 1995. At TÜViT, IT security is not a trend and it is not hype: it is embedded in virtually everything we do and all of our 120 employees have signed up for. Our experience and skills are totally dedicated to security in information technology. Over 50 per cent of the DAX 30 and many international companies already benefit from TÜViT-tested security.Independence... is our credo. The TÜViT experts are not subject to any conflicting goals, as they have no obligations towards product suppliers, system integrators, shareholders, interest groups or government agencies.In addition, numerous accreditations as well as certificates of national and international organisations prove our independenceTÜViT continues to develop the best available technology in numerous research projects and (standardization) committees.What applies to cars, machines, plants or buildings is also offered by TÜViT as part of the TÜV NORD GROUP for your IT: for hardware, application systems, infrastructure, products, processes or software. The TÜV seal and the certificates indicate to your clients that they can rely on the products and services. And if you have to comply with certain standards and procedures for evaluation authorities, TÜViT shows you how you can best achieve this. TÜViT identifies risks well before they cause any harm, and joins you in guiding your business to success – you can rely on it.At the same time, we protect your most valuable asset, which is becoming more important all the time in the course of digitization: your data. New digital business ideas are based on data: With TÜViT, you have a reliable and experienced partner, which supports you not only with all your data, information and IT security issues, but also with Data Privacy.

Argus Cyber Security
As modern vehicles become more sophisticated, the more vulnerable they are to cyber attacks. Argus works with the automotive industry to address the challenges posed by vehicle connectivity by providing comprehensive cyber security solutions and services to OEMs, Tier 1s, aftermarket solution providers and fleet managers.

Autosys Industrial Solutions Private Limited
Industrial data analytics and decision science by comprehensive monitoring and management of an industrial shop floor.Autosys Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated on February 17th, 2016. A company with expertise on industrial automation and industrial data management. Our solution improves the efficiency, productivity and overall equipment effecitveness while minimizing the cost and environmental impact. Our technologies are used by clients in plants and facilities around the world, giving them a competitive edge by accelerating their processes, improving accuracy, saving time, cutting waste and boosting their safety and sustainability performanceDiscovering an industrial revolution with endless possibilities.

Bosch.IO (Bosch)
Bosch.IO has more than 900 experts across the globe working in digitalization and the IoT, and collaborates with 30,000 developers and AI experts from all over Bosch. Bosch builds and ships more than one billion devices (“things”) every year across all industries.We have a team of consultants, cloud software developers, solution architects, project managers, UX designers, business model innovators, digital marketing and sales experts, and trainers, who work with our customers to create strategic ideas and put them into practice.