Rapid7 > 实例探究 > Leveraging Dynamic Asset Groups in Rapid7 Nexpose

Leveraging Dynamic Asset Groups in Rapid7 Nexpose

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Large Corporate
  • America
  • United States
  • Rapid7 Nexpose
  • Dynamic Asset Groups
  • Authenticated Scans
  • Enterprise-wide Deployment
  • Productivity Improvements
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Digital Expertise
  • 网络安全和隐私 - 安全合规
  • 网络安全和隐私 - 网络安全
  • 公用事业
  • 商业运营
  • 维护
  • 预测性维护
  • 入侵检测系统
  • 远程资产管理
  • 系统集成
  • 培训
PNM Resources is an energy company that relies heavily on robust cybersecurity measures to protect its infrastructure. The company employs security analysts like Bruce, who use advanced tools to manage and mitigate vulnerabilities across their network. Bruce has extensive experience in vulnerability management, having previously worked for a government contractor where he first reviewed Rapid7 Nexpose. At PNM Resources, Bruce is responsible for conducting regular scans of all servers and addressing any identified issues. The company places a high priority on maintaining up-to-date security patches and software updates to minimize risks and ensure the integrity of their systems. PNM Resources' commitment to cybersecurity is evident in their proactive approach to identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities, as well as their reliance on advanced tools like Rapid7 Nexpose to achieve these goals.
Identifying how many servers and systems were affected by Heartbleed and other OpenSSL vulnerabilities without having to scan every server manually. PNM Resources needed a way to quickly and accurately identify vulnerabilities across their extensive network of servers and systems. The manual process of scanning each server individually was time-consuming and inefficient, especially during critical incidents like Heartbleed. The challenge was to find a solution that could provide rapid, accurate, and comprehensive visibility into the security status of their assets, enabling timely remediation and risk reduction.
PNM Resources implemented Rapid7 Nexpose Enterprise, leveraging its Dynamic Asset Groups feature to streamline the process of identifying vulnerabilities. This solution allowed Bruce to quickly find relevant information for OpenSSL vulnerabilities, such as Heartbleed, in minutes instead of days. By using Dynamic Asset Groups paired with authenticated scans, Bruce could gain clear visibility into the security status of their assets and create a roadmap for remediation. The solution provided a significant time-saving advantage, enabling Bruce to use CVE IDs to quickly locate vulnerable assets without manually scanning each server. This approach not only improved efficiency but also enhanced the accuracy of vulnerability identification. Additionally, Nexpose's ability to conduct authenticated scans provided detailed data on the network, revealing hidden risks and enabling targeted remediation efforts. The solution also supported PNM Resources' patch management practices by identifying missing third-party patches and providing actionable insights to lower the organization's overall risk score.
  • Dynamic Asset Groups in Rapid7 Nexpose allowed PNM Resources to quickly identify vulnerabilities based on user-defined criteria, significantly reducing the time required for vulnerability management.
  • Authenticated scans provided detailed visibility into the network, uncovering hidden risks and enabling targeted remediation efforts.
  • The solution supported proactive risk management by providing clear visibility into the security status of assets and creating a roadmap for remediation.
  • Nexpose's ability to identify missing third-party patches helped PNM Resources maintain up-to-date security measures, reducing overall risk.
  • The implementation of Rapid7 Nexpose enhanced the efficiency and accuracy of vulnerability identification, contributing to the overall security posture of PNM Resources.
  • Reduced time to identify vulnerabilities from days to minutes.
  • Saved at least four days of manual scanning for 300 Linux servers during the Heartbleed incident.

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