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Terms > Glossary Z > Z-Wave


Z-Wave is a wireless communication technology used in security systems and also business and home automation. Z-Wave technology minimizes power consumption, so it is suitable for battery-operated devices.
Z-Wave technology minimizes power consumption, so it is suitable for battery-operated devices. Z-Wave is designed to provide reliable, low-latency transmission of small data packets at data rates up to 100kbit/s, unlike Wi-Fi and other IEEE 802.11-based wireless LAN systems that are designed primarily for high data rates. Z-Wave operates in the sub-gigahertz frequency range, around 900 MHz. This band competes with some cordless telephones and other consumer electronics devices, but avoids interference with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other systems that operate on the crowded 2.4 GHz band. Z-Wave is designed to be easily embedded in consumer electronics products, including battery operated devices such as remote controls, smoke alarms and security sensors. Z-Wave was developed by a Danish startup called Zen-Sys that was acquired by Sigma Designs in 2008.


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