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Netomi > 实例探究 > Harry Rosen 人工智能驱动的客户服务转型

Harry Rosen 人工智能驱动的客户服务转型

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  • 销售与市场营销
Harry Rosen 是加拿大领先的男装零售商。该公司拥有强大的数字化影响力,在 COVID-19 疫情期间,封锁和客户行为的改变导致网上购物激增,这变得更加重要。因此,Harry Rosen 的数字客户服务单量急剧增加,给客户服务部门带来了压力。该公司需要一种解决方案来处理增加的单量,尤其是在购物旺季,同时又不影响客户服务质量。
在 COVID-19 疫情期间,由于封锁和客户行为的变化,加拿大男装零售商 Harry Rosen 的业务显著转向数字化领域。这一转变导致数字客户服务单量急剧增加,客户服务部门捉襟见肘。该公司最初试图通过将店内员工重新分配到数字客户服务来应对激增的客户服务单量。然而,这种方法被证明是不够的,也是不可持续的,因为单量持续上升,尤其是在假日购物季等旺季。
Harry Rosen 求助于 Netomi 的人工智能 Hailey 来管理大量涌入的客户服务单。 Hailey 最初是协助客服人员提供建议的答复和行动,最终成为员工队伍中不可或缺的一部分,直接与客户互动以解决电子邮件和聊天平台上的问题。人工智能与 Harry Rosen 的后端系统集成,使其能够有效处理重复的客户查询,例如订单状态和取消、交换和更改。 Hailey 的功能在繁忙季节尤其有用,因为它可以自动处理重复的门票,无需任何人力,无需雇用额外的代理来处理增加的门票量。这将故障单的解决时间从几天缩短到了几个小时。
  • The implementation of Netomi's AI has had a significant impact on Harry Rosen's customer service operations. The AI has not only helped manage the increased volume of tickets but also improved the efficiency and speed of ticket resolution. This has allowed human agents to focus on more complex tasks, enhancing the overall quality of customer service. Moreover, the AI's ability to handle repetitive queries has reduced the need for additional hires during peak seasons, leading to cost savings. The integration of the AI with the company's backend systems has also streamlined operations, making the process of resolving customer queries more seamless and efficient.
  • The AI deflects more than 70% of tickets, significantly reducing the workload on human agents.
  • The AI performs at 95.63% accuracy, ensuring reliable and accurate responses to customer queries.
  • Resolution time on tickets was drastically reduced to mere hours, down from several days.

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