楼宇自动化和控制 (BAC) 系统涉及控制楼宇系统各个方面的硬件和软件的组合,可能包括电力、照明和照明、访问和安全、供暖、通风和空调系统 (HVAC)、环境传感器、电梯和自动扶梯和娱乐。楼宇自动化和控制系统的好处包括有效控制环境条件、单独房间控制、提高员工生产力、有效利用能源、提高设备可靠性和预防性维护。例如,系统可以提供有关建筑设备问题的信息,允许计算机化维护调度,而不是被动地识别和管理问题。建筑管理系统最常用于具有广泛的机械、暖通空调、电气和管道系统的大型项目中。楼宇管理系统 (BMS) 是 BAC 用例的核心。连接到 BMS 的系统通常占建筑物能源使用量的 40%;如果包括照明,这个数字平均接近 70%。因此,BMS 系统是管理能源需求的关键组件。不正确配置的 BMS 系统被认为会导致典型建筑能耗的 20% 或美国总能耗的 8% 左右的浪费。
- 能源
- 维护
- 产品开发
- 保持对建筑物环境的控制
- 根据占用率和能源需求运行系统
- 监控和纠正系统的性能
- 根据需要发出声音警报
BACS 可以控制哪些设施?
机械系统、管道、电气系统、供暖、通风和空调 (HVAC)、照明控制、安全和监视、警报和电梯。
BACS 的基本组成部分是什么?
通信协议:BACS 组件使用的“语言”。
仪表板:用于数据报告和与 BACS 系统交互的用户界面。
Case Study
Improving Building Comfort and Energy Savings
During the energy crisis of the 1970’s there was a sea-change in the building industry when it paid more attention to the idea of conserving energy and introduced the terms Building Management System (BMS) and Building Automation System (BAS). Continuing rising energy prices and carbonreduction issues have also further spurred the development and deployment of BMS in recent years. However, the early systems were bulky, not user friendly, unreliable, and very expensive. With the advent of computerization, BMS analog signals became digitized so as to be communicated over long distance as well as facilitating the building management process these issues became less.Due to the multiple many management functions and wide range of expertise, modern BMS is quite complex. Successful building management not only needs to link to a multitude of devices but also take account of the suitability of the software for the intended application. Equipped with a web browser-based software package for human-machine interfaces (HMI) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) which provides automated, centralized and unattended management with a high degree of electronic accuracy, the BMS can fully control the building’s mechanical and electrical equipments and thus effectively monitor energy consumption so that it provides a comfortable, safe and secure environment.Property management is facing various and complex challenges and reducing operating costs have become increasingly important for building owners. As a result, a growing number of new and refitted buildings are being designed to use less energy and focus on the building’s performance. A System Integrator was helping a builder implement advanced BMS for its newest construction project in a creative park in Asia. The construction, a 14-storey building with four underground floors, covers an area of nearly one hundred thousand square meters and contains three distinct sectors - shopping mall, hotel guest room floors and office floors. In order to provide optimal energy management, this BMS needed to be capable of monitoring and controlling a variety of facilities, including air conditioning, power system, plumbing system, fire system, ventilation, elevator, lighting, garden watering and so on. Meanwhile, using one system with an adequate number of nodes in a main control room to manage three different places was a key requirement but each place had to have their own dedicated system and can be controlled independently without mutual interference so as to saving the implementation costs. Due to the need to monitor many areas, there would be tens of thousands of detection points, and the new system also needed to offer remote control capabilities so that building managers or patrol staff can view the status of various facilities in real-time and deal with issues using handheld or mobile devices.
Case Study
Unleashing Your Data From the Digital Ceiling Ecosystem
In the Buildings space, connecting to the data in various systems has always been difficult and complicated; controlling those systems was even harder. The number of proprietary gateways, layers of complicated technology, and disparate programming languages has made it impossible to effectively collect and analyze data or control the various systems in the building without monstrous, bloated building automation applications.
Case Study
Leveraging Linux for Energy Smarts, Reducing Risk with IoT Standards
If the embedded developer is using an Intel Quark or the next generation smaller class product to power an IoT device, one of the biggest problems they face today is which IoT communication protocol to adopt. Dozens of new wired and wireless schema are competing to own the network, data and physical layers. Several consortia have emerged to describe new reference architectures for communicating between IoT devices and clouds. And there are many solid legacy protocols with strong track records. From the developer’s perspective, it may feel like the risk is so high of choosing the wrong protocol that it might as well be a no-fly zone.