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Glossary Items


  1. The principle that a security architecture should be designed so that each entity is granted the minimum system resources and authorizations that the entity needs to perform its function.
    In information security, computer science, and other fields, the principle of least privilege (also known as the principle of minimal privilege or the principle of least authority) requires that in a particular abstraction layer of a computing environment, every module (such as a process, a user, or a program, depending on the subject) must be able to access only the information and resources that are necessary for its legitimate purpose. The principle means giving a user account only those privileges which are essential to that user's work. For example, a backup user does not need to install software: hence, the backup user has rights only to run backup and backup-related applications. Any other privileges, such as installing new software, are blocked. The principle applies also to a personal computer user who usually does work in a normal user account, and opens a privileged, password protected account (that is, a superuser) only when the situation absolutely demands it. In practice, there exist multiple competing definitions of true least privilege. As program complexity increases at an exponential rate, so do the number of potential issues, rendering a predictive approach impractical. Examples include the values of variables it may process, addresses it will need, or the precise time such things will be required. Object capability systems allow, for instance, deferring granting a single-use privilege until the time when it will be used. Currently, the closest practical approach is to eliminate privileges that can be manually evaluated as unnecessary. The resulting set of privileges typically exceeds the true minimum required privileges for the process. Another limitation is the granularity of control that the operating environment has over privileges for an individual process. In practice, it is rarely possible to control a process's access to memory, processing time, I/O device addresses or modes with the precision needed to facilitate only the precise set of privileges a process will require.
  2. The "no-automation" baseline of the 5-level NHTSA vehicle classification system. The driver is under the complete and sole control of the primary vehicle controls - brake, steering, throttle, and motive power - at all times.
    The driver is in complete and sole control of the primary vehicle controls - brake, steering, throttle, and motive power - at all times.
  3. Function-specific Automation is the second level of the 5-level NHTSA vehicle classification system. Automation at this level involves one or more specific control functions.
    Automation at this level involves one or more specific control functions. Examples include electronic stability control or pre-charged brakes, where the vehicle automatically assists with braking to enable the driver to regain control of the vehicle or stop faster than possible by acting alone.
  4. Combined Function Automation is the third level of the 5-level NHTSA vehicle classification system. This level involves automation of at least two primary control functions designed to work in unison to relieve the driver of control of those functions.
    This level involves automation of at least two primary control functions designed to work in unison to relieve the driver of control of those functions. An example of combined functions enabling a Level 2 system is adaptive cruise control in combination with lane centering.
  5. Limited Self-Driving Automation is the fourth level of the 5-level NHTSA vehicle classification system. Vehicles at this level of automation enable the driver to cede full control of all safety-critical functions under certain traffic or environmental conditions.
    Vehicles at this level of automation enable the driver to cede full control of all safety-critical functions under certain traffic or environmental conditions and in those conditions to rely heavily on the vehicle to monitor for changes in those conditions requiring transition back to driver control. The driver is expected to be available for occasional control, but with sufficiently comfortable transition time. The Google car is an example of limited self-driving automation.
  6. Full Self-Driving Automation is the fifth and highest level of the 5-level NHTSA vehicle classification system. The vehicle is designed to perform all safety-critical driving functions and monitor roadway conditions for an entire trip.
    The vehicle is designed to perform all safety-critical driving functions and monitor roadway conditions for an entire trip. Such a design anticipates that the driver will provide destination or navigation input, but is not expected to be available for control at any time during the trip. This includes both occupied and unoccupied vehicles.
  7. Light Field refers to an optical technology employed by companies to enable objects to be displayed at varying focal planes, allowing for the illusion of depth in an augmented reality experience.
    The multiple focal planes that is possible due to the light field displays, give virtual objects a realistic appearance at various distances. For instance, an object placed in a users immediate vicinity would be displayed in sharper focus than objects meant to be situated in the background. As a result, users can interact with objects and interfaces with more precision and observe the content with greater comfort to the eye.
  8. Lightweight M2M (LWM2M) enabler defines the application layer communication protocol between an LWM2M Server and an LWM2M Client, which is located in an LWM2M Device. The OMA Lightweight M2M enabler includes device management and service enablement for LWM2M Devices.
    Lightweight M2M enabler defines the application layer communication protocol between a LWM2M Server and a LWM2M Client, which is located in a LWM2M Device. The OMA Lightweight M2M enabler includes device management and service enablement for LWM2M Devices.
  9. A public key infrastructure (PKI) supports the distribution and identification of public encryption keys, enabling users and computers to both securely exchange data over networks such as the Internet and verify the identity of the other party.
    Without PKI, sensitive information can still be encrypted (ensuring confidentiality) and exchanged, but there would be no assurance of the identity (authentication) of the other party. Any form of sensitive data exchanged over the Internet is reliant on PKI for security. PKI provides a chain of trust, so that identities on a network can be verified. However, like any chain, a PKI is only as strong as its weakest link.
  10. Location based services (LBS) are services offered through a mobile phone and take into account the device’s geographical location. LBS typically provide information or entertainment.
    Location based services (LBS) are services offered through a mobile phone and take into account the device’s geographical location. LBS typically provide information or entertainment. Because LBS are largely dependent on the mobile user’s location, the primary objective of the service provider’s system is to determine where the user is. There are many techniques to achieve this. An LBS, for example, can point a user to the nearest restaurant. In another example, an LBS can send an SMS message advertising a sale at a nearby shopping mall.
  11. A technique used in location-based services or information systems to protect the location of the users by slightly altering or generalizing their location.
    A technique used in location-based services or information systems to protect the location of the users by slightly altering or generalizing their location.
  12. Long Term Evolution (LTE) is a standard for 4G wireless broadband technology that offers increased network capacity and speed to mobile device users.
    Portable devices can now access data at high-speed broadband speeds through LTE. Depending on where in the world you are, LTE may be implemented using different frequency bands.
  13. Standardized by the LoRa Alliance, the LoRaWAN specification allows low bit rate communication between connected objects in a wide area network (WAN).
    Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) is a low power wireless networking protocol designed for low-cost secure two-way communication in the IoT. LoRaWANs use of sub-GHz ISM bands also means the network can penetrate the core of large structures and subsurface deployments within a range of 2km. The technology utilized in a LoRaWAN network is designed to connect low-cost, battery-operated sensors over long distances in harsh environments that were previously too challenging or cost prohibitive to connect. With its unique penetration capability, a LoRa gateway deployed on a building or tower can connect to sensors more than 10 miles away or to water meters deployed underground or in basements.
  14. Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) are comprised of embedded devices with limited power, memory, and processing resources. LLNs are typically optimized for energy efficiency, may use IEEE 802.15.4.
    LLNs are typically optimized for energy efficiency, may use IEEE 802.15.4, and can be applied to industrial monitoring, building automation, connected homes, healthcare, environmental monitoring, urban sensor networks, asset tracking, and more.
  15. A group of spatially distributed, independent devices that collect data by measuring physical or environmental conditions with minimal power consumption.
    A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a group of spatially distributed, independent devices that collect data by measuring physical or environmental conditions. Some of the conditions being measured are: temperature, pressure, moisture, position, usage information, lighting, and sound. Traditionally, these WSNs tend to need a lot of power to function, but decreasing the power needs of the system increases the lifetime of the sensor devices, and creates space for battery-powered applications. Battery-powered devices allow for wide-ranging use cases and opens opportunities for lower-ROI applications. This is where low power wireless sensor networks come in. The key to achieving a longer lifetime for WSN is to design wireless sensor networks that minimize power consumption of wireless sensor devices, hence the name “low power.” To cut down on overall power consumption, low power wireless sensor networks control the active time or “awake time” of the devices (such as a radio or microcontroller) and limit the current draw when they are “sleeping.” These networks accomplish this by varying the power setting modes of the devices, such as “always on”, “standby”, or “hibernation” modes. For example, think about a basic remote temperature sensor that collects data over a long period of time. In “active” mode, the device uses power to take temperature readings and to manipulate data using a sophisticated noise-filtering algorithm, but the device does not have to do this constantly. When not in active mode, the microcontroller can return to sleep mode until more sample measurements are taken. Then, at regular intervals, the Real-Time Clock and Calendar (RTCC) will wake up from sleep mode to see if there is another task to perform. If not, it will go back to sleep, conserving power usage. When the amount of time the microcontroller spends running is smartly managed and controlled, the overall amount of power consumption is drastically reduced. One ideal use case for low power wireless sensor networks is in “smart city” applications. Low-power network technology is optimal for monitoring the condition of things such as parking, streetlights, traffic control, municipal transportation systems (buses), snow plowing, trash collection, and public safety. Data is collected from these devices, then interpreted into meaningful information in a format that allows city employees to make informed decisions about allocating resources and delivering services. In many cases, responses to changing conditions can be made ahead of time and automated, resulting in a “smart city.”
  16. Low-Power, Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) is built specifically for M2M communications and offers long-range, low-power consumption. They solve cost and battery-life issues that cellular technology cannot, and LPWA networks solve range issues that technologies like Bluetooth or BLE struggle with.
    These networks are built specifically for M2M communications and offer long-range, low-power consumption. They solve cost and battery-life issues that cellular technology cannot, and LPWA networks solve range issues that technologies like Bluetooth or BLE struggle with.
  17. LTE-Unlicensed (LTE-U) is a proposal, originally developed by Qualcomm, for the use of the 4G LTE radio communications technology in unlicensed spectrum. It would serve as an alternative to carrier-owned Wi-Fi hotspots.
  18. LTE-Vehicular (LTE-V) is the application of vehicular connectivity over the existing operator mobile network infrastructure. LTE-V can be rapidly and inexpensively deployed by reusing the existing cellular infrastructure and spectrum.
    LTE-V makes urban transport safer and more efficient by allowing vehicle-vehicle, people-vehicle, and vehicle-network communications over the operators; existing networks. With the feature of one chipset for all, LTE-V generates lower integration costs for car OEMs.According to Huaweis analysis, with the same user density, the reliability of data transmission by LTE-Vis much higher (70%) than DSRC. From an economic perspective, LTE-V is a better solution for V2X deployment, which complies with the development of sharing economy. The value of LTE-V has aroused the interest of some MNOs, car OEMS and other parties. For instance, MNO giants from European countries have started to work with several car companies on trials of LTE-V technology, although some car companies have spent a lot of money and more than 10 years on DSRC’s technology assessment and commercialization. Thus, there are some LTE-V supporters, who believe that with the late-mover advantage the new technology would supplement or even totally replace DSRC in the future.


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