
Case Study
DHL Supply Chain Growing Use of AR Glasses
A picker with an RF scanner is constantly looking at the gun to get pick commands, hitting the confirm button and doing things in sequential fashion which is time consuming. Warehouse operations costs add up to 20% of the total logistics costs for DHL.

Case Study
How Augment’s Integration With Salesforce Streamlines the Sales Process
Coca Cola Germany’s sales team used to face a number of challenges when selling its beverage coolers. Among the wide variety of designs and sizes available, it was difficult to find the ideal fit for each store and to show customers how Coca-Cola’s coolers would look in their space. There seemed to be no solution that enabled customers to quickly reach a full appreciation of the product and layout.

Case Study
AR for Workers with Intellectual Disabilities
» According to the International Labour Union, “One out of every six people in the world – or 1 billion people – has a disability. Between 785 and 975 million of them are estimated to be of working age, but most do not work.”1» Many countries do not have the necessary mechanisms in place to respond to the needs of people with disabilities.» The World Health Organization cites several studies reporting that people with mental health difficulties or intellectual impairments have the lowest employment rates, including one that found people with intellectual impairments were three to four times less likely to be employed than people without disabilities — and more likely to have more frequent and longer periods of unemployment.