- 网络安全和隐私 - 身份认证管理
- 功能应用 - 制造执行系统 (MES)
- 食品与饮料
- 零售
- 物流运输
- 销售与市场营销
- 添加剂制造
- 制造过程模拟
Chinook Seedery 是一家由 Mark Pettyjohn 创立的公司,旨在为美国人提供尽可能最好的葵花籽体验。该公司的诞生源于 Pettyjohn 对更美味、更健康的葵花籽的渴望。然而,为了继续向奇努克葵花籽爱好者销售产品,马克必须将他年轻的公司转变为可持续发展的企业,实现持续的利润、增加的销售额和持续满意的客户。尽管马克在制作优质葵花籽零食方面拥有专业知识,但他在管理食品制造业务方面面临着挑战。该公司需要实现运营现代化并改进业务管理,以确保长期可持续发展。
Chinook Seedery 是一家致力于提供最佳葵花籽体验的公司,在管理其食品制造业务方面面临着挑战。该公司正在努力保持稳定的利润、增加销售额并让客户满意。创始人马克·佩蒂约翰 (Mark Pettyjohn) 对如何制作美味的葵花籽零食有着深刻的了解,但缺乏管理业务方面的必要知识。该公司迫切需要实时、准确的数据来制定关键的业务决策。此外,该公司正在处理与延迟或不完整的订单、不准确的发票以及因延迟订单而向分销商支付的罚款相关的问题。这些问题对 Chinook 的现金流和客户信任产生了负面影响。
Chinook Seedery 与企业家兼系统集成商 Kraig Schexnayder 合作,实施了 Mar-Kov,这是一款由食品行业资深人士为食品制造商创建的 MRP 软件。 Mar-Kov 取代了 1.5 名兼职管理员,他们手动创建和处理运行 Chinook 所需的每一份文档。该软件用于更高效、更经济地运营公司。它用于识别和购买所需的原材料,创建生产、包装、订单组装和运输时间表,并处理所有相关的发票。 Mar-Kov 还提供了有效安排六种口味生产所需的透明度和可见性,从而最大限度地提高产量并最大限度地缩短清洁时间。此外,Mar-Kov 记录了与 Chinook 成分、生产和运输数据有关的每一个细节,确保符合 FDA 食品安全现代化法案,并在 FDA 强制召回和自愿召回的情况下实现产品跟踪。
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Case Study
The Kellogg Company
Kellogg keeps a close eye on its trade spend, analyzing large volumes of data and running complex simulations to predict which promotional activities will be the most effective. Kellogg needed to decrease the trade spend but its traditional relational database on premises could not keep up with the pace of demand.
Case Study
HEINEKEN Uses the Cloud to Reach 10.5 Million Consumers
For 2012 campaign, the Bond promotion, it planned to launch the campaign at the same time everywhere on the planet. That created unprecedented challenges for HEINEKEN—nowhere more so than in its technology operation. The primary digital content for the campaign was a 100-megabyte movie that had to play flawlessly for millions of viewers worldwide. After all, Bond never fails. No one was going to tolerate a technology failure that might bruise his brand.Previously, HEINEKEN had supported digital media at its outsourced datacenter. But that datacenter lacked the computing resources HEINEKEN needed, and building them—especially to support peak traffic that would total millions of simultaneous hits—would have been both time-consuming and expensive. Nor would it have provided the geographic reach that HEINEKEN needed to minimize latency worldwide.
Case Study
Improving Production Line Efficiency with Ethernet Micro RTU Controller
Moxa was asked to provide a connectivity solution for one of the world's leading cosmetics companies. This multinational corporation, with retail presence in 130 countries, 23 global braches, and over 66,000 employees, sought to improve the efficiency of their production process by migrating from manual monitoring to an automatic productivity monitoring system. The production line was being monitored by ABB Real-TPI, a factory information system that offers data collection and analysis to improve plant efficiency. Due to software limitations, the customer needed an OPC server and a corresponding I/O solution to collect data from additional sensor devices for the Real-TPI system. The goal is to enable the factory information system to more thoroughly collect data from every corner of the production line. This will improve its ability to measure Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and translate into increased production efficiencies. System Requirements • Instant status updates while still consuming minimal bandwidth to relieve strain on limited factory networks • Interoperable with ABB Real-TPI • Small form factor appropriate for deployment where space is scarce • Remote software management and configuration to simplify operations
Case Study
Energy Management System at Sugar Industry
The company wanted to use the information from the system to claim under the renewable energy certificate scheme. The benefit to the company under the renewable energy certificates is Rs 75 million a year. To enable the above, an end-to-end solution for load monitoring, consumption monitoring, online data monitoring, automatic meter data acquisition which can be exported to SAP and other applications is required.
Case Study
Coca Cola Swaziland Conco Case Study
Coco Cola Swaziland, South Africa would like to find a solution that would enable the following results: - Reduce energy consumption by 20% in one year. - Formulate a series of strategic initiatives that would enlist the commitment of corporate management and create employee awareness while helping meet departmental targets and investing in tools that assist with energy management. - Formulate a series of tactical initiatives that would optimize energy usage on the shop floor. These would include charging forklifts and running cold rooms only during off-peak periods, running the dust extractors only during working hours and basing lights and air-conditioning on someone’s presence. - Increase visibility into the factory and other processes. - Enable limited, non-intrusive control functions for certain processes.