- 分析与建模 - 过程分析
- 自动化与控制 - 分布式控制系统
- 功能应用 - 企业资源规划系统 (ERP)
- 功能应用 - 制造执行系统 (MES)
- 传感器 - 压力传感器
- 传感器 - 温度传感器
- 传感器 - 电表
- 造纸
- 流程制造
- 工厂可见化与智能化
Carvajal Pulp and Paper(前身为 Propal)是 Carvajal SA 集团的一部分,该集团是一家私营公司,成立于 1904 年,总部位于哥伦比亚卡利,拥有 20,000 多名员工,年收入超过 17 亿美元,来自七个部门和
Carvajal Pulp and Paper 面临着降低制造成本以提高竞争力的挑战。这反映在需要更好地控制能源成本、化学品成本和生产损失。
Carvajal Pulp and Paper 与霍尼韦尔的顾问合作,共同应对公司的挑战和需求;霍尼韦尔开始设计一个灵活的、独立于供应商的解决方案,以将 Carvajal Pulp and Paper 的工厂车间与其整个企业集成。霍尼韦尔展示了一个全面的解决方案,以实现 Carvajal Pulp and Paper 的智能运营愿景。
该解决方案充分利用了公司的流程和信息技术投资。它补充了现有系统,例如 ABB 分布式控制系统 (DCS) 和质量控制系统 (QCS)、霍尼韦尔 OptiVision (MES) 和 SAP (ERP)。
Energy Cost Per Unit, Machine Performance, Speed, Temperature, Throughput Per Plant
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Case Study
Wireless Improves Efficiency in Compressed Air Systems
Hollingsworth and Vose wanted to improve the efficiency of their compressed air system, lower the electricity expense component of manufacturing cost in their commodity industry, and conserve energy leading to lowered greenhouse gas emissions. Compressed air systems degrade over time and become leaky and inefficient. Hollingsworth and Vose wanted to increase the frequency of system inspections without paying the high cost of manual labor.

Case Study
Process Predictive Analysis in Pulp and Paper Mill
Common paper breaks consequently lead up to 60 minutes of downtime, delaying a potential $10K per hour of production value process. Thus, defective products cause financial and damage company's reputation. Improving quality and reducing defect rates can generate millions of dollars of revenue per year for your company.

Case Study
Industrial Video Monitoring for Security and Regulatory Compliance
Because of the Stevenson mill’s proximity to the Tennessee River, WestRock was required by the USCG to comply with the Maritime Security 33CFR (MARSEC) regulations. WestRock needed a video security system but wanted to add other applications not required by the government, such as video process monitoring, condition monitoring, and wireless network management. WestRock needed a reliable video solution to avoid the compliance fines and possible security risks – but the solution needed to be implemented in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Case Study
ECOsine Active Increased Reliability in the Paper Industry
The paper and pulp industry is interlinking intelligent hi-tech machines to highly efficient production lines. Higher power DC and AC motor drives perform the automation tasks. Every kind of interference that negatively affects the reliability and safety of the installation may lead to production downtime and consequently to significant financial losses. AC and DC motor drives are so-called non-linear loads as they draw a nonsinusoidal current from the grid. Resulting harmonics of current and voltage can interfere with the operation of nearby consumers and overload the electrical infrastructure. In this particular application, the load cycles of the drives often caused interruptions in the production process because of disturbances coupling into the fieldbus system.
Case Study
Covantis Case Study: Modernizing Global Supply Chains with ConsenSys Blockchain Solutions
The global agricultural trade industry has been grappling with outdated and inefficient processes. The industry has not seen significant technological innovation since the mass adoption of email 30 years ago, making global supply chain management increasingly challenging. The need to track more partners, suppliers, and endpoints has become more complex, and post-trade execution remains highly manual, repetitive, costly, and time-consuming. The industry is heavily reliant on paper-based processes and email exchanges, with over 275 million emails exchanged annually to process an estimated 11,000 worldwide shipments of grain. Paper-based certificates and bills of lading are not easily exchanged among multiple parties, and replacing them if misplaced is costly. The COVID-19 pandemic has further disrupted supply chains due to interruptions to paper document deliveries and the increasing necessity to work from home, accelerating the need for digital transformation.