
连续排放监测系统 (CEMS) 测量气流、灰尘、空气污染物(如 SO2、NOx、CO 等)的浓度以及与排放相关的其他参数。所需参数取决于固定源的类型和当地法规。标准 CEMS 由采样探头、过滤器、采样管(脐带)、气体调节系统、校准气体系统和一系列反映被监测参数的气体分析仪组成。通常监测的排放物包括:二氧化硫、氮氧化物、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、氯化氢、空气中的颗粒物、汞、挥发性有机化合物和氧气。 CEMS 还可以测量气流、烟气不透明度和水分。
- 能源
- 化学品
- 离散制造
连续排放监测 (CEM) 有哪些应用?
- 监测发电厂和废物燃烧设施的废气。
- 纸张、纸浆和其他工业设施的排放合规性。
- 水泥设施的排放合规性。
- 排放交易会计和文件。
- 废气排放报告系统 (AERS)。

Case Study
Remote Monitoring for Environmental Compliance
Emerson wanted to provide a connected environmental analyzer to their customers. They wanted to leverage IoT technologies to provide a software solution that was easy to use, real-time and centralized. Compliance with pollution control board guidelines and the ability to remotely calibrate and troubleshoot these devices was the primary objective. Requirements - Centralized Remote Monitoring. - IoT Based Smart Environmental Analyzers. - Remote Calibration and Troubleshooting. - User Friendly Application. - Reporting & Dashboards. - Compliance with pollution control board guidelines.

Case Study
Worldwide IT Leader Manages Enterprise Energy and Sustainability
To understand their complex global energy consumption and emissions footprint, Cisco needed a software solution to help them manage disparate energy- and emissions-related data inputs across their enterprise, integrate and analyze their sustainability and energy metrics, embark upon energy and emissions mitigation projects, and report results publicly. Cisco also needed to perform detailed interval analysis of their high energy-usage facilities.