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Flock Freight > 实例探究 > Berlin Packaging 的批量货运准时交货率势不可挡,连续 99%

Berlin Packaging 的批量货运准时交货率势不可挡,连续 99%

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  • 最后一英里交付
Berlin Packaging 是世界上唯一的混合包装供应商,为各种规模的企业和最终消费者提供各种包装解决方案。该公司广泛的客户群几乎涵盖每个行业,包括医疗保健、食品和饮料。 Berlin Packaging 成立于 1898 年,一直致力于帮助客户提高销量、降低成本并提高生产力。这家总部位于伊利诺伊州芝加哥的公司在全球 100 多个办事处拥有 200 多名包装顾问,致力于提高客户的利润。 Berlin Packaging 销售数十亿种包装组件,包括金属容器、分配系统、塑料和玻璃,并提供全面的解决方案来帮助客户在竞争中脱颖而出。
Berlin Packaging 是一家全球混合包装供应商,在维持仓库客户发货准时交货率高达 99% 的高服务水平方面面临着重大挑战。该公司一直依靠传统的零担 (LTL) 运输服务来满足其部分和零担运输需求。然而,这种方法通常会导致运输不可靠和货物损坏,从而导致企业产生大量管理费用。此外,零担和分批运输的相关成本也成为一个问题。柏林包装公司还希望降低其碳足迹,但他们现有的运输方法无法解决这一问题。
Berlin Packaging 在 LinkedIn 上发现一篇文章解决了他们在零担运输方面遇到的痛点后,转向了 Flock Freight 的共享卡车装载服务。共享卡车装载服务使 Berlin Packaging 能够与其他托运人共享一辆拖车的空间和成本,为购买整辆卡车进行部分装载提供了一种明智的选择。该解决方案不仅有助于降低运输成本,还使 Berlin Packaging 能够完全控制提货和交货日期,从而维持 99% 的准时交货目标。此外,通过无枢纽运输,Flock Freight 帮助 Berlin Packaging 尽快交付无损货物。共享卡车服务还通过减少碳排放为柏林包装公司的可持续发展目标做出了贡献。
  • The partnership with Flock Freight has brought significant operational improvements for Berlin Packaging. The shared truckload service has proven to be 'superior to LTL by a long shot,' according to the company. The service has not only helped maintain the 99% on-time delivery target but also improved the quality of service by ensuring damage-free shipments. The shared truckload service has also reduced the number of issues that the Berlin Packaging team needs to address, as it eliminates the risk of accruing accessorials, unpredictable delivery times, or damaged arrivals. This has allowed the company to focus more on its core operations and customer service, providing a reliable solution in an unpredictable world.
  • Berlin Packaging reduced its carbon emissions on shipments moved with Flock Freight by 37% in the first month alone.
  • 80% of Berlin Packaging’s shared truckload shipments are larger than 12 linear feet, maximizing the value from cost savings and higher service levels of shared truckloads.
  • 40% of Berlin Packaging’s Flock Freight shipments are large-size partials, further enhancing the cost-effectiveness of the shared truckload service.

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