- 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 云数据库
- 石油和天然气
- 采购
- 销售与市场营销
- 时间敏感网络
Bynder 是业界领先的基于云的解决方案,可帮助组织管理其数字内容。该公司为来自 Five Guys、Groupon 和 Zendesk 等组织的超过 170 万品牌经理、营销人员和创意人员提供服务。 Bynder 于 2013 年在荷兰成立,现已从阿姆斯特丹总部扩展到波士顿、圣卡洛斯、鹿特丹、巴塞罗那、伦敦和迪拜。该公司的数字资产管理 (DAM) 平台使团队能够管理激增的内容、接触点和关系的混乱情况,从而实现蓬勃发展。
Bynder 是领先的基于云的数字内容管理解决方案,在使其管道生成多样化和优化出站工作方面面临挑战。尽管在数字资产管理(DAM)市场拥有强大的品牌知名度,该公司仍寻求加强其海外业务。他们拥有账户数据库并了解其总目标市场 (TAM),但为了让业务开发代表 (BDR) 取得成功,他们需要更好地了解潜在客户的行为和购买倾向。目标是揭示他们的理想客户档案 (ICP) 的行为,以完善他们的外展并确定准备在市场上采取坚定行动的潜在客户。
Bynder 在 6sense Revenue AI™ 中找到了解决方案。借助 6sense,Bynder 能够发现匿名购买信号并准确预测在正确的时间定位哪些帐户。 Bynder 将 6sense 意图数据与 G2 意图和高意图页面的网站活动相结合,为他们的 BDR 提供每日 6sense 报告,揭示哪些潜在客户对 DAM 解决方案有兴趣。这有助于 BDR 优先考虑其外展工作。此外,Bynder 使用 6sense 优化其在 EMEA 和北美地区的出站工作,使用类似的 6sense 细分来定位这些市场中的客户,但根据地区改变其关键字以获得最佳结果。
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Case Study
Taking Oil and Gas Exploration to the Next Level
DownUnder GeoSolutions (DUG) wanted to increase computing performance by 5 to 10 times to improve seismic processing. The solution must build on current architecture software investments without sacrificing existing software and scale computing without scaling IT infrastructure costs.

Case Study
Remote Wellhead Monitoring
Each wellhead was equipped with various sensors and meters that needed to be monitored and controlled from a central HMI, often miles away from the assets in the field. Redundant solar and wind generators were installed at each wellhead to support the electrical needs of the pumpstations, temperature meters, cameras, and cellular modules. In addition to asset management and remote control capabilities, data logging for remote surveillance and alarm notifications was a key demand from the customer. Terra Ferma’s solution needed to be power efficient, reliable, and capable of supporting high-bandwidth data-feeds. They needed a multi-link cellular connection to a central server that sustained reliable and redundant monitoring and control of flow meters, temperature sensors, power supply, and event-logging; including video and image files. This open-standard network needed to interface with the existing SCADA and proprietary network management software.

Case Study
Refinery Saves Over $700,000 with Smart Wireless
One of the largest petroleum refineries in the world is equipped to refine various types of crude oil and manufacture various grades of fuel from motor gasoline to Aviation Turbine Fuel. Due to wear and tear, eight hydrogen valves in each refinery were leaking, and each cost $1800 per ton of hydrogen vented. The plant also had leakage on nearly 30 flare control hydrocarbon valves. The refinery wanted a continuous, online monitoring system that could catch leaks early, minimize hydrogen and hydrocarbon production losses, and improve safety for maintenance.