Mid-size Company
- America
- United States
- Kaba Access Control’s Wireless System
- Mifare® card credentials
- Autotime® Time and Attendance system
- EPlex® Enterprise System with Wireless Option
- E-Plex Locks and Controllers
- ZigBee Technology
- Enterprise Software with a Microsoft SQL database
- Enterprise-wide Deployment
- Cost Savings
- Brand Awareness
- Productivity Improvements
- 网络与连接 - 紫蜂
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据交换与集成
- 离散制造
- 设施管理
- 楼宇自动化与控制
- 预测性维护
- 实时定位系统 (RTLS)
- 系统集成
Kaba Access Control 是一家位于北卡罗来纳州的制造工厂。该公司历史悠久,曾经营多种业务,包括棉纺厂、铸造厂和家具五金制造商。多年来,Kaba Access Control 利用其资产建立了多元化业务,包括压铸、电镀、打磨、冲压、装配和运输业务。该公司还提供内部研究、工程和客户支持服务。该工厂占地 150,000 平方英尺,包括制造和办公空间,拥有 250 多名员工。该建筑最初是 1905 年的砖结构,多年来经历了多次翻修和扩建,现已变成一个复杂的接入点网络。
Kaba Access Control 是一家位于北卡罗来纳州的制造工厂,拥有多家不同的业务,包括棉纺厂、铸造厂和家具五金件制造商。该公司利用其之前的资产建立了包括压铸、电镀、打磨、冲压、装配和运输业务以及内部研究、工程和客户支持服务在内的业务。该工厂包括 150,000 平方英尺的制造和办公空间,拥有 250 多名员工。随着业务的变化,该建筑最初的 1905 年砖结构经历了一系列翻修和扩建,将曾经的基本空间变成了复杂的接入点网络。该公司曾使用在线有线系统管理其接入点,但由于无法以合理的成本提供扩大的覆盖范围,因此淘汰了该系统。在安全委员会的意见下,该公司开始选择和安装新的访问控制系统,该系统将提供更高级别的安全性并容纳其众多用户和关键接入点。
Kaba Access Control 决定用自己的无线系统和 Mifare® 卡凭证取代其传统的有线系统。之所以选择无线系统,是因为它能够维持“一卡通”系统,Mifare 卡可与其 Autotime® 考勤系统配合使用。智能卡技术还提供未来功能,例如集成生物识别应用程序或员工福利。无线系统使用企业软件和 Microsoft SQL 数据库从中央位置管理用户和接入点信息。该软件允许用户设置用户配置文件,包括照片、访问时间表和按门分配凭证。无线系统还允许用户管理无线和独立锁。一些接入点(例如看门人的衣柜)可能需要安全保护,但由于使用率低且用户有限,因此不需要无线功能。但是,可以通过安装无线天线套件并将锁连接到网络,稍后将独立锁添加到无线网络中。
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Case Study
Turning A Stadium Into A Smart Building
Honeywell created what it called the “intelligent system” for the National Stadium in Beijing, China, turning the venue for the opening and closing events at the 2008 Summer Olympics into a “smart building.” Designed by highly controversial artist Ai Weiwei, the “Bird’s Nest” remains one of the most impressive feats of stadium architecture in the world. The 250,000 square meter structure housed more than 100,000 athletes and spectators at a time. To accommodate such capacity, China turned to Honeywell’s EBI Integrated Building Management System to create an integrated “intelligent system” for improved building security, safety and energy efficiency.

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Remote Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance App for a Solar Energy System
The maintenance & tracking of various modules was an overhead for the customer due to the huge labor costs involved. Being an advanced solar solutions provider, they wanted to ensure early detection of issues and provide the best-in-class customer experience. Hence they wanted to automate the whole process.

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Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Chillers
For global leaders in the industrial chiller manufacturing, reliability of the entire production process is of the utmost importance. Chillers are refrigeration systems that produce ice water to provide cooling for a process or industrial application. One of those leaders sought a way to respond to asset performance issues, even before they occur. The intelligence to guarantee maximum reliability of cooling devices is embedded (pre-alarming). A pre-alarming phase means that the cooling device still works, but symptoms may appear, telling manufacturers that a failure is likely to occur in the near future. Chillers who are not internet connected at that moment, provide little insight in this pre-alarming phase.

Case Study
BACnet enabled Wireless Temperature Monitoring System
Client offered a Temperature Monitoring System which consists of Wireless Transmitters and Application Software. Third party BACnet Application such as a Building Automation System needs access to vital parameter such as temperature, humidity, CO2, etc., measured by wireless sensor devices. Client needed a solution to allow data exchange from its Temperature Monitoring System with BMS.

Case Study
Aircraft Predictive Maintenance and Workflow Optimization
First, aircraft manufacturer have trouble monitoring the health of aircraft systems with health prognostics and deliver predictive maintenance insights. Second, aircraft manufacturer wants a solution that can provide an in-context advisory and align job assignments to match technician experience and expertise.

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Leading Tools Manufacturer Transforms Operations with IoT
Stanley Black & Decker required transparency of real-time overall equipment effectiveness and line productivity to reduce production line change over time.The goal was to to improve production to schedule, reduce actual labor costs and understanding the effects of shift changes and resource shifts from line to line.