Vizitech Solutions
< $10m
11 - 50
Vizitech USA 是一家专门从事 3D 技术、增强现实(AR) 和虚拟现实(VR) 学习计划的教育和培训公司。我们采用复杂的概念和过程,例如课堂上的青蛙解剖或工作场所的安全培训,并以虚拟方式重新创建它们,以获得交互式、安全的学习体验。
Vizitech 总裁 Stewart Rodeheaver 是一名退休的美国陆军准将,他在意识到军队需要更好的方式来训练年轻新兵后创办了这家公司。在写信给参谋长联席会议后,Rodeheaver 研究了 AR、VR 和 3D 技术,并发现这些交互式学习方法改善了培训成果。
经过几年的军事项目工作,公司扩展到包括教育和平民培训,Vizitech 诞生了。今天,我们的客户包括东南部的学区、商业客户和政府客户。
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Case Study
ViziTech’s Training Solution for the GDOT HERO Unit
Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) needed a consistent and thorough approach for training inspectors to assess road defaults such as holes, cracks, and more. The level of wear and tear on the roadways determines the amount of money that districts in Georgia receive for repairs, so it was important that all assessments were judged by the same standards.
Inglobe Technologies is a leading company specializing in the development of Augmented Reality solutions and Perceptual Computing systems.Established in 2008 with the aim of creating a platform that enables the deployment of different solutions to different industries, Inglobe is now one of the most trusted and innovative Augmented Reality providers worldwide.Inglobe develops Perceptual Computing Systems, Augmented Reality solutions and software, Wireless Sensor Network applications and new generation intelligent systems. The company provides developer tools, end-user products and customized solutions that scale up to the enterprise level.
Holo-Light was founded in 2015 and has offices in Munich (DE) and Innsbruck (AT). They develop industrial AR solutions for enterprises in order to optimize and simplify their processes and generate the best competitive advantages in the age of Digital Transformation.With clients including BMW, BASF, T?V, Festo and Magna as well as a partner network incl. Deutsche Telekom, PTC and Microsoft they positioned themselves as a leading player for industrial Augmented Reality solutions.In addition to more than 40 implemented Industry 4.0 projects, the company has received numerous awards both in Europe and in Silicon Valley for its success in optimizing AR & MR through other cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence or Edge Computing.
GLASS (Google)
Glass is a small, lightweight wearable computer with a transparent display for hands-free work. Glass intuitively fits into your workflow and helps you remain engaged and focused on high value work by removing distractions. Using voice commands, you can activate the right application for you at any time.
Gleechi have developed the first commercial software solution to create hand motion that can interact in real-time. The software enables free and natural hand interaction games and Virtual Reality and makes real-time interaction for robot hands possible. The core competences and technologies are centered around advanced computer vision and Machine Learning algorithms. Gleechi AB has been awarded Super Startup of year by Veckans Affärer and ALMI Invest, won the european competition EIT Digital Idea Challenge, and been awarded the startup of the year by STING (Stockholm Innovation & Growth).