
楼宇自动化和控制 (BAC) 系统涉及控制楼宇系统各个方面的硬件和软件的组合,可能包括电力、照明和照明、访问和安全、供暖、通风和空调系统 (HVAC)、环境传感器、电梯和自动扶梯和娱乐。楼宇自动化和控制系统的好处包括有效控制环境条件、单独房间控制、提高员工生产力、有效利用能源、提高设备可靠性和预防性维护。例如,系统可以提供有关建筑设备问题的信息,允许计算机化维护调度,而不是被动地识别和管理问题。建筑管理系统最常用于具有广泛的机械、暖通空调、电气和管道系统的大型项目中。楼宇管理系统 (BMS) 是 BAC 用例的核心。连接到 BMS 的系统通常占建筑物能源使用量的 40%;如果包括照明,这个数字平均接近 70%。因此,BMS 系统是管理能源需求的关键组件。不正确配置的 BMS 系统被认为会导致典型建筑能耗的 20% 或美国总能耗的 8% 左右的浪费。
- 能源
- 维护
- 产品开发
- 保持对建筑物环境的控制
- 根据占用率和能源需求运行系统
- 监控和纠正系统的性能
- 根据需要发出声音警报
BACS 可以控制哪些设施?
机械系统、管道、电气系统、供暖、通风和空调 (HVAC)、照明控制、安全和监视、警报和电梯。
BACS 的基本组成部分是什么?
通信协议:BACS 组件使用的“语言”。
仪表板:用于数据报告和与 BACS 系统交互的用户界面。

Case Study
BACnet enabled Wireless Temperature Monitoring System
Client offered a Temperature Monitoring System which consists of Wireless Transmitters and Application Software. Third party BACnet Application such as a Building Automation System needs access to vital parameter such as temperature, humidity, CO2, etc., measured by wireless sensor devices. Client needed a solution to allow data exchange from its Temperature Monitoring System with BMS.

Case Study
Star Refrigeration
Star Refrigeration’s TELSTAR control system uses the LonWorks® network. This fieldbus network has become the standard for the building management industry, which encompasses refrigeration and air conditioning. Star’s Electronic Systems Manager and Senior Development Engineers needed to source a SCADA HMI which would fulfil their data acquisition and monitoring requirements and match their networking needs. The ability to fit into LonWorks was a key requirement for the project. Adroit adopted a close, co-operative approach and adapted their SCADA HMI by writing a comprehensive interface to the LonWorks network. The Adroit SCADA HMI monitors data and performance of industrial refrigeration plants manufactured and installed by Star. In addition, the system provides an operator interface for altering plant control, with appropriate levels of security, using the TELSTAR system. The software is now the main data monitoring operator interface for TELSTAR, and is used in applications ranging from ice rinks and air conditioning to pharmaceuticals, distilling, fish processing and food storage. Star’s Development Engineers received training from Adroit, attending Adroit 2 + 1, a fast track course designed for system integrators and experienced end users, and the Adroit Advanced course. Star Refrigeration staff are now able to carry out their own in-house Adroit training for operators.

Case Study
Automated Headcounts Brings Security for Ferrero
Accounting for more than 1200 personnel, as well as visitors, at any given time is an arduous task, and even harder in the chaotic environment of an emergency. Every second counts when it comes to the safe evacuation of individuals in such events.Ferrero needed a way to confirm that all its employees could be safely accounted when an emergency evacuation was underway. The manual method had gotten out of date -- tracking each individual through manual counting was time-consuming and introduced potential for errors. Even if all personnel appeared at the dedicated mustering points, the employee roster for any given day could not be accurately obtained, especially when visitors were also in the building.Ferrero takes safety for these employees seriously and was recently seeing a solution that leveraged the latest that technology has to offer. The company’s internal audit system requires employee headcounts fast. After all, seconds can be critical when an emergency takes place and people need to be accounted for.