- 网络与连接 - 全球导航卫星系统 (GNSS)
- 传感器 - 全球定位系统
- 玻璃
- 造纸
- 现场服务
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- 车载远程信息处理
- 系统集成
Allied Glass & Aluminium Products 是一家总部位于不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚的公司,自 1960 年开始营业。该公司为广泛的商业和住宅客户提供与玻璃相关的需求。他们以高品质的工艺和产品、专业知识和个性化的客户服务而自豪。除了标准窗帘外,该公司的服务还包括天窗、日光浴室、定制淋浴间和栏杆的安装和设计。他们还为物业经理提供商业门窗的更换、维修和保养服务。该公司全天候 (24/7) 待命进行紧急维修,这使得他们的日常运营充满挑战。
Allied Glass & Aluminium Products 是一家总部位于不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚的公司,在管理其广泛的服务方面面临着挑战。该公司自 1960 年开始营业,提供各种服务,包括商业门窗的安装、更换、维修和保养。他们还提供紧急维修服务,这使得他们的日常运营变得复杂。该公司使用纸质系统来处理工单、发票和其他流程,事实证明该系统效率低下。技术人员必须亲临办公室才能接受新的工作,并且由于流程的手动性质,协调不同的系统是一项挑战。该公司认识到需要一个自动化管理系统来简化其运营。
Allied Glass 选择实施 FieldAware by GPS Insight,这是一种基于云的综合现场服务管理解决方案。 FieldAware 使用现代网络和移动技术来管理服务请求、调度、调度、发票和报告。由于其开放式 API 框架,该解决方案可与其他商业软件和解决方案(包括 QuickBooks)无缝集成。这样可以轻松地与会计、CRM 或 ERP 解决方案集成。 FieldAware 可通过任何互联网浏览器和 FieldAware 移动应用程序(适用于 iOS 和 Android 智能手机)实时访问。这使得 Allied Glass 能够轻松连接团队并消除过多的文书工作。该解决方案还提供了各种可定制的工具来简化流程并提高效率。
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Case Study
Wireless Improves Efficiency in Compressed Air Systems
Hollingsworth and Vose wanted to improve the efficiency of their compressed air system, lower the electricity expense component of manufacturing cost in their commodity industry, and conserve energy leading to lowered greenhouse gas emissions. Compressed air systems degrade over time and become leaky and inefficient. Hollingsworth and Vose wanted to increase the frequency of system inspections without paying the high cost of manual labor.
Case Study
Process Predictive Analysis in Pulp and Paper Mill
Common paper breaks consequently lead up to 60 minutes of downtime, delaying a potential $10K per hour of production value process. Thus, defective products cause financial and damage company's reputation. Improving quality and reducing defect rates can generate millions of dollars of revenue per year for your company.
Case Study
Industrial Video Monitoring for Security and Regulatory Compliance
Because of the Stevenson mill’s proximity to the Tennessee River, WestRock was required by the USCG to comply with the Maritime Security 33CFR (MARSEC) regulations. WestRock needed a video security system but wanted to add other applications not required by the government, such as video process monitoring, condition monitoring, and wireless network management. WestRock needed a reliable video solution to avoid the compliance fines and possible security risks – but the solution needed to be implemented in the most cost-effective manner possible.
Case Study
Discrete Manufacturing Industries (Fiberglass Pipe)
The implementation of ERP software in a Discrete Manufacturing organization needs to be strategic, irrespective of its size and capacity. The client had already implemented an ERP system which fulfilled their requirements but was not efficient enough. Efficiency here meant Synchronized Planning, Updating and Multisite Planning. Planning at client’s place was done outside the ERP system. Lack of proper synchronization to the ERP system paved way to huge delays in the changes getting updated in the system. These delays caused disruption in achieving delivery schedules. Multisite Planning is a solution to an organization which has multiple production units (may or may not be geographically separated) and thus needs planning across these units to synchronize production activities within them. The client also has multiple factories and hence Production Planning control is very essential in their case. Since Multisite planning was not possible with Baan ERP system, this was another bottleneck for the client.
Case Study
ECOsine Active Increased Reliability in the Paper Industry
The paper and pulp industry is interlinking intelligent hi-tech machines to highly efficient production lines. Higher power DC and AC motor drives perform the automation tasks. Every kind of interference that negatively affects the reliability and safety of the installation may lead to production downtime and consequently to significant financial losses. AC and DC motor drives are so-called non-linear loads as they draw a nonsinusoidal current from the grid. Resulting harmonics of current and voltage can interfere with the operation of nearby consumers and overload the electrical infrastructure. In this particular application, the load cycles of the drives often caused interruptions in the production process because of disturbances coupling into the fieldbus system.