
安全声明评估是一个开放且易于配置的网络安全平台,用于评估端点、网关和其他网络组件的安全能力。在工业环境设置中,传感器监控提供了一个了解系统和操作效率的窗口。具体来说,监控温度、振动、电流和电压等关键参数可以让操作员了解操作是否正常、是否处于正常故障模式或是否存在网络安全/安全漏洞的迹象。安全索赔评估为用户提供了一个平台,以非侵入性和非侵入性的方式评估来自被测传感器的数据是否指示正常操作或异常操作。此外,结合使用机器学习和实时分析功能,可以 24/7 全天候监控和分析传感器操作。可以执行异常事件的日志记录以进行进一步评估和未来的补救措施。通过运行包含渗透测试、已知漏洞和其他测试方法的预定义安全测试套件,测试平台用户的安全声明可以在单个或多个连接点进行评估——包括端点到云评估网关。可以向用户提供基于测试结果的报告,描述潜在的安全漏洞以及建议的建议和补救方法。
- 汽车
- 运输
- 其他

Case Study
The main objective is the software roll out to customers. At a closer look the licensing platform should be an entry point for end users with granted rights only to access their specific licenses, safe enough to guarantee a protected environment even without dongle distribution in the field, and fully powerful for optimal and swift data processing even on a time box implementation scenario.

Case Study
Cisco Systems Use the Observer Platform for Faster Troubleshooting
Prior to purchasing Observer, Cisco Systems experienced a lack of visibility during and after network events.“I needed large data captures and a way to manipulate them,” says Eric Arnold, Service Provider Video TAC Manager for the company.Arnold states that Cisco Systems chose Observer over competitors because of the packet capture and storage capabilities.