Large Corporate
- Europe
- United Kingdom
- Fourth Analytics Powered by GoodData
- Cloud-based cost control solutions
- Data Analytics
- Enterprise-wide Deployment
- Revenue Growth
- Customer Satisfaction
- Productivity Improvements
- 分析与建模 - 实时分析
- 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 数据管理平台
- 商业运营
- 销售与市场营销
- 供应链可见性(SCV)
- 质量预测分析
- 数据科学服务
- 系统集成
Fourth 是全球领先的酒店业云成本控制解决方案提供商。Fourth 总部位于伦敦,客户可以使用采购到付款、库存管理、菜单设计、人力资源、劳动生产率和薪资等领域的解决方案。该公司自 2013 年以来一直是 GoodData 的客户,并使用 Fourth Analytics Powered by GoodData 解决方案。Fourth 的分析与洞察解决方案总监 Mike Shipley 以客户的身份开始与该公司合作。
Fourth 是一家领先的酒店业云成本控制解决方案提供商,但数据管理却举步维艰。他们拥有大量数据,但发现很难将这些信息整合在一起,并发现其中的相互依赖性和相关性。可用的分析软件包超出了大多数运营预算。那些负担不起这些费用的人只能用 Excel 来做所有事情。另一个问题在于数据分布或缺乏数据分布:没有简单的方法将数据交到所有不同利益相关者手中,以便各个层面做出明智的决策。Fourth 意识到这是一个机会,可以为客户提供经济实惠的基于云的分布式分析解决方案,以满足酒店业整个业务链的需求(并符合预算)。但首先他们需要从合适的合作伙伴那里获得合适的平台。
Fourth 首席技术官 Christian Berthelsen 开始寻找理想的合作伙伴,以帮助 Fourth 将可定制数据分发给与其合作的所有不同合作伙伴和客户,同时创造新的收入来源。他和他的团队首先编写了将 Fourth 数据(数百万行)转换为结构化格式所需的详细指标和模式。他选择了 GoodData 平台,并聘请 Shipley 作为顾问来创建商业产品。Berthelsen 选择 GoodData 的原因包括:易于嵌入的解决方案、能够集成来自各种来源的数据流、易于访问和可在整个组织内与不同用户共享、可自定义的仪表板,仅向用户显示与他们相关的特定数据。GoodData 平台还使 Fourth Analytics 客户能够安全地与价值链上的外部业务合作伙伴(包括零售商、分销商、供应商等)共享数据。
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Case Study
Remote Temperature Monitoring of Perishable Goods Saves Money
RMONI was facing temperature monitoring challenges in a cold chain business. A cold chain must be established and maintained to ensure goods have been properly refrigerated during every step of the process, making temperature monitoring a critical business function. Manual registration practice can be very costly, labor intensive and prone to mistakes.
Case Study
IoT Data Analytics Case Study - Packaging Films Manufacturer
The company manufactures packaging films on made to order or configure to order basis. Every order has a different set of requirements from the product characteristics perspective and hence requires machine’s settings to be adjusted accordingly. If the film quality does not meet the required standards, the degraded quality impacts customer delivery causes customer dissatisfaction and results in lower margins. The biggest challenge was to identify the real root cause and devise a remedy for that.
Case Study
Retail Uses RFID to Enable Cold Chain Monitoring
Like most grocery retailers, Hy-Vee is faced with the challenge of providing the highest quality products to its shoppers. Shoppers want the longest possible shelf life from perishable products and expect a consistent product experience each time they shop. Controlling the quality of products sold leads to shopper loyalty, which is of paramount importance to the success of Hy-Vee. Before products arrive in stores, Hy-Vee's distribution centers (DCs) handle items including dairy products, fresh meats, seafood, deli items, produce and frozen goods, all of which have different temperature needs and sensitivities. During transit from suppliers to DCs, Hy-Vee has limited visibility and temperature management abilities due to large amount of supplier managed transportation. For instance, during a week-long transit, a supplier's carrier equipment may malfunction, causing an item to thaw and then refreeze once repairs are made. Hy-Vee sought help from TempTRIP, an RFID solution provider that focuses on shipping, storage, receiving, and temperature control. TempTRIP's EPC RFID tags use Impinj chips to monitor and report temperature readings throughout the shipping and receiving process. The tags can also be re-configured and re-used, a unique feature within the current market of temperature monitoring devices.
Case Study
Covisint Improves Mitsubishi's Collaboration With Its Supply Chain
Mitsubishi sought to improve supplier relationships on a global basis and to offer an easy-to-use solution to interact with them. In August 2004, Mitsubishi selected Covisint’s platform to help improve sharing of information and collaborative business processes with its global suppliers. Covisint enabled Mitsubishi to provide its suppliers with immediate access to information and applications to obtain more collaborative working relationships