Libelium 设计和制造无线传感器网络设备,以便系统集成商、工程和咨询公司能够以最短的上市时间提供可靠的物联网(IoT)、M2M 和智能城市解决方案。
Waspmote — Libelium 的开放式无线传感器平台 — 是模块化的,易于部署,并且可以与 Microsoft、IBM、Indra、Esri、ThingWorx 或 MQTT 等第三方云系统集成。
从初创公司到大学再到大型国际公司,来自 115 个国家/地区的 2,000 多名开发人员在北美、澳大利亚、亚洲和欧洲的项目中采用了 Libelium 的硬件和软件技术。
基于 Waspmote 的商业部署包括各种应用,如停车、交通拥堵、环境监测和精准农业。
Libelium 成立于 2006 年,是一家私人控股公司,总部位于西班牙萨拉戈萨。
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Case Study
Predicting Eruptions in the Masaya Volcano with wireless Sensors
Volcanoes are one of the most unpredictable and impressive natural phenomenons. Worldwide researchers and scientists have always been trying to discover what happen inside volcanoes to predict future eruptions that will save lives. Their activity has provoked along years great disasters destroying entire settlements with lava flows and also endangering the environment or human health due to gas emanations or ash falls. Some vulcanologists are currently focused on working with the latest technology to monitor in real-time everything that happens inside and outside the crater to predict eruptions. Qwake, a global brand that merges ground-breaking scientific expeditions with cutting edge technology to drive positive change, has trusted in Libelium technology to develop a wireless sensor network in the Mouth of Hell, Masaya volcano in Nicaragua.

Case Study
Mobile monitoring system: Vehicles with sensors to control air quality in Glasgow
Countries throughout the world have a need, and in many cases a legal obligation, to ensure air quality is meeting specific standards. Policies aim to reduce exposure to air pollution, by reducing emissions and setting limits and targets for AQI. Public authorities in cities have deployed static stations to monitor air quality data for a set of pollutant with specific, and high cost, sensing technologies. These stations provide highly accurate data but their cost limits the quantity of deployments, leaving large gaps in coverage.

Case Study
Smart Agriculture Project Ensures Crops Health and Reduces Losses
Traditional agriculture companies have applied for ages the same tools and processes that have become antiquated these days. Most of the organizations that work on the farming sector have realized the great potential that cutting edge technologies have to ease their daily works, reduce losses or improve the yield quantity and also product quality. Wireless sensor networks have opened a wide range in terms of possibilities for farmers and agricultural management organizations. Getting real-time information from different water, soil or air parameters of any field allows taking smart and strategic decisions to save resources and optimize yields.

Case Study
Saving Water with Smart Management and Efficient Systems
Water and electrical supply are two of the main concerns for public authorities. The demand of these resources grow as fast as the population in urban areas so they would become scarcer with the pass of the years. A Technavio report states that the use of smart water management technologies such as Big Data, sensoring and monitoring in real-time can help save more than USD 12 billion revenues for utilities annually.

Case Study
Enhancing Environmental Control and Reducing Emissions in Nordic Smart Cities
Municipalities and public institutions are concerned about air, water, noise or lighting pollution in cities. In the last years, it has become mandatory through several international regulations to reduce emissions that could impact in the environment and also inhabitants lives.Being a Smart City is more than just a trend, is a commitment with society and stakeholders.Carbon Track and Trace Project (CTT) aim is reducing CO2 emissions, combating climate change in cities and also developing a decision support system for cities greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions monitoring. It was funded by the Low Carbon City Lab flagship of the EU Climate KIC programme.

Case Study
Vehicles with Sensors to Control Air Quality in Glasgow
Countries throughout the world have a need, and in many cases a legal obligation, to ensure air quality is meeting specific standards. Policies aim to reduce exposure to air pollution, by reducing emissions and setting limits and targets for AQI. Public authorities in cities have deployed static stations to monitor air quality data for a set of pollutant with specific, and high cost, sensing technologies. These stations provide highly accurate data but their cost limits the quantity of deployments, leaving large gaps in coverage.

Case Study
Reducing logistics’ environmental impact by air quality monitoring
More than 84% of world trade is mobilized by maritime transport. The integration of land transport with ports has become essential and has had an impact in the complexity of logistics connections. The dynamic nature and importance of maritime transport have repercussions on the environment in the form of noise and air pollution or traffic congestion, among others. Despite the fact that CO2 emissions of container vessels are, comparatively, much lower than air freight emissions, a very large 18,000 TEU container vessel emits 3 grams of CO2 per tonne/kilometer. Recent studies also suggest that maritime transport contributes to 3.5 – 4% of the pollution with sulfur, a highly carcinogenic agent.

Lantronix, Inc. is a global leader of secure communication technologies that simplify remote access, management and control of any electronic device. Their solutions empower businesses to make better decisions based on real-time information, and gain a competitive advantage by generating new revenue streams, improving productivity and increasing efficiency and profitability.

Webdyn is the brand of Flexitron Group dedicated to design and manufacture industrial IoT solutions, routers, modems and gateways for wireless communication GSM (LTE / 4G / 3G / 2G), wired (RS232, RS485, Ethernet or CAN) and short-range wireless (Bluetooth) , Wi-Fi or LoRa).With more than 30 years of experience, Flexitron Group provides the best technological devices and services through its subsidiaries, developing connected solutions adapted to international markets and customers.We designed our product portfolio to help our partners access opportunities within the rapidly growing IoT and Industrial IoT environment. We propose IoT modems, gateways and routers for all your IoT applications. From automation, metering or photovoltaic, to public transport connectivity – hundreds of thousands of our networking devices are currently at the heart of our partners’ IoT solutions.

MSC Technologies
MSC Technologies GmbH is a leading Computer-On-Module (COM) supplier for OEM's and a pan-European distributor for active and passive components. With its extensive development and production facilities , MSC is well positioned to customize design based on embedded Intel hardware in form, fit and function according to customer demands. MSC is also distributor of Phoenix BIOS and source code licensee since 2002 to adopt end extend BIOS functions for embedded designs.

Shenzhen Coolmay Technology Co., Ltd, the developer and manufacturer of Coolmay brand serial products, including HMI, PLC and HMI/PLC ALL-IN-ONE and other industrial control products. Since its establishment in 2005,the company has been focusing in providing various products with high Quality and low price for industrial control.