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圣卢克大学健康网络是一个医疗保健系统,在宾夕法尼亚州东部和新泽西州西部设有 12 个地点。他们为不同的患者群体提供服务,并致力于为尽可能多的符合条件的个人接种疫苗。
圣卢克大学健康网络因寻求 COVID-19 疫苗接种的人数过多而不堪重负,导致患者和可用疫苗之间出现沟通瓶颈。现有的呼叫中心无法应对快速增长的呼叫量,导致每天掉线和回拨名单约5000人。这对可能无法接种疫苗的老年人和免疫功能低下的人构成了风险。
St. Luke's 使用 Twilio 的平台构建了一个名为 Shot-Line 的自动日程安排和预约提醒系统。患者可以通过电话自行安排预约,并通过他们喜欢的渠道接收提醒。 Twilio 的消息传递和语音功能允许以最适合患者的方式联系患者。该系统使用云通信技术来处理自动消息传递,防止超额预订并提高数据质量。 Shot-Line 还为跨越数字鸿沟的个人提供公平的疫苗接种机会。
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Case Study
Vodafone Hosted On AWS
Vodafone found that traffic for the applications peak during the four-month period when the international cricket season is at its height in Australia. During the 2011/2012 cricket season, 700,000 consumers downloaded the Cricket Live Australia application. Vodafone needed to be able to meet customer demand, but didn’t want to invest in additional resources that would be underutilized during cricket’s off-season.

Case Study
SKT, Construction of Smart Office Environment
SK T-Tower is the headquarters of SK Telecom. Inside the building, different types of mobile devices, such as laptops, smartphones and tablets, are in use, and with the increase in WLAN traffic and the use of quality multimedia data, the volume of wireless data sees an explosive growth. Users want limitless Internet access in various places in addition to designated areas.

Case Study
Corporate Identity Solution Adds Convenience to Beckman Coulter
Beckman Coulter wanted to implement a single factor solution for physical and remote logical access to corporate network. Bechman Coulter's users were carrying smart card badges for doors, but also needed a one-time password token to access to our corporate network when they were not in the office. They wanted to simplify the process.