- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 中间件、SDK 和库
- 可穿戴设备 - 补丁标签
- 销售与市场营销
- 面部识别
- 周边安全与访问控制
玛莎拉蒂 MSG Racing 前身为 ROKiT Venturi Racing,是 Formula E 赛车系列的创始车队之一。该团队总部位于摩纳哥,自 2014 年以来一直在突破电动汽车的性能极限。在过去的八个赛季中,该团队对这项运动产生了重大影响,他们最成功的赛季最终在 2021-22 年获得第二名球队的冠军。该团队使用数字资产在社交媒体上推广其品牌,并与媒体机构和业务合作伙伴共享内容。
Maserati MSG Racing 是一支总部位于摩纳哥的车队,也是电动方程式赛车系列赛的创始团队之一,在管理和组织数字资产方面面临着挑战。该团队需要一种方法来整合和组织数字资产,以便快速定位用于促销目的的媒体并与值得信赖的合作伙伴共享内容。繁忙的电动方程式比赛日程通常会在世界不同地区进行背靠背比赛,需要他们的网站和社交媒体内容不断实时更新。营销部门每天都会收到来自合作伙伴和媒体的数字资产请求,因此需要一个系统来使这些请求井井有条,并允许快速轻松地访问时间敏感的内容。如果没有合作伙伴可以搜索资产的中央库,团队就很难快速满足内容请求。这常常导致沟通不畅和延误。
Maserati MSG Racing 转向数字资产管理解决方案 Canto 来解决他们的内容挑战。实施过程涉及将过去七季的内容转移到 Canto 库中。迁移现有资产后,使用文件夹、标签和元数据创建了新的组织结构,使团队能够轻松找到特定照片来满足媒体请求,在社交媒体上宣传比赛,并在公司网站上突出显示比赛团队的成就。比赛摄影师可以快速将图像上传到 Canto Connect 应用程序中,该应用程序会根据元数据自动对图像进行标记和分类。一旦内容进入 Canto 主库,就会对其进行审查,以确定需要向合作伙伴提供哪些内容。 Canto 门户被用作每个合作伙伴访问其内容的专用、独特的空间。每个门户都是与合作伙伴关系的所有媒体相关方面的一站式商店,包括新闻稿、比赛日照片、比赛参加者的图像和品牌包等内容。
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Faceware Technologies
When you’ve developed innovative, groundbreaking software that brings emotion to the gargantuan Godzilla on the big screen or adds life to leading video game characters to the delight of serious gamers, protecting your intellectual property from counterfeiting and reverse engineering is paramount. When evaluating licensing and IP protection vendors, Faceware Technologies, Inc. turned to Wibu-Systems’ CodeMeter to protect their valuable intellectual property that was years and over $40 million USD in the making.
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Beer Distributor Improves Security, Shipping Capacity, and Service
Enjoy a beer on the upper Texas Gulf Coast, and you can probably thank Del Papa Distributing Company. Founded more than a century ago, the company today distributes 10 million cases of beer annually, from 30 suppliers. More than 375 employees work at headquarters in Texas City and two other distribution centers. The family-owned company has a simple aim: to be a great beer distribution company. So when Del Papa set out to build a new 27-acre headquarters, company leaders thought about how technology could contribute to its greatness. “We wanted the new distribution center to have a single, secure network we could use for physical security, communications, collaboration, and even monitoring the temperature of our inventory,” says Steve Holtsclaw, Manager of Information Systems for Del Papa. The old building, in contrast, had separate networks for voice, data, video, and physical security. Separate networks were expensive and got in the way of business. For example, personnel could only monitor video surveillance cameras from certain workstations. And Wi-Fi performance in the warehouse area wasn’t reliable enough for the voice-activated order-picking system.
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River Rock Casino’s Surveillance
Doug Gilroy and Mark Bayrock of Advanced Audio Concepts, a Vancouver-based systems integrator, were given free reign to design, install and operate River Rock's complex surveillance system. Gilroy had freedom to design the system with several unique aspects, such as the use of video balun technology to integrate quickly, and an innovative design in the tech room that makes it easier for the operator to spot problems. The integrators also had a long-standing relationship with Honeywell and chose to use Honeywell products almost exclusively throughout the installation.
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Intamac And Securitas Collaborate To Improve Monitoring Structures
Securitas wanted to give new and existing customers a proposition that was unlike anything they had offered before, a security system that broke the traditional mould but took advantage of the monitoring infrastructure that was already in place, including the manned response capabilities and alarm receiving centres.
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Suncor Achieves 95% Reduction in Operator Alarm Load at Fort Hills Oil Sands Mine
Suncor, one of Canada’s largest integrated energy companies, faced a significant challenge at their Fort Hills mine. Upon completion of commissioning in 2018, the control room operators were dealing with alarm loads 30 times higher than those recommended by alarm management standards and best practices. These alarm loads, combined with frequent alarm floods caused by plant upsets, resulted in significant operator overload. This increased the risk of safety, environmental, and production-related incidents at the site. The alarm system was overactive, causing a high level of stress and potential for error among the operators. The challenge was to reduce the alarm load to manageable levels and ensure the safety and efficiency of the operations.