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Via > 实例探究 > 埃德蒙顿按需:加拿大最大的微交通部署


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  • 城市与自治市
  • 运输
  • 公共交通管理
  • 智慧城市运营
Edmonton On Demand 的客户是埃德蒙顿市的居民,特别是居住在最初推出该服务的 30 个社区和 18 个大型高级住宅的居民。其中包括 Westridge — Rio Terrace- Quesnell Heights、Edgemont 和 Big Lake — Northwest Industrial 等社区。该服务旨在提供更便捷的高频线路连接和前往当地目的地的便捷交通,满足城市居民的多样化需求。该服务在持续的 COVID-19 大流行期间特别有益,为居民提供了可靠、及时的交通。
加拿大埃德蒙顿市自 1997 年以来首次对其公交网络进行彻底改革,面临着重大挑战。目标是为交通繁忙的走廊提供更频繁的服务,重新安排当地公交路线,并推出新服务 Edmonton On需求,以弥补低密度地区的交通差距。该市旨在提供更便捷的高频线路连接以及前往当地目的地的便捷交通。面临的挑战是在 30 个社区和 18 个大型高级住宅中实施这一方案。由于持续的 COVID-19 大流行应对措施,该市还必须应对不断变化的社区需求。
埃德蒙顿市与 Via 和卡尔加里运营商 Pacific Western Transit 合作,于 2021 年推出了按需交通服务。该服务 Edmonton On Demand 自 2021 年 4 月推出以来经历了稳定增长,每日乘客量峰值约为 1,400 人次将近一年后。按需出行主要集中在几个街区,包括 Westridge — Rio Terrace — Quesnell Heights、Edgemont 和 Big Lake — Northwest Industrial。乘客可以在提出请求后 30 分钟内完成行程,在前往目的地的途中平均只需在车上花费 12 分钟。该市继续根据社区需求和乘客意见调整其交通服务,并正在探索计划将需求响应服务扩展到需要额外交通支持的其他社区。
  • The implementation of Edmonton On Demand has been a significant success, demonstrating how demand-responsive services can be hyper-targeted to particular neighborhoods without transit to complement the larger fixed-route network. The service has not only filled transit gaps in lower-density areas but also provided more convenient connections to high-frequency routes and accessible transit to local destinations. The strong rider ratings indicate high customer satisfaction with the service. The city's ability to adapt and tweak its transit offerings based on community needs and passenger input has also been a key factor in the service's success. The city is now exploring plans to expand the demand-responsive service to additional neighbourhoods requiring additional transit support, further enhancing its public transit network.
  • The service has experienced steady growth since its launch in April 2021, with daily ridership peaking at around 1,400 nearly a year later.
  • Riders can expect a trip within 30 minutes of their request.
  • Riders spend an average of just 12 minutes in the vehicle on the way to their destinations.

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