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ScreenSteps > 实例探究 > 集中文档促进增长:connectFirst Credit Union 案例研究

集中文档促进增长:connectFirst Credit Union 案例研究

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  • 公共交通管理
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connectFirst 是一家加拿大信用社,正准备通过合并四个信用社来实现大幅扩张。此次扩张的目标是为艾伯塔省 40 多家分行提供一致的会员服务体验。该公司有 740 名员工需要获得标准化政策和程序。合并之前,各部门一直使用不同的工具来记录政策和程序,这使得编辑文档和查找必要的文章变得困难。随着业务的扩展,他们需要每个分支机构都能访问最新信息。
加拿大信用合作社 connectFirst 正准备通过合并四个信用合作社来实现大幅扩张。此次扩张旨在为艾伯塔省 40 多家分行提供一致的会员服务体验。然而,这意味着 connectFirst 需要标准化政策和程序,供所有 740 名员工使用。面临的挑战是协调分散在四个部门的文件,每个部门都有自己的银行系统和流程。此外,这些部门一直使用不同的工具(包括 OneNote、SharePoint 和 Word 文档)记录政策和程序,这使得编辑文档和查找必要的文章变得困难。随着业务扩展,他们需要 40 多个分支机构中的每一个都能够访问最新信息。
connectFirst 决定为他们的所有资源创建一个一站式商店。他们的目标是制定一套适用于所有分支机构的政策和程序,确保为其会员提供卓越的服务。主要目标是合并和标准化文档,以创建一个事实来源,并使员工能够轻松查找信息。他们希望为他们的信用合作社提供类似谷歌的体验,让员工可以轻松找到问题的答案。在比较各种平台后,connectFirst 选择了 ScreenSteps,这是一家知识库软件公司,可简化整个组织内文档的创建、存储、共享和使用。 ScreenSteps 因其直观的学习、用户友好的内容导入以及易于文档编辑和维护而被选中。 connectFirst 于 2020 年 1 月正式收购 ScreenSteps,并于 2020 年 11 月推出其知识库。
  • After implementing ScreenSteps, connectFirst was able to standardize documents and make those resources accessible for their employees. The knowledge base has become a tool employees turn to. Having a single source of truth means that the documents are organized in one location, and employees know exactly where they need to go to find policies and procedures they need. The company has merged and standardized its policies and procedures, creating a one-stop shop where employees go to find answers. Now, with ScreenSteps, connectFirst is encouraging employees to go online to the knowledge base instead of printing, ensuring they always have the most current information. This has helped connectFirst maintain compliance at their credit union. The biggest benefit of choosing ScreenSteps has been the ScreenSteps’ team's responsiveness and end-to-end support.
  • 1,200 users at connectFirst have viewed just under 1 Million support articles in a year of using ScreenSteps.
  • Employees’ ScreenSteps experience was rated 97% for look and feel, 78% for searching, 85% for browsing manually, 82% for having access to the right information, and 78% for feeling up-to-date.
  • The largest manual they needed to migrate and edit had 1,500 articles. They condensed that content into 325 articles. They now have 790 articles written across 16 manuals.

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