Large Corporate
- Europe
- Asia
- Italy
- China
- India
- Thailand
- TRITON® Web, Email and Data Security
- Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
- Cloud
- Enterprise-wide Deployment
- Brand Awareness
- Customer Satisfaction
- 网络安全和隐私 - 数据库安全
- 离散制造
- 产品研发
- 预测性维护
- 自动化制造系统
- 系统集成
- 云规划/设计/实施服务
Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche SPA 是全球三大金属工业设备和设备供应商之一。该公司可以生产从单个单元到复杂的“交钥匙”项目的各种产品。该公司提供的产品和工艺范围广泛,包括自动化和过程控制,涵盖从矿石加工到成品的所有生产阶段。除了工程技能和项目管理外,该公司还拥有丰富的生产专业知识,使用自己的设计中心和建筑,并在欧洲和亚洲的战略位置确保持续的高品质。Danieli 在欧洲、北美、南美和亚洲拥有超过 11,000 名员工。该公司年平均收入超过 30 亿欧元。该公司在研发方面的大量投资(过去五年每年 1.4 亿欧元)支持了创新和生态可持续工艺的开发,并保持了该公司在全球市场的领先地位。
达涅利面临的主要挑战之一是保护其知识产权,特别是其机械和工业设备的设计。此外,作为一家上市公司,达涅利关心的是保护其企业形象,同时提供针对快速发展和适应的威胁形势的保护。此外,该公司还在寻找一种解决方案,能够轻松地将相同级别的安全性扩展到所有位置,并能够从一个集中统一的控制台管理所有内容。领导团队意识到需要一种数据丢失防护 (DLP) 解决方案 - 一种可以解决所有这些问题的解决方案。其他内部公司部门的安全重要性并不总是人们最关心的问题。许多人认为,只有在发生违规行为后,安全才成为优先事项。引入 DLP 解决方案凸显了处理数据的重要性,因为如果数据落入不当之手,可能会危及公司。
Danieli 的设计、工程计划和技术非常复杂,这是 100 多年经验的结晶。由于这种复杂性,风险评估采用了以数据为中心的方法。一个关键的考虑因素是 Danieli 与客户和供应商互动的运营模式;他们经常被迫向外部发送需要保护的机密文件。该公司拥有许多非结构化格式的不同文档以及 2D 和 3D CAD 格式的技术图纸。这些文档使用标准技术发送,例如通过网络、USB 设备、CD/DVD 和打印硬拷贝进行文件传输。因此,拥有一个解决方案非常重要,它可以让 Danieli 分析数据流,同时又不限制员工的日常运营。随着时间的推移,Forcepoint 开发团队一直关注 Danieli 的需求。虽然 TRITON 的部署最初是渐进的,但该公司最终将其扩展到泰国、中国和印度的主要子公司。 2011 年,Danieli 增加了 Forcepoint 设备,使公司能够在全球范围内扩大保护范围。2014 年,公司的格局发生了变化,公司用虚拟系统取代了物理设备。这使得公司能够通过使用云来扩大保护范围。
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Case Study
Remote Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance App for a Solar Energy System
The maintenance & tracking of various modules was an overhead for the customer due to the huge labor costs involved. Being an advanced solar solutions provider, they wanted to ensure early detection of issues and provide the best-in-class customer experience. Hence they wanted to automate the whole process.
Case Study
Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Chillers
For global leaders in the industrial chiller manufacturing, reliability of the entire production process is of the utmost importance. Chillers are refrigeration systems that produce ice water to provide cooling for a process or industrial application. One of those leaders sought a way to respond to asset performance issues, even before they occur. The intelligence to guarantee maximum reliability of cooling devices is embedded (pre-alarming). A pre-alarming phase means that the cooling device still works, but symptoms may appear, telling manufacturers that a failure is likely to occur in the near future. Chillers who are not internet connected at that moment, provide little insight in this pre-alarming phase.
Case Study
Plastic Spoons Case study: Injection Moulding
In order to meet customer expectations by supplying a wide variety of packaging units, from 36 to 1000 spoons per package, a new production and packaging line needed to be built. DeSter wanted to achieve higher production capacity, lower cycle time and a high degree of operator friendliness with this new production line.
Case Study
Robot Saves Money and Time for US Custom Molding Company
Injection Technology (Itech) is a custom molder for a variety of clients that require precision plastic parts for such products as electric meter covers, dental appliance cases and spools. With 95 employees operating 23 molding machines in a 30,000 square foot plant, Itech wanted to reduce man hours and increase efficiency.
Case Study
Aircraft Predictive Maintenance and Workflow Optimization
First, aircraft manufacturer have trouble monitoring the health of aircraft systems with health prognostics and deliver predictive maintenance insights. Second, aircraft manufacturer wants a solution that can provide an in-context advisory and align job assignments to match technician experience and expertise.
Case Study
Integral Plant Maintenance
Mercedes-Benz and his partner GAZ chose Siemens to be its maintenance partner at a new engine plant in Yaroslavl, Russia. The new plant offers a capacity to manufacture diesel engines for the Russian market, for locally produced Sprinter Classic. In addition to engines for the local market, the Yaroslavl plant will also produce spare parts. Mercedes-Benz Russia and his partner needed a service partner in order to ensure the operation of these lines in a maintenance partnership arrangement. The challenges included coordinating the entire maintenance management operation, in particular inspections, corrective and predictive maintenance activities, and the optimizing spare parts management. Siemens developed a customized maintenance solution that includes all electronic and mechanical maintenance activities (Integral Plant Maintenance).