- 网络安全和隐私 - 安全合规
- 金融与保险
- 电信
- 质量保证
- 租赁金融自动化
- 时间敏感网络
ICON Eyecare 是外科和医疗眼科护理的领先提供商,在科罗拉多州和德克萨斯州设有诊所。该公司自 1999 年开始运营,在过去 18 年里已实施了超过 20 万例视力矫正手术。 ICON Eyecare 专门治疗白内障、晚期青光眼以及其他与年龄和疾病相关的疾病患者。该公司还提供 LASIK 和美容眼科手术。 ICON 运营着 14 个患者护理中心,并有望在未来几年内在西部山区开设几乎同样数量的患者护理中心。
ICON Eyecare 是一家领先的外科和医疗眼科护理提供商,在管理其快速增长的业务方面面临着重大挑战。该公司拥有 14 个患者护理中心,并计划在西部山区开设更多中心,但其现有的 VoIP 解决方案一直在苦苦挣扎。该公司在三年内员工人数从 100 人增加到 300 人,并有望在未来几年内将这一数字增加一倍或三倍。这种快速增长需要能够跟上步伐的可扩展通信解决方案。此外,该解决方案需要符合 HIPAA 有关患者保密性的要求。现有的沟通平台无法满足这些需求,导致效率低下并存在潜在风险。
ICON Eyecare 选择 RingCentral 作为他们的新通信平台。 RingCentral 满足了 ICON 对可扩展性和 HIPAA 合规性的要求,并且还提供了一整套集成功能。其中包括用于电话的 RingCentral Office、用于在线会议的 RingCentral Meetings 以及用于团队消息传递和协作的 RingCentral Glip。后者对 ICON 来说尤其令人兴奋,因为它用更全面的工具取代了公司现有的聊天程序。 Glip 提供了任务管理、日历、文件共享功能以及对动画 GIF 的支持等功能。它还为公司节省了之前解决方案的月费。 Glip 被公司内的许多团队采用,包括 IT、患者护理、保险和西班牙帮助团队。人们发现它对于改善患者护理特别有用,因为它促进了不同团队之间的协作。
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Case Study
Real-time In-vehicle Monitoring
The telematic solution provides this vital premium-adjusting information. The solution also helps detect and deter vehicle or trailer theft – as soon as a theft occurs, monitoring personnel can alert the appropriate authorities, providing an exact location.“With more and more insurance companies and major fleet operators interested in monitoring driver behaviour on the grounds of road safety, efficient logistics and costs, the market for this type of device and associated e-business services is growing rapidly within Italy and the rest of Europe,” says Franco.“The insurance companies are especially interested in the pay-per-use and pay-as-you-drive applications while other organisations employ the technology for road user charging.”“One million vehicles in Italy currently carry such devices and forecasts indicate that the European market will increase tenfold by 2014.However, for our technology to work effectively, we needed a highly reliable wireless data network to carry the information between the vehicles and monitoring stations.”

Case Study
Vodafone Hosted On AWS
Vodafone found that traffic for the applications peak during the four-month period when the international cricket season is at its height in Australia. During the 2011/2012 cricket season, 700,000 consumers downloaded the Cricket Live Australia application. Vodafone needed to be able to meet customer demand, but didn’t want to invest in additional resources that would be underutilized during cricket’s off-season.

Case Study
SKT, Construction of Smart Office Environment
SK T-Tower is the headquarters of SK Telecom. Inside the building, different types of mobile devices, such as laptops, smartphones and tablets, are in use, and with the increase in WLAN traffic and the use of quality multimedia data, the volume of wireless data sees an explosive growth. Users want limitless Internet access in various places in addition to designated areas.