
过程控制和优化 (PCO) 是在不违反过程约束的情况下调整过程以维持或优化一组指定参数的学科。 PCO 市场受到对节能生产流程、安全和安保问题的需求不断增长以及能够可靠预测流程偏差的物联网系统开发的推动。从根本上说,可以调整三个参数以影响最佳性能。 - 设备优化:第一步是通过检查运行数据以识别设备瓶颈来验证现有设备是否被充分利用。 - 操作程序:操作程序可能因人而异或因班次而异。工厂的自动化可以提供很大帮助。但是,如果操作员控制并手动运行工厂,自动化将无济于事。 - 控制优化:在典型的加工厂,例如化工厂或炼油厂,有数百甚至数千个控制回路。每个控制回路负责控制过程的一部分,例如保持温度、液位或流量。如果控制回路没有正确设计和调整,则过程会低于其最佳值。该过程的操作成本将更高,并且设备会过早磨损。为了使每个控制回路以最佳方式运行,识别传感器、阀门和调整问题很重要。已充分证明超过 35% 的控制回路通常存在问题。持续监控和优化整个工厂的过程有时称为绩效监督。
- 运输
- 设备与机械
- 化学品
- 离散制造
- 质量保证

Case Study
Furtwangen University develops “IoT Walker” and “IoT Wheelchair” using PTC
Recent studies have found that patients return to the hospital at an alarmingly high rate among those who are hospitalized for heart failure, almost one in four are re-hospitalized within 30 days. Such a focus has led to novel approaches to improve patient care and reduce the need for re-hospitalization. Many of these strategies depend on technologies that employ remote patient monitoring (RPM), using the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing, so that their health care team can track their progress without needing them to come to the office. At the Hochschule Furtwangen University (HFU) in Germany, students across multiple disciplines are working to develop this RPM technology into mechanical devices to aid in monitoring patients remotely. Their idea is to utilize the Internet of Things to develop “smart” wheelchairs and walkers that will transmit patient information to a dashboard developed in PTC’s ThingWorx to monitor various parameters and develop alarms specific to each patient. Achim Bumüller, Senior Assistant in the Mechanical and Medical Engineering Department, is managing the project along with five other faculty members dedicated to each discipline such as electronics, informatics, and mechanical engineering. “Since our university is located in the Black Forest of Germany in Baden-Württemberg, the project was originally developed due to the need for remote monitoring in the small villages that are 20-30 kilometers from their nearest doctor or hospital; however, the target has grown to include the necessity of monitoring patients inside a hospital, nursing home or other areas,” states Bumüller.

Case Study
The Luxury Residential Solution for Jade Ocean
Jade Ocean is a resort-style high-rise rental property in southern Florida - a 50-story glass tower overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The property’s management wanted an app that would function as a customer relationship management (CRM) platform for the property and a seamless communication tool for residents and staff.