201 - 1,000
我们是一家软件公司,是一个充满激情、目标明确的个人社区。我们以颠覆性思维提供技术来解决客户面临的最严峻挑战,同时寻求彻底改变 IT 行业并创造积极的社会变革。我们的使命是通过软件改善人类,并帮助推动创造一个社会和经济公正的世界。我们汇集了最有能力、最有动力和最热情的人——我们称他们为“思想工作者”——来:经营可持续发展的企业,支持卓越的软件并彻底改变 IT 行业,并热情地倡导社会和经济正义。这是我们的三大支柱业务模式。支柱是我们所做的一切的基础,它们为我们做出的每一个决定提供信息。我们的员工和文化:无论我们在世界的哪个地方,ThoughtWorkers 都拥有相同的文化特征和要求。我们作为自己来工作。我们享受彼此的陪伴。我们重视诚实和透明。外表和背景对我们来说并不重要;想法和做正确的事是。我们憎恶和拒绝歧视和不平等,并促进各种形式的多样性。我们自豪、热情和积极地努力使 ThoughtWorks 和我们的行业对我们所服务的社会更具反思性和包容性。 Roy Singham 20 多年前在芝加哥创立了 ThoughtWorks,旨在吸引和雇用世界上最优秀的知识工作者——建立一个基于态度、才能和正直的社区。 ThoughtWorks 已经从芝加哥的那个小团体发展成为一家拥有 4000 多名热情员工的公司,分布在 14 个国家的 40 个办事处:澳大利亚、巴西、智利、中国、厄瓜多尔、德国、印度、意大利、新加坡、南非、西班牙、土耳其、英国和美国。
始终创新,始终交付 无论您是在推动市场向前发展,还是担心被赶超,我们相信您不必在创新和可靠交付之间做出选择。我们总是带来两者的衡量标准。我们将一起创造一个新的未来,并在正确的时间以正确的方式交付它。 ThoughtWorks 将战略、投资组合管理和产品设计与卓越的数字工程相结合。我们帮助我们的客户成为以数据为主导的企业。我们创造客户喜爱的产品。几周,而不是几年。在这里发明我们为企业带来尖端技术和技术。有时我们发明了这些东西,有时我们是发展中的生态系统的一部分。在过去的几年里,我们一直是将 Java、.NET、RoR、TDD 引入早期采用企业的先驱。最近,我们带来了——并写了本书——基础设施即代码、微服务、精益企业、敏捷 IT 组织设计。在这里交付 我们帮助世界各地的客户构建出色的软件,并超越甚至重定向他们的市场。我们帮助 为世界上最大的在线新闻网站之一搭建了平台。我们与澳大利亚最大的金融服务品牌之一合作推出了几款屡获殊荣的移动产品并更换了他们的整个核心银行系统,同时改变了他们在澳大利亚、印度和中国的工作方式。我们与 Xenex 的合作推动了用于保持医院清洁的细菌清除机器人的软件进步。我们与 Domino's 一起建立了一个屡获殊荣的社交平台 Pizza Mogul,让他们的客户分享利润——创造终极忠诚度。
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Opentrends provides the most advanced custom software solutions to place companies in the Digital Transformation path, allowing them to achieve innovation advantage and contribute to their growth acceleration.More than 18 years delivering innovative projects of high technological complexity in a wide range of industries, while guaranteeing quality and alignment with our client’s objectives. In fact, over a hundred global companies across various industries have full Trust in our unique ability to design, build, implement, and integrate complex software innovations into their organizations.Let’s excel your digital future today.
TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH
TÜV Informationstechnik (TÜViT) is 100 percent about IT security. It is part of our DNA, and has been since 1995. At TÜViT, IT security is not a trend and it is not hype: it is embedded in virtually everything we do and all of our 120 employees have signed up for. Our experience and skills are totally dedicated to security in information technology. Over 50 per cent of the DAX 30 and many international companies already benefit from TÜViT-tested security.Independence... is our credo. The TÜViT experts are not subject to any conflicting goals, as they have no obligations towards product suppliers, system integrators, shareholders, interest groups or government agencies.In addition, numerous accreditations as well as certificates of national and international organisations prove our independenceTÜViT continues to develop the best available technology in numerous research projects and (standardization) committees.What applies to cars, machines, plants or buildings is also offered by TÜViT as part of the TÜV NORD GROUP for your IT: for hardware, application systems, infrastructure, products, processes or software. The TÜV seal and the certificates indicate to your clients that they can rely on the products and services. And if you have to comply with certain standards and procedures for evaluation authorities, TÜViT shows you how you can best achieve this. TÜViT identifies risks well before they cause any harm, and joins you in guiding your business to success – you can rely on it.At the same time, we protect your most valuable asset, which is becoming more important all the time in the course of digitization: your data. New digital business ideas are based on data: With TÜViT, you have a reliable and experienced partner, which supports you not only with all your data, information and IT security issues, but also with Data Privacy.
Arrow Electronics distributes a range of electronic components and enterprise computing products, services, and solutions to industrial and commercial users worldwide. The company operates in two segments, Global Components and Global Enterprise Computing Solutions. In addition, the company provides materials planning, design services, programming and assembly services, inventory management, and a suite of online supply chain tools. Its customers include the manufacturers of consumer and industrial equipment, telecommunication products, automotive and transportation, aerospace and defense, scientific and medical devices, and computer and office products. Arrow Electronics serves as a supply channel partner for approximately 900 suppliers and 125,000 original equipment manufacturers, contract manufacturers, and commercial customers.
Scale Focus
ScaleFocus is a global IT solutions delivery center focused on driving customer success through software innovation. It crafts technology excellence in the domains of Cloud Operations, Data Management, Smart Automation, and Digital Transformation. ScaleFocus was founded in 2012 with the vision to become the most innovative software solution company from Eastern Europe.Scale Focus has made successful delivery of projects in partnership with Fortune 500 companies such as Amazon, Google, Microsoft, SAP, IBM, Alibaba Cloud, and more.