- 分析与建模 - 数字孪生/模拟
- 传感器 - 温度传感器
- 金属
- 运输
- 维护
- 采购
- 数字孪生
- 虚拟原型与产品测试
- 系统集成
- 测试与认证
Hatch 是一家全球专业服务公司,被聘为工程、采购、施工和制造承包商,负责在刚果民主共和国 (DRC) 南部偏远省份加丹加交付硫酸厂。刚果(金)是资源丰富地区,铜、钴储量丰富,其中铜占刚果全部出口量的50%。该硫酸厂的建设是为了维持刚果民主共和国最大的铜矿开采作业之一,因为铜矿需要硫酸来浸出氧化铜矿物。该工厂每天将生产数千吨酸,二氧化硫排放量将超过世界标准,从而优化环境可持续性。
Hatch 是一家全球专业服务公司,负责在刚果民主共和国 (DRC) 加丹加偏远地区建造一座耗资 2.45 亿美元的硫酸厂。该工厂对于维持刚果民主共和国最大的铜矿开采作业之一至关重要,因为铜矿需要硫酸来浸出氧化铜矿物。该项目面临多项挑战,包括位置偏远、后勤和环境困难以及快速进度。该工厂将配备一个日产 1,400 吨的制造设施和一个带有蒸汽轮机机组的电力余热发电系统,由于该地区电网供应有限且与现有电网的集成复杂,这一点至关重要。 Hatch 需要克服这些复杂性,并通过分布在全球五个办事处的工程师团队来适应加速的时间表。该公司寻求可持续的技术解决方案,将所有工作流程和可交付成果数字化。
Hatch 使用 Bentley 的开放应用程序实施了协作数字策略,该策略简化了工作流程并促进了质量工程流程,从而节省了时间和成本。项目团队使用 STAAD 对钢结构组件进行建模和分析,并使用 OpenPlant 和 OpenBuildings Designer 创建整个酸厂的数字孪生模型。 ProjectWise 充当协作平台,建立开放、互联的数据环境,以管理和共享分布在全球的五个工程办公室的信息。 Bentley 的开放式应用程序在设计环境中提供了灵活性,使单个 3D 模型能够用于布局、分析、设计和制造。这种灵活性还优化了工程和施工各个阶段的协调,并提供了利用数字化提高效率的机会。可互操作的数字技术允许运营团队在模型环境中进行交互,以进行危险和可操作性研究检查,改进运营审查并提高运营安全性。
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Case Study
Goldcorp: Internet of Things Enables the Mine of the Future
Goldcorp is committed to responsible mining practices and maintaining maximum safety for its workers. At the same time, the firm is constantly exploring ways to improve the efficiency of its operations, extend the life of its assets, and control costs. Goldcorp needed technology that can maximize production efficiency by tracking all mining operations, keep employees safe with remote operations and monitoring of hazardous work areas and control production costs through better asset and site management.
Case Study
KSP Steel Decentralized Control Room
While on-site in Pavlodar, Kazakhstan, the DAQRI team of Business Development and Solutions Architecture personnel worked closely with KSP Steel’s production leadership to understand the steel production process, operational challenges, and worker pain points.
Case Study
Airport SCADA Systems Improve Service Levels
Modern airports are one of the busiest environments on Earth and rely on process automation equipment to ensure service operators achieve their KPIs. Increasingly airport SCADA systems are being used to control all aspects of the operation and associated facilities. This is because unplanned system downtime can cost dearly, both in terms of reduced revenues and the associated loss of customer satisfaction due to inevitable travel inconvenience and disruption.
Case Study
Bluescope Steel on Path to Digitally Transform Operations and IT
Increasing competition and fluctuations in the construction market prompted BlueScope Steel to look toward digital transformation of its four businesses, including modern core applications and IT infrastructure. BlueScope needed to modernize its infrastructure and adopt new technologies to improve operations and supply chain efficiency while maintaining and updating an aging application portfolio.
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IoT-based Fleet Intelligence Innovation
Speed to market is precious for DRVR, a rapidly growing start-up company. With a business model dependent on reliable mobile data, managers were spending their lives trying to negotiate data roaming deals with mobile network operators in different countries. And, even then, service quality was a constant concern.
Case Study
Digitize Railway with Deutsche Bahn
To reduce maintenance costs and delay-causing failures for Deutsche Bahn. They need manual measurements by a position measurement system based on custom-made MEMS sensor clusters, which allow autonomous and continuous monitoring with wireless data transmission and long battery. They were looking for data pre-processing solution in the sensor and machine learning algorithms in the cloud so as to detect critical wear.