
- 其他
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GPS 和 GIS 技术融入日常农场工作。但也包括作物传感器、航空和/或卫星图像。

Case Study
Enabling Internet of Things Innovation in Agriculture
DigiBale, wanted to apply technology know-how and IP from implementations successfully to more agriculture sectors including cotton, forestry, sugarcane and cattle. However, farmers and growers still have worries about the connected technology.

Case Study
Remote Monitoring and Controlling of Greenhouses
For people who live and work in big cities, growing their own fruits and vegetables is a dream which is often difficult to realize. But how about renting a greenhouse, and being able to remotely plant seeds, spray water and apply fertilizers through a webpage, and then watching how your crops are growing via streaming video from an IP camera while you occasionally pay a physical visit to your plants at the weekends or holidays to harvest and cook your vegetables at a feast? A group of young Taiwanese entrepreneurs are making their own, and other people’s dreams come true by establishing greenhouse plots for rent. Leveraging the latest Advantech technologies and features provided by the ADAM-6200 series Ethernet I/O series and WebAccess 8.0 HMI/SCADA software, they’ve created a greenhouse automation and remote monitoring solution from which their customers can control and monitor the environment via a virtual dashboard on a computer, smartphone or other web-based device in real time.

Case Study
Executing Precision Farming to Maximize Yields
Traditionally, farmers either apply a high dosage or a high number of repeat sprayings of chemicals as they do not want to risk any disease or damage to the crops on which their livelihoods depend. This is quite inefficient in terms of both time and money wasted. Dacom aimed to increase the effectiveness of these farmers by providing them with accurate, real-time, and streamlined information.