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Bentley > 实例探究 > 利用物联网实现英国最大水利基础设施项目的工业化交付


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  • 建筑与基础设施
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  • 产品研发
  • 施工管理
  • 施工现场监控
  • 系统集成
CVB JV(Costain、VINCI Construction Grands Projets 和 Bachy Soletanche Joint Venture)是一家合资企业,负责泰晤士潮道隧道项目东段合同的 8.5 亿英镑。该项目涉及 12 个设计学科以及众多供应链和利益相关者。该合资企业面临着在紧张的工期和小型项目场地的限制下管理施工的挑战。为了克服这些挑战,CVB JV 推动数字创新,以改变传统的施工实践,并将伦敦人与河流重新连接起来。
伦敦已有 150 年历史的下水道系统无法满足该市不断增长的人口的需求,导致每年数百万吨未经处理的污水流入泰晤士河。为了容纳当前 880 万伦敦人并预期持续增长,Tideway 启动了一项耗资 40 亿英镑的超级下水道计划,称为泰晤士潮汐隧道。该项目预计将于 2024 年完工,包括一条长 25 公里的截流和转运隧道,穿过伦敦市中心,深度在 30 至 70 米之间。工程分为隧道西段、中段和东段三个部分,每个部分都有一个主掘进场地。 Costain、VINCI Construction Grands Projets 和 Bachy Soletanche (CVB) 合资公司负责价值 8.5 亿英镑的东段合同。该项目涉及 12 个设计学科以及众多供应链和利益相关者,带来了协调和沟通方面的挑战。
为了在紧张的工期和小型项目场地的限制下成功组织和管理施工,CVB JV 推动数字化创新,以改变传统的施工实践。他们依靠 Bentley 的集成技术应用程序通过 4D 建模推动东区所有五个建筑工地的施工优化。项目团队建立了一个基于ProjectWise的互联数据环境,作为协调3D建模、信息共享和数据存储的通用平台。 CVB JV 使用 SYNCHRO 4D 创建了 30 多个 4D 模型来分析可施工性并简化施工规划。 4D 建模解决方案优化了施工优化,可以评估不同的施工场景。通过在互联数据环境中实施数字 4D 工作流程,CVB JV 正在推动施工优化,以高效地交付更安全、更可靠和可持续的泰晤士潮道东隧道。
  • The use of 4D modeling and digital workflows has transformed the way CVB JV operates. The 4D models have been instrumental in improving design integration and facilitating digital planning to validate the Tideway construction program. The models have also been useful when engaging with local residents, community groups, and councils, all of whom are unfamiliar with interpreting traditional technical drawings and reports. For example, when the Port of London Authority objected to marine works required to construct the tunnel, CVB JV used SYNCHRO 4D to create a 4D model in just three or four days and, in just one meeting, visually demonstrated the amount and degree of dredging. This simplified communication and resulted in approval to move forward and avoid a 30-day construction delay. The digital collaborative approach promoted through 4D modeling has been key to streamlining workflows among all Thames Tideway East Tunnel project participants and stakeholders, accelerating and optimizing decision-making for a safer, more sustainable super-sewer initiative.
  • Using 4D modeling reduced the overall construction program by over 90 days over two years, saving GBP 1 million.
  • Through 4D collaborative planning and digital workflows, CVB JV optimized constructability, avoiding night work while reducing the construction program by 50%.
  • CVB JV is piloting SYNCHRO 4D during the remainder of this “super-sewer” project, expected to reduce manual work by 50% at each construction site.

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