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5 实例探究
American Systems' Cloud-Based Emergency Notification System: A Case Study - F5 Industrial IoT Case Study
American Systems 基于云的紧急通知系统:案例研究
政府服务承包商 American Systems 的任务是为美国空军 (USAF) 开发和部署基于云的紧急通知系统版本。传统的紧急群发通知系统 (EMNS) 可靠且安全,但需要在各个主要司令部和军事基地安装硬件,支持大约 700,000 个用户。美国空军意识到,将 EMNS 解决方案迁移到云端可以显着降低许可、硬件和维护成本,并使系统更易于扩展和管理。然而,新的基于云的解决方案必须满足国防信息系统局安全云计算架构(SCCA)的严格要求。 American Systems 缺乏满足这些要求的内部专业知识,需要合作伙伴来帮助他们满足 SCCA 要求。
Auckland Transport Enhances Public Transportation Experience with F5 Solutions - F5 Industrial IoT Case Study
奥克兰交通局利用 F5 解决方案增强公共交通体验
奥克兰交通局(AT)负责该地区的交通服务,包括公共汽车、火车、渡轮、道路和相关设施。预计公共交通出行量将从 2012 年的每年 7000 万人次翻一番,到 2022 年达到 1.4 亿人次,AT 需要一个现代化的交通系统,能够无缝连接人员、设备和系统,提供更高的安全性,改善通勤者的出行体验,并减少运营成本。 AT 还希望应对快速变化的消费者环境,即通勤者和公民期望大幅提高服务水平、面向客户的平台的可用性、组织的加速响应以及与交通和运输时刻表相关的信息的高可用性。为了实现这一目标,AT 必须使用集成的单系统方法来改进其交通网络的集成,同时从其传统信息技术系统转向基于云的环境。不断发展的技术也改变了运输业务的性质,AT 积累了大量客户数据,特别是通过其移动应用程序:AT Mobile 和 AT Park。这意味着 AT 必须遵守监管框架,特别是《通用数据保护条例》(GDPR)。最后,AT 还认识到需要保护其系统免受日益复杂和危险的网络攻击,这些攻击有可能破坏其交通网络。
Bangladesh Post Office's Digital Transformation with F5 for Secure Mobile E-Wallet App - F5 Industrial IoT Case Study
孟加拉国邮局利用 F5 实现安全移动电子钱包应用程序的数字化转型
孟加拉国邮政局是一家公共部门企业,决心通过推出用于即时汇款的数字钱包来支持“数字孟加拉国”计划。该钱包预计将迎合广泛的受众,包括没有银行账户的个人。我们面临的挑战是开发一个高度强大、功能丰富且易于使用的应用程序,以实现安全的汇款。该应用程序是该领域的较晚进入者,与孟加拉国现有的电子钱包应用程序竞争,这意味着它必须无缝设计和运行。该应用程序的要求包括 24/7 可用性和高级别的安全性。邮局需要一种工具,可以将电信运营商的传入请求重新路由到其应用程序服务器,从而改善应用程序的使用体验。鉴于该工具的金融应用,保护应用程序至关重要,需要防止应用程序层攻击、拒绝服务 (DoS) 攻击、机器人流量和窃取用户凭据的数据泄露。
PersonalizationMall.com Ensures Fast, Reliable Remote Access with BIG‑IP Edge Gateway - F5 Industrial IoT Case Study
PersonalizationMall.com Ensures Fast, Reliable Remote Access with BIG‑IP Edge Gateway
PersonalizationMall.com, an online retailer, was facing challenges with its existing VPN solution. As more employees required remote access, the Cisco technology they were using no longer delivered acceptable performance. This was especially evident after the company migrated to Windows 7. Mobile users needed the 64‑bit operating system but were unable to connect to the VPN. Another concern was the slow connection speed between office and home, which was limited by the older VPN technology. Users were also experiencing difficulties with dropped calls on VoIP, which was frustrating and negatively affected the business.
Education Solution Provider Helps Customers Do More with Less Using F5 Solutions - F5 Industrial IoT Case Study
Education Solution Provider Helps Customers Do More with Less Using F5 Solutions
Hobsons, an education solution provider, delivers a suite of education-oriented Software as a Service (SaaS)-based applications to colleges and universities. These include web-based course and career planning, recruiting, enrollment, and retention tools. The company's application delivery infrastructure is mission-critical, and it has to manage significant increases in web traffic that coincide with student application and enrollment deadlines. Hobsons also has to support a range of users, including prospective students completing online applications and administrators needing access to the same systems for recruitment efforts and application reviews. The company needed a solution that could easily direct different types of traffic to different pools of servers and manage users’ authorization and access to various applications, without requiring modifications or adjustments on the customer's end.


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