- 网络与连接 - 5G
- 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
- 建筑物
- 食品与饮料
- 采购
- 库存管理
- 时间敏感网络
Oatly 是一个植物性食品品牌,于 1994 年在瑞典成立。该公司的愿景是让人们轻松地将饮食变成个人健康快乐的时刻,而在此过程中不会不计后果地消耗地球资源。 Oatly 用燕麦生产乳制品替代品,并围绕可持续实践建立了其核心商业模式。如今,其产品销往 20 多个国家,并在国际上拥有 11 个生产基地和 3 个生产基地。 Oatly 的两个关键重点领域是不断变得更加可持续,并推动社会采用植物性饮食。该公司相信,这是解决全球粮食资源分配不足的问题,并有助于争取一个人人都能吃饱的世界。
Oatly 是 1994 年在瑞典创立的植物性食品品牌,其核心商业模式以可持续实践为基础。随着公司扩大全球业务,它面临着根据其增长规模扩大可持续发展工作的挑战。在实施解决方案之前,Oatly 使用 Excel 表格手动收集和报告可持续发展数据。这个过程非常耗时,并且为参与报告数据的每个人创建了大量的管理任务。随着 Oatly 的持续快速发展,这些手动任务占用了太多时间。该公司需要一种能够随着其发展而扩展的省时解决方案,使其能够继续生产高质量的可持续产品,但数量更大。这意味着找到一个可以在全球范围内实现数据收集数字化并简化数据质量控制的系统,使 Oatly 能够做出数据驱动的可持续决策,对企业和地球都有利。
Oatly 选择 Worldfavor 的可持续发展管理解决方案来实现其全球可持续发展活动的数字化和自动化。这个基于网络的平台使 Oatly 能够从全球所有办事处、生产基地和合作伙伴收集数据,从而提高透明度并提供更多数据来为决策和与客户的沟通提供信息。 Worldfavor 平台还使 Oatly 能够根据收集的数据自动进行定制分析,从而无需在 Excel 中进行手动双重检查和交叉检查。这节省了时间,并使非技术人员更容易了解什么有效、什么无效,而不是迷失在电子表格中。 Oatly 还利用该平台邀请生产合作伙伴报告可持续性,并进行首次可持续性评估和报告。该公司一直专注于变革管理,随着用户习惯新流程,数据收集变得更加准确、有效和愉快。
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The Kellogg Company
Kellogg keeps a close eye on its trade spend, analyzing large volumes of data and running complex simulations to predict which promotional activities will be the most effective. Kellogg needed to decrease the trade spend but its traditional relational database on premises could not keep up with the pace of demand.
Case Study
Energy Saving & Power Monitoring System
Recently a university in Taiwan was experiencing dramatic power usage increases due to its growing number of campus buildings and students. Aiming to analyze their power consumption and increase their power efficiency across 52 buildings, the university wanted to build a power management system utilizing web-based hardware and software. With these goals in mind, they contacted Advantech to help them develop their system and provide them with the means to save energy in the years to come.
Case Study
HEINEKEN Uses the Cloud to Reach 10.5 Million Consumers
For 2012 campaign, the Bond promotion, it planned to launch the campaign at the same time everywhere on the planet. That created unprecedented challenges for HEINEKEN—nowhere more so than in its technology operation. The primary digital content for the campaign was a 100-megabyte movie that had to play flawlessly for millions of viewers worldwide. After all, Bond never fails. No one was going to tolerate a technology failure that might bruise his brand.Previously, HEINEKEN had supported digital media at its outsourced datacenter. But that datacenter lacked the computing resources HEINEKEN needed, and building them—especially to support peak traffic that would total millions of simultaneous hits—would have been both time-consuming and expensive. Nor would it have provided the geographic reach that HEINEKEN needed to minimize latency worldwide.
Case Study
Intelligent Building Automation System and Energy Saving Solution
One of the most difficult problems facing the world is conserving energy in buildings. However, it is not easy to have a cost-effective solution to reduce energy usage in a building. One solution for saving energy is to implement an intelligent building automation system (BAS) which can be controlled according to its schedule. In Indonesia a large university with a five floor building and 22 classrooms wanted to save the amount of energy being used.
Case Study
Powering Smart Home Automation solutions with IoT for Energy conservation
Many industry leaders that offer Smart Energy Management products & solutions face challenges including:How to build a scalable platform that can automatically scale-up to on-board ‘n’ number of Smart home devicesData security, solution availability, and reliability are the other critical factors to deal withHow to create a robust common IoT platform that handles any kind of smart devicesHow to enable data management capabilities that would help in intelligent decision-making