- 功能应用 - 计算机化维护管理系统 (CMMS)
- 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 云数据库
- 建筑物
- 石油和天然气
- 人力资源
- 维护
- 施工管理
- 时间敏感网络
- 云规划/设计/实施服务
- 系统集成
FootBridge 是一家领先的招聘机构,为全球能源公司提供具有竞争力的人才招聘资源。该公司总部位于北美,专注于 IT、能源、工程以及石油和天然气领域。从一开始,FootBridge 的创始人就知道他们的方法是双重的:作为全球能源公司招聘人才的竞争性资源,并配备现有的最佳技术。该公司希望发展业务并创造更多收入,因此需要一个可以随之扩展的解决方案。 FootBridge 需要一种解决方案,该解决方案不仅有助于快速创收,而且不需要昂贵的维护或会侵蚀利润的 IT 基础设施。
FootBridge 是一家专门从事 IT、能源、工程以及石油和天然气行业的领先招聘机构,在管理其运营方面面临着重大挑战。该公司使用的申请人跟踪系统本质上是一个基本数据库,严重限制了他们的增长潜力。该系统类似于电子名片盒,无法支持 FootBridge 的扩张雄心。该公司正在寻求一种能够随着其增长而扩展、快速产生收入并且不需要昂贵的维护或会影响其利润的 IT 基础设施的解决方案。他们希望避免投资托管自己的系统,这会分散其核心业务的资源。我们面临的挑战是找到一种基于云的解决方案,该解决方案不仅提供申请人跟踪功能,还需要集成后台流程。
FootBridge 在 Bullhorn 中找到了解决方案,这是一个满足他们所有需求的全方位服务平台。 Bullhorn 提供了无需 IT 维护的真正云系统,提供了 FootBridge 所需的灵活性和速度。它还提供 Bullhorn Back Office,这是一种处于行业前沿的从前到后的解决方案。该解决方案无缝集成了前台和后台流程,无需 IT 支持即可节省成本。 Bullhorn 的真正云功能确保 FootBridge 可以专注于维护关系而不是服务器。借助 Bullhorn Back Office,FootBridge 能够集成其前台和后台流程,从而消除了对多个手动系统的需求。它管理薪资流程,无需追究员工丢失考勤卡的情况,并节省大量时间和精力。
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Case Study
Taking Oil and Gas Exploration to the Next Level
DownUnder GeoSolutions (DUG) wanted to increase computing performance by 5 to 10 times to improve seismic processing. The solution must build on current architecture software investments without sacrificing existing software and scale computing without scaling IT infrastructure costs.

Case Study
Remote Wellhead Monitoring
Each wellhead was equipped with various sensors and meters that needed to be monitored and controlled from a central HMI, often miles away from the assets in the field. Redundant solar and wind generators were installed at each wellhead to support the electrical needs of the pumpstations, temperature meters, cameras, and cellular modules. In addition to asset management and remote control capabilities, data logging for remote surveillance and alarm notifications was a key demand from the customer. Terra Ferma’s solution needed to be power efficient, reliable, and capable of supporting high-bandwidth data-feeds. They needed a multi-link cellular connection to a central server that sustained reliable and redundant monitoring and control of flow meters, temperature sensors, power supply, and event-logging; including video and image files. This open-standard network needed to interface with the existing SCADA and proprietary network management software.

Case Study
Energy Saving & Power Monitoring System
Recently a university in Taiwan was experiencing dramatic power usage increases due to its growing number of campus buildings and students. Aiming to analyze their power consumption and increase their power efficiency across 52 buildings, the university wanted to build a power management system utilizing web-based hardware and software. With these goals in mind, they contacted Advantech to help them develop their system and provide them with the means to save energy in the years to come.

Case Study
Refinery Saves Over $700,000 with Smart Wireless
One of the largest petroleum refineries in the world is equipped to refine various types of crude oil and manufacture various grades of fuel from motor gasoline to Aviation Turbine Fuel. Due to wear and tear, eight hydrogen valves in each refinery were leaking, and each cost $1800 per ton of hydrogen vented. The plant also had leakage on nearly 30 flare control hydrocarbon valves. The refinery wanted a continuous, online monitoring system that could catch leaks early, minimize hydrogen and hydrocarbon production losses, and improve safety for maintenance.