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87 实例探究
Asset Management helps NASCAR Drive Down Costs - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
资产管理帮助 NASCAR 降低成本
Hendrick Motorsports 希望协调 6 个仓库的信息,跟踪每辆车上大约 150 个组件的使用情况,并在四个月内启动并运行系统。
Maintenance Management pays off for Fertilizer Plant - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
定位软件以提供持续的维护计划功能,同时提供增长和成本节约的灵活性。为使本土应用程序与不断增长的业务保持同步而进行的投资超过 100 万美元。
Energy accountability brings LEED Platinum certification - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
能源问责制带来 LEED 白金认证
Earth Rangers 正在寻找可以捐赠设备和专业知识的合作伙伴。在获得 LEED(能源与环境设计领导力)金牌新建筑认证后,Earth Rangers 决定通过追求 LEED 现有建筑白金认证——LEED 提供的最高级别认证,进一步证明他们对减少能源使用和二氧化碳排放的承诺.
Data meets nature: One of the greenest data centers - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
绿山正在以前所未有的速度消耗数据:每天观看 30 亿个 Facebook 视频;每小时有 300 小时的视频上传到 YouTube。在当今数据驱动的世界中,托管数据中心(处理从在线视频到金融资产的所有内容的大量服务器)的正常运行时间至关重要。但是,提供安全可靠的数据中心服务可能会带来环境成本:当今数据中心的能源使用占全球二氧化碳排放量的 2%。他们想要一个托管设施,建在深埋在山中的前北约掩体中,扭转局面并利用大自然的力量成为世界上最可靠和可持续的数据中心之一。
Citywide Smart Grid Solutions in Lyon - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
标准化和展示全面运行的智能电网,以广泛部署经过验证的创新解决方案,并为以下方面提供基础: • 面向产消者的新商业模式• 法国电力系统采用最新技术创新的投资策略• 促进当前网络向智能电网系统演进的过渡方案• 实施关于最佳技术和经济选择的多学科研究结果
Innovative IoT Solution for Aquaculture Waste Management by Blue Ocean Technology - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Blue Ocean Technology:客户案例关键数据
Blue Ocean Technology 正在为他们的系统寻找一种创新的解决方案,以提取鱼泥并将其转化为丰富的肥料。他们想要一个解决方案,使他们能够:建立一个紧凑的系统最大限度地减少环境足迹最小化功耗远程监控管理泵的驱动器和电机确保网络安全工厂
Somic Group: Doubling Output and Reducing Space with IoT - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
SOMIC 使用 EcoStruxure 机器将其机器的输出翻倍
在竞争激烈的包装市场中,SOMIC 力求降低成本和时间来响应客户要求,并改善其服务业务。他们希望通过构建最紧凑和高性能的解决方案来满足市场对创新、智能和更智能机器的需求,几乎无需机柜,将预防性维护与增强现实界面相结合。因为他们的客户正在寻求机器的可靠性、生产安全性和高可用性,这些也是 SOMIC 的优先事项,同时提供紧凑的技术。
Digitization of Pharmaceutical Packaging Machines: A Case Study of CVC Technologies - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
CVC Technologies 寻求端到端的物联网解决方案,以将其药液灌装和封盖机完全数字化,用于:更安全的设备数字化维护能力随时随地查看机器状态
Tata Power's Digital Self-Healing Grid Revolution with EcoStruxure™ Grid - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Tata Power 借助 EcoStruxure™ Grid 实现数字化自我修复电网革命
印度领先的公用事业提供商塔塔电力 (Tata Power) 面临着在几秒钟内恢复 35 万户家庭供电的挑战。该公司发现了提供可靠电力方面的两大挑战:未知的盗窃区域(商业损失)和由于缺乏实时数据而在发生时的量化不当,以及僵化且不断发展的电网的运营灵活性,该电网被过度利用并日益增加。电力需求规划不佳。目标是开发一个强大的供应网络,以支持客户群的增长、最大限度地减少收入损失并大幅缩短恢复时间。
IoT Integration in Traditional Taverns: A Case Study of Arroka Bar - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
传统酒馆中的物联网集成:Arroka 酒吧案例研究
Arroka Bar 是一家位于西班牙圣塞巴斯蒂安的传统巴斯克小酒馆,是一家家族经营企业,每周营业六天,供应早餐、午餐和晚餐。该酒吧的老板曼努埃尔·埃雷罗 (Manuel Herrero) 担心设备停机的可能性以及随后导致的业务连续性丧失。意外断电可能会对企业产生严重的财务影响。 Herrero 需要确保所有冰箱正常运行以保持食材新鲜,咖啡机在第一位顾客走进前 30 分钟加热,酒吧的空调和照明正常工作以确保顾客的舒适度。他还需要保持警惕并准备好解决意外问题。 Herrero 正在寻找一种解决方案,能够远程控制各个电气设备、洞察电网状况并在出现问题时发出通知。
Livetech's Efficient Robotic Packaging Systems: An IoT Case Study - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Livetech 的高效机器人包装系统:物联网案例研究
Livetech 是一家为食品行业设计和制造机器人包装系统的公司,面临着多项挑战。该公司需要减少机器的转换时间,以加快其机电一体化模块机器的上市时间。此外,Livetech 正在寻找优化其机器能源消耗的方法,以使其更加可持续和高效。该公司还希望在不影响其性能的情况下减少机器的物理占地面积。这些挑战需要高性能数字解决方案来提高 Livetech 机器人包装系统的效率和可持续性。
ACMA's Journey to Higher Productivity with IoT - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
ACMA 通过物联网提高生产力的旅程
ACMA 是 Coesia 旗下公司,是消费品自动包装机设计和制造领域的领先公司。尽管取得了成功,但他们在为其包装机开发新型灵活、智能、高速自动送料系统时面临着重大挑战。该公司需要确保更快的上市时间、更小的占地面积和更高的生产率。我们面临的挑战是找到一种既能满足这些要求,同时又具有可持续性和灵活性的解决方案。该公司与一家未公开的公司合作已有二十多年,实施其运动控制和工业自动化解决方案。然而,显然需要更先进的解决方案来满足不断变化的市场需求并保持竞争优势。
Aquapolo: Enhancing Water Security and Efficiency with IoT - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
巴西最大的废水处理厂 Aquapolo 面临着重大挑战。当地社区的饮用水严重短缺,工业用水的需求不断增加。 Aquapolo 的任务是管理 20 个与水质和水量相关的不同关键绩效指标 (KPI)。该工厂还需要降低生产成本并提高运营效率。面临的挑战不仅是满足社区和工业界的直接用水需求,而且还要确保未来可持续和高效的水资源管理。
Chais Monnet: Enhancing Comfort and Efficiency with IoT - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Chais Monnet:通过物联网提高舒适度和效率
Chais Monnet 是一家位于历史悠久的葡萄园中心的新酒店,在开发建筑管理系统 (BMS) 和能源消耗监控系统方面面临着多项挑战。该酒店拥有 92 间客房、14 间公寓、一间餐厅、一间会议室、一个水疗中心和一个游泳池,需要一个不仅直观、用户友好,而且能够与包括国内热点在内的所有技术批次进行通信的系统。水、电、暖气、照明和空气处理装置。由于需要确保设备的质量美观以及布线和恒温器的精加工,以符合保护历史建筑的要求,这一挑战变得更加复杂。此外,酒店希望为其国际客户提供控制客房舒适度参数的能力。
DataXion: Enhancing Efficiency and Reducing Energy Consumption with EcoStruxure - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
DataXion:利用 EcoStruxure 提高效率并减少能源消耗
DataXion 是北非最大的数据中心,面临着确保能源优化和最大化能源消耗,同时实现 1.6 的电力使用效率 (PUE) 的挑战。鉴于气候,能源消耗是该数据中心面临的主要挑战。任务不仅是管理能源消耗,还要提供最佳的设备选择和实施解决方案。我们面临的挑战是找到一种解决方案,能够提供安全、稳定的电力供应,最大限度地提高系统效率,提高数据中心内的能源效率,并为 IT 设备的正常运行提供精确的空气处理。
Lippulaiva: A Case Study on Intelligent Energy Management - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
该案例研究围绕着利普莱瓦大型地产高效管理能源资源的挑战展开。该地产由北欧顶级城市中心所有者 Citycon 所有,拥有一座大型地热发电厂,用于供暖和制冷。然而,我们面临的挑战是减少二氧化碳排放,并使市中心成为欧洲最环保、最环保的市中心。需要控制和优化能量流,将建筑技术和业务信息结合起来,并持续监控所有建筑技术系统。
Padania Acque: A Case Study on Smart Water Management - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Padania Acque:智能水管理案例研究
Padania Acque 是一家为意大利克雷莫纳省 113 个城市提供供水服务的公司,在管理供水系统方面面临着挑战。该公司正面临高水损失的困境,水损失远高于全国平均水平。这不仅导致宝贵资源的浪费,而且影响了公司的财务业绩。事实证明,传统的控制和管理方法效率低下,导致运营效率低下。该公司迫切需要一种解决方案来帮助其监控和优化整个供水系统,并使其能够采取预测行动,以确保客户可靠且可持续的运营。
Improving Sustainability and Efficiency in Cement Production: A Case Study of CNBM - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Henkel's Journey to Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Process Optimization - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Sophim: Enhancing Production Agility and Efficiency with Universal Automation - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Sophim 是一家化妆品行业天然成分制造商,面临着自动化系统现代化的挑战。该公司寻求以托管、低风险和敏捷的方式将其传统自动化系统升级为工业 4.0 解决方案。新的解决方案需要提供 IT 技术的干净集成,特别关注预测性维护。此外,Sophim 希望利用外部工程专业知识,而不引入项目或解决方案的复杂性。实施该解决方案的任务交给了联盟系统集成商合作伙伴 Master Systèmes。
Implementing a green clean-in-place process - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Implementing a green clean-in-place process
Nestlé Waters, the world leader in bottled water, operates a factory in Vergèze, France, where it manufactures its iconic Perrier brand. The factory has 13 production lines and an installation comprising several hundred meters of pipes. To ensure the high quality of Perrier water, Nestlé Waters needed a clean-in-place (CIP) process that meets best-in-class standards. Traditional cleaning performed during a period of machine shutdown represented 20% of the working time of the facility and impacted operational efficiency. Nestlé Waters was looking for a solution that would help them win back some time for production while maintaining product quality and compliance with food safety regulations.
The sweet taste of digitization - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
The sweet taste of digitization
Yunzhibao Foodstuff Co., Ltd., a candy producer in China, was facing challenges due to the manual nature of its production and management processes. The company's operations lacked transparency, and data credibility was compromised due to the handover process between shifts. The company also heavily relied on individual workers, and the inability to capture and accumulate their knowledge and experience was a vulnerable point in Yunzhibao’s operations. The company needed to automate these processes, improve their standardization, and ensure product quality. They also needed to eliminate the 'black box' state of their operations and production, and make all product-related process knowledge transferable.
Playing it cool - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Playing it cool
Oxford Energy Solutions Inc., a Canadian company, has been designing and building refrigeration equipment for various sectors since 2006. The refrigeration sector is relatively conservative, with many facilities still running systems that were installed 50 years ago. Maintenance is usually done reactively by replacing broken parts like valves and compressors without addressing bigger issues. Oxford Energy wanted to change the way refrigeration systems are built and maintained in line with its ethos of energy conservation and sustainability. The company was looking for a flexible, holistic platform that would enable it to bring its vision of control and integration to the market.
Green MV switchgear advances Renault Group’s goal of a more sustainable future - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Green MV switchgear advances Renault Group’s goal of a more sustainable future
Renault Group, a multinational automobile manufacturer, is transforming its Flins, France factory into the first European circular economy plant dedicated to mobility. The goal is to achieve a negative CO2 balance at the plant by 2030. However, the company faces challenges such as power reliability and cybersecurity. Any power supply failure can cause a major critical event that can have serious consequences for the site’s activity. An outage can cause safety risks, halt the manufacturing process, which can lead to vehicle damage, cause financial losses due to the vehicle damage, and result in late deliveries to customers. In addition, Renault Group must focus on improving cybersecurity because a cyber breach could be devastating to the Flins factory’s operations.
Edge computing helps jewelry retail chain set “gold standard” in customer service - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Edge computing helps jewelry retail chain set “gold standard” in customer service
Tanishq, a leading Indian jewelry retail chain, was looking to modernize its store infrastructure to better accommodate a growing surge in high-end customer traffic. They needed a new edge computing solution that could be managed remotely without disturbing staff workflow or the customer shopping experience. The store’s supporting IT infrastructure had to be reliable and running at all times, providing staff members with the product information they need at their fingertips, and without delay when a customer is ready to purchase. The company also wanted to incorporate more efficient IT and physical infrastructure equipment across their hundreds of retail stores. Their digital transformation and renovation efforts focused on improving the in-store customer experience while increasing operational savings.
Bridging the digital divide - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Bridging the digital divide
Leading Edge Data Centres wanted to bring stable, reliable, cost-effective connectivity to regional Australia. The company needed a technology partner that could design and build a reliable prefabricated and certified edge data centre, which could be replicated quickly in multiple regional sites around Australia. The team was also looking for a company that could provide a network of engineers to support these sites into the future. A huge challenge for Leading Edge Data Centres is that the distance between its sites makes cost-effective, in-person monitoring almost impossible. Furthermore, most of its sites are greenfield locations, and as a result, power infrastructure is limited. For these reasons, it needed a reliable solution, backup redundancies, and remote access. Leading Edge Data Centres also required an energy monitoring system to accurately track and report in real time the usage of hundreds of customers.
Tradition and innovation in perfect harmony - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Tradition and innovation in perfect harmony
Mulino Marino, a family-run mill in northern Italy, recognized the need to increase its production to keep up with growing demand. The changes in consumer tastes and purchasing behavior in recent decades presented new challenges: How to be more attentive to market demands for more sustainability, traceability, and organics, as well as to increased requests for alternative multigrain and multi-seed flours, which required the development of new recipes, processes, and products. These challenges, coupled with a dearth of experience and expertise amongst the younger generation of workers, highlighted the need to incorporate new technologies. The company’s strong sustainability ethos and its concern for a depleted earth also drove it to invest in energy management solutions such as solar panels, with the rest of its energy requirements coming from other renewable sources.
Safety and Consistency : CVC Teams up with Schneider Electric for Digital Transformation - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Safety and Consistency : CVC Teams up with Schneider Electric for Digital Transformation
CVC Technologies, a leading pharmaceutical packaging machine company, was looking to introduce digitization into their production processes to provide the best manufacturing equipment for customers. They aimed to increase their solutions to customers, reduce downtime, increase efficiency, and minimize human errors. The company was focused on introducing new packaging equipment to meet the changing needs of their customers. Their customers needed a fast and reliable way to contact CVC or the plant technicians if there were any issues with machinery or general problems.
Quenching a growing thirst - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
Quenching a growing thirst
Kunming CGE Water Supply (KMCGE) services a population of nearly four million residents with its 10 treatment plants, with a total water supply capacity of 1.58 million cubic meters per day, and a water distribution network that stretches over more than 4,000 kilometers. As the city grows, KMCGE must also continue to expand the scale of its water supply. Delivering a safe and stable water supply while optimizing production and operational efficiencies are the challenges faced by most water utilities. To make sure it could support the rapid urban development of Kunming, KMCGE recognized that it needed to leverage the power of digitization to effectively manage its water supply. It sought to tap into the rich cache of available data to coordinate network pipe pressure, the rational distribution of water resources, and better energy management.
A clear view of power management - Schneider Electric Industrial IoT Case Study
A clear view of power management
Guardian Glass, a leading glass manufacturer, was facing a challenge with its power reliability and efficiency. The company's 750,000-square-foot plant in Dewitt, Iowa operates a furnace at 2,800 ºF to pull approximately 700 tons of glass per day, every day, around the clock. The furnace is critical to the plant’s operation and any shutdown is unacceptable. However, the plant suffered a capacitor bank failure that caused the plant’s power factor to drop below the threshold where the company could claim valuable credits on its monthly energy bills. The loss of savings from the credits persisted for more than two years. Guardian Glass needed to improve its power factor over 95% to receive a monthly credit on utility bills.


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