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Bullhorn > 实例探究 > 通过 VMS 访问提高招聘人员效率:Aditi Staffing 案例研究

通过 VMS 访问提高招聘人员效率:Aditi Staffing 案例研究

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Aditi Staffing 是一家领先的 IT 人力资源公司,总部位于华盛顿州贝尔维尤。他们拥有大量基于 VMS 的客户,这是他们业务模式的核心。超过 30 个客户每月从 10 个不同的 VMS 发布约 1500 个职位,他们需要管理大量的招聘订单。他们还开展海外招聘业务,这增加了其业务的复杂性和规模。他们之前的工具无法支持各种 VMS,导致招聘流程效率低下且不准确。
Aditi Staffing 是一家位于华盛顿州贝尔维尤的领先 IT 人力资源公司,在管理基于 VMS 的客户方面面临着重大挑战,而这些客户是其业务模式不可或缺的一部分。超过 30 个客户每月从 10 个不同的供应商管理系统 (VMS) 释放约 1500 个工作岗位,他们之前使用的工具无法支持各种 VMS。这导致了他们的招聘软件 Bullhorn 中的订单状态从未更新的情况。招聘人员无法手动输入所有职位,导致招聘流程效率低下且不准确。
为了应对这一挑战,Aditi Staffing 使用 VMS Access 自动将所有 VMS 中的所有 VMS 需求直接加载到 Bullhorn 中。该解决方案旨在简化流程并确保所有作业订单都准确反映在系统中。 Aditi Staffing 与 VMS Access 支持团队密切合作,尽可能创造最高质量的扩音器工作。他们还赞赏通过 VMS Access 客户门户自我管理帐户的能力。这种协作和自动化方法旨在提高招聘流程的效率和有效性。
  • The implementation of VMS Access has led to significant operational improvements for Aditi Staffing. With all orders now accurately reflected in Bullhorn, recruiters have a complete and accurate view of their VMS book-of-business. This has made open orders meetings more productive, as recruiters no longer waste time discussing halted or closed jobs or jobs that should be in the system but aren't. Instead, they can focus on how to fill more orders, enhancing their efficiency and effectiveness. The ability to self-manage their accounts via the VMS Access Customer Portal has also added to the operational benefits.
  • 100% of orders are now in Bullhorn, ensuring a complete and accurate view of the VMS book-of-business
  • Significant reduction in time wasted on discussing halted or closed jobs or jobs that should be in the system but aren't

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