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- DocuWare
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- Enterprise-wide Deployment
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- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据交换与集成
- 销售与市场营销
- 商业运营
- 远程资产管理
- 系统集成
Smart Choice® 是一个由 3,400 多名独立保险代理人和 80 家保险公司组成的网络。该公司为独立代理人提供产品培训、销售和营销支持,以及提供个人、商业、人寿和健康保险单的顶级保险公司的访问权限。Smart Choice® 在 41 个州拥有执照,采用佣金分成而非预付费用,这使得其代理人可以选择向客户提供更多保险产品,而无需为每家保险公司承诺固定的保费配额。
Smart Choice® 的任务是将每个承运商的佣金报表输入其会计系统,以生成佣金支票,以及显示众多承运商和代理商佣金分成的报告和报表,这让该公司不堪重负。这一纸质流程需要一支由四到五名数据录入员组成的团队,他们还需要花大约一周的时间将报表折叠并装入信封,以便在合同规定的每个月 15 日之前签发这些报表和支票的最后期限之前完成。该公司知道他们需要实现这一工作流程的自动化——尤其是在公司不断发展的情况下。
在评估了几种解决方案后,Smart Choice® 选择了 DocuWare,因为它具有安全功能、能够与现有软件集成,并且供应商的诚信和态度良好。佣金报表的布局经常变化,这促使 ADP 实施基于条形码的解决方案。保险公司向 Smart Choice® 发送一份报表,该报表可能长达 500 页。每页顶部是代理机构名称和该页佣金信息的代码。为此,在每页的右下角贴上连续的条形码贴纸。然后扫描报表并将信息提取到 Excel 电子表格中。使用从报表中提取的代理机构代码作为匹配代码,Smart Choice 能够将自己的 3 位数 Smart Choice® 代理代码和其他附加信息提取到电子表格中。此时,扫描的报表页面被移动到 DocuWare,电子表格中的信息用于索引报表的每一页。
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Case Study
Improving Vending Machine Profitability with the Internet of Things (IoT)
The vending industry is undergoing a sea change, taking advantage of new technologies to go beyond just delivering snacks to creating a new retail location. Intelligent vending machines can be found in many public locations as well as company facilities, selling different types of goods and services, including even computer accessories, gold bars, tickets, and office supplies. With increasing sophistication, they may also provide time- and location-based data pertaining to sales, inventory, and customer preferences. But at the end of the day, vending machine operators know greater profitability is driven by higher sales and lower operating costs.
Case Study
Remote Wellhead Monitoring
Each wellhead was equipped with various sensors and meters that needed to be monitored and controlled from a central HMI, often miles away from the assets in the field. Redundant solar and wind generators were installed at each wellhead to support the electrical needs of the pumpstations, temperature meters, cameras, and cellular modules. In addition to asset management and remote control capabilities, data logging for remote surveillance and alarm notifications was a key demand from the customer. Terra Ferma’s solution needed to be power efficient, reliable, and capable of supporting high-bandwidth data-feeds. They needed a multi-link cellular connection to a central server that sustained reliable and redundant monitoring and control of flow meters, temperature sensors, power supply, and event-logging; including video and image files. This open-standard network needed to interface with the existing SCADA and proprietary network management software.
Case Study
Driving Digital Transformations for Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices
Diagnostic devices play a vital role in helping to improve healthcare delivery. In fact, an estimated 60 percent of the world’s medical decisions are made with support from in vitrodiagnostics (IVD) solutions, such as those provided by Roche Diagnostics, an industry leader. As the demand for medical diagnostic services grows rapidly in hospitals and clinics across China, so does the market for IVD solutions. In addition, the typically high cost of these diagnostic devices means that comprehensive post-sales services are needed. Wanteed to improve three portions of thr IVD:1. Remotely monitor and manage IVD devices as fixed assets.2. Optimizing device availability with predictive maintenance.3. Recommending the best IVD solution for a customer’s needs.
Case Study
Marine and Industrial Displays by Caterpillar
Caterpillar needed a flexible platform for a new generation of connected human-machine interfaces across a wide variety of industrial environments. Examples include marine, petroleum pumping, generators, custom hydraulics, mining, and rail applications.