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作为当今竞争激烈的分析和商业智能行业中的众多公司之一,Qlik 的目标是使相关业务部门的员工能够通过自助服务访问云,尽可能安全地做尽可能多的事情。具体来说,他们希望研发团队进行创新,销售团队进行销售,同时保持安全、风险最小化和效率最大化。
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Experity 依靠 Rapid7 托管服务扩展安全运营
合并导致人员、办公地点、软件和服务的快速扩张给安全团队带来了独特的挑战。这种对业务连续性和标准化的需求推动了 Experity 团队寻找能够帮助他们管理安全运营并在其安全计划中建立弹性的供应商。该公司一直在使用托管检测和响应 (MDR) 平台,但很明显,虽然它在实施时满足了需求,但该解决方案并没有真正适应所有变化。他们开始寻找可以监控所有活动并提供用户友好且可操作的仪表板的 MDR 和漏洞管理解决方案。
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Zoopla 通过 Rapid7 InsightAppSec 增强应用程序安全性
Zoopla 是一家总部位于伦敦的房地产门户网站,在维护其应用程序的安全性方面面临着重大挑战。其旗舰房地产网站和应用程序每月的访问量超过 6000 万次,该公司必须确保用户的最大安全。该公司的安全团队由应用程序安全工程师 Alikhan Uzakov 领导,负责指导数百名 Zoopla 开发人员完成应用程序安全测试过程。这包括进行培训并帮助开发人员将安全工具嵌入到他们的流程中,以确保新功能和产品在发布之前进行安全测试。然而,由于只有三名员工,安全团队发现为大量开发人员提供支持具有挑战性。
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Domino's Pizza 通过 Rapid7 的检测和响应研讨会增强安全运营
达美乐比萨是世界上最大的比萨饼公司,其在线订购和送货服务严重依赖技术。该公司的安全运营中心 24/7 全天候运营,他们面临的最大安全挑战之一是网络钓鱼。由于威胁行为者的狡猾,鱼叉式网络钓鱼尤其是一个重大威胁。由于其国内和国际市场,该公司还拥有广泛的攻击面,这使得威胁搜寻成为一项关键任务。该公司希望培训其安全运营中心 (SOC) 分析师像攻击者一样思考,因为许多分析师只专注于检测和响应,而缺乏对攻击者所使用策略的了解。
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Modine Manufacturing 利用 Rapid7 的安全服务和解决方案组合增强网络安全
Modine Manufacturing Company 是热管理技术和解决方案的全球领导者,在保护其数字资产及其客户的数字资产方面面临着重大挑战。随着业务的增长,风险也随之增加。该公司的小型安全团队发现自己监控的事件源从几百个增加到数千个。他们需要一个能够帮助他们改进安全计划各个部分、满足主动和被动安全需求的合作伙伴。这需要一个拥有多个卓越产品和服务中心的战略合作伙伴。
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Pearl Data Direct 利用 Rapid7 Insight 平台增强安全性和合规性
Pearl Data Direct LLC (PDD) 是一家金融科技公司,也是 LuLu Financial Holdings 的子公司,面临两大安全挑战。首先,作为一家通过其应用程序管理数百万美元的公司,它们是网络攻击者的一个有吸引力的目标。其次,他们的业务在受到严格监管的金融领域运营,需要严格遵守央行的规定。该公司需要确保每秒流经其系统的数千笔交易的安全,同时还要遵守严格的网络安全法规。他们还必须保护客户的个人身份信息 (PII),这些信息是他们出于合规目的而收集的。此外,他们的核心银行系统与多家银行相连,增加了安全挑战的复杂性。
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Amedisys 通过 Rapid7 InsightIDR 增强安全性和效率
Amedisys 是一家领先的家庭医疗保健提供商,在保护患者和员工数据而又不影响系统可用性方面面临着独特的挑战。他们的大部分用户群由在家中为患者提供护理的临床医生组成。为这些医疗专业人员提供无缝且安全的体验至关重要,因为任何中断都可能影响为患者提供的护理。面临的挑战是确保敏感数据的安全,同时保持运营效率。
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AMN Healthcare 的数字化转型:Rapid7 的网络安全案例研究
AMN Healthcare 是一家为医疗保健组织提供全面人才解决方案的领先提供商,在整合最近收购的 28 家组织的网络安全系统方面面临着重大挑战。这些组织规模各异,从拥有 30-50 名员工的初创公司到拥有 2,500 名员工的成熟组织,每个组织都有自己的办公室、政策和框架。 AMN 需要一个面向未来的统一安全平台,将这些组织整合到其企业结构中,确保每个组织都遵循单一的检测和响应安全标准。由于新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情导致员工转向远程工作,这一挑战变得更加复杂,每个员工的家都变成了区域办公室,导致家庭网络缺乏可见性和控制力。
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增强教育安全:蓝谷学区与 Rapid7 的合作
堪萨斯州蓝谷联合学区的 35 所学校拥有超过 23,000 名学生和 3,100 名教职员工,致力于为学生提供安全的数字学习环境。然而,该地区面临着重大的安全挑战。 2019 年 8 月,该学区遭受了一次成功的勒索软件攻击,促使对其庞大的应用程序和网络基础设施进行全面的安全评估。该学区的网络安全团队将勒索软件攻击、可见性和人员配置视为主要挑战。勒索软件攻击是一个持续的威胁,特别是考虑到公立学区的预算和人力有限。可见性是另一个问题,小团队很难全面了解该地区的安全状况。人员配备也是一个问题,许多学区无法投资必要的人员和软件来满足当今网络安全环境的需求。
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InsightCloudSec 在合并和收购过程中为 CoStar 提供持续的多云安全
CoStar Group 是商业房地产信息、分析和在线市场的领先提供商,一直通过并购 (M&A) 扩大其影响力。截至 2019 年 10 月 1 日,CoStar 已斥资约 20 亿美元收购了总共 27 个组织,每个组织都拥有独特的云业务和不同级别的云能力。 CoStar 面临的挑战是确保其不断增长和发展的云足迹(涵盖 Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Microsoft Azure 和 Google Cloud Platform (GCP))的安全性和合规性。在通过并购实现增长时,CoStar必须能够了解收购目标的网络风险,整合新收购的资源,并保持这些被收购实体在不失去控制权的情况下通过使用云服务加速创新的能力。
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Domestic & General (D&G) 是一家领先的订阅式家电护理提供商,在管理网络安全方面面临着重大挑战。作为一家拥有 110 年历史的企业,该公司拥有多年来不断发展的系统和数十个 IT 流程的积累。随着 D&G 在全球范围内扩张和数字化,其攻击面不断扩大,混合异构环境在网络风险增加方面带来了额外的挑战。该公司缺乏一个现代化的平台来识别混合环境中的大规模风险和威胁。 D&G 的首席信息官 Phil 意识到需要加强公司的网络保护并让企业能够承担网络风险。然而,该公司缺少一个现代组织需要确保其得到充分保护的平台。
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Rapid7:Elara Caring 网络安全基础设施的游戏规则改变者
Elara Caring 是美国最大的家庭医疗保健提供商之一,在三个家庭医疗保健公司合并后面临着重大挑战。此次整合创造了新的机遇,但也给公司的IT基础设施和数据安全带来了困难。首席信息安全官 (CISO) Eric Bowerman 主要关注保护最终用户免受医疗保健行业常见的网络钓鱼和勒索软件攻击。由于 COVID-19 大流行,向在家工作环境的转变使事情变得更加复杂。该公司在远程员工的笔记本电脑上安装的管理软件有限,这意味着他们无法像员工在办公室时那样进行控制。这提出了与受保护的健康信息 (PHI) 相关的合规性问题。
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Maximus 通过 Rapid7 云安全性增强合规性并最大限度降低风险
Maximus 是全球政府的领先战略合作伙伴,在执行标准和确保所有公共云环境的一致性方面面临着重大挑战。由于管理着 200 多个 AWS 账户以及不断增长的 Azure 业务,因此对跨 AWS 和 Azure 的众多项目的可见性至关重要。该公司需要一种解决方案,能够在所有公共云帐户和区域中执行标准,提供对不合规资源的可见性,为某些资源创建异常流程,并提供采取补救措施的自动化方式。在拥有数百个 AWS 账户和 Azure 订阅以及不同支持模型的整个企业中执行标准是一项艰巨的任务。
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Rackspace 通过 Rapid7 解决方案增强安全性和信任
Rackspace Technology 是一家领先的端到端多云技术服务公司,在确保客户数据安全方面面临着重大挑战。作为一家跨所有主要技术平台设计、构建和运营云环境的公司,Rackspace 向客户灌输信任和信心至关重要。面临的挑战是确保当客户将其数据放在 Rackspace 平台上或选择与 Rackspace 交互时,他们的数据将像 Rackspace 自己的数据一样安全并受到保护。该公司需要一个强大而可靠的解决方案来管理漏洞和威胁,并确保最高级别的数据安全。
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加强医疗保健中的网络安全:皇家骨科医院和 Rapid7 合作伙伴关系的案例研究
英国伯明翰皇家骨科医院是欧洲最大的骨科专科中心之一,面临着严峻的网络安全挑战。该医院的 IT 部门由 Ray Mian 和 Ajmal Khan 领导,其任务是保护患者和医疗记录以及 IT 基础设施免受勒索软件攻击。风险很高,因为任何系统停机都可能对医院环境造成严重后果。一个重大挑战是环境中缺乏可见性。该团队无法识别他们的资产,并且缺乏必要的可见性、发现和分析工具来评估他们在组织内的安全状况。这种缺乏可见性被认为是其网络安全战略的一个关键弱点。
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US Signal 通过 Rapid7 平台和托管服务增强网络安全
US Signal 是中西部最大的私营数据中心服务提供商,在保护客户网络方面面临着重大的安全挑战。该公司为密歇根州十大医疗保健系统中的七个、密歇根州西部最大的心理健康提供商、众多托管服务提供商 (MSP) 以及各种金融机构提供服务,这需要强有力的安全措施。该公司必须应对一系列威胁,包括网络钓鱼和日益加快的漏洞发现速度。该公司还必须确保遵守各种安全框架和法规,包括 SOC 2、PCI 和 HIPAA。 US Signal 之前使用的漏洞管理软件对云不友好,并且需要大量本地基础设施,这使得管理其漏洞评估计划变得具有挑战性。
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User Monitoring and Log Search: Rapid7 InsightIDR Delivers for UK Investment Bank Evercore
Neil Johnson, security manager at Evercore, needed a robust SIEM solution to handle user behavior monitoring and provide comprehensive log search capabilities for data analysis. The existing vulnerability management solution managed by a third party was not meeting their requirements, prompting the need for a more effective solution. The primary drivers for selecting InsightIDR included the ability to alert on anomalous user logins and provide detailed log search functionalities. The head of IT was particularly interested in monitoring user activities to ensure that employee credentials were not compromised.
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Nexpose Identifies Vulnerabilities, Assists Remediation at LoneStar College System
Before 2008, LSCS supported separate campus IT operations at each of its five campuses with distributed IT support services. Then a new CIO joined the college, and within a month, the Lone Star College System had completely centralized its IT services to support a new vision. Associate Vice Chancellor of Technology Services Link Alander explains, “Through that process we had a series of changes and challenges that had to be achieved to improve reliability and security.” While the college had so far avoided any significant security incident or data breach, it understood the need for a proactive security posture that would maintain user trust. It also needed tools to help prove compliance with regulations such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and other regulations. The LSCS security initiatives are part of 11 strategic technology initiatives, incorporated into the overall LSCS strategic plan for 2009 through 2011. One of its primary security goals is to use ISO 27000 standards as a framework.
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Apptio Enhances Mobile Device Security with Mobilisafe
Apptio faced a significant challenge in managing the security risks associated with employees accessing corporate data via personal mobile devices. The use of smartphones and tablets for work purposes had increased efficiency but also introduced potential security vulnerabilities. Prior to implementing Mobilisafe, gathering information on connecting mobile devices was a tedious process that did not yield adequate results. The company lacked a comprehensive security policy for mobile device usage, which heightened the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.
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Rapid7 Metasploit Changes the Security Mindset at AutomationDirect
AutomationDirect, a proactive company, wanted to change the security mindset of its IT staff to stay ahead of the latest threats. The company needed to ensure that its IT security practices were robust enough to prevent both internal and external threats. Tim Lawrence, IT security analyst at AutomationDirect, recognized that administrators often prioritize getting systems up and running over security, which could lead to vulnerabilities. After attending the Black Hat convention in July 2010, Lawrence devised a long-term security strategy to address these issues. The goal was to anticipate and thwart potential hackers and eliminate internal oversights that could create inadvertent vulnerabilities. AutomationDirect was not under any immediate known security threat, but the IT security team needed to promote overall security best practices to the entire IT staff to prevent any possible worst-case scenarios.
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Rapid7 Nexpose Enhances PCI Compliance and Overall Network Security for Bob’s Stores
In 2008, Bob’s Stores faced the challenge of meeting new PCI compliance standards, particularly requirement 11 of the PCI DSS, which mandated regular tests of security systems and processes through internal and external scans. The IT department, led by Nick Sorgio, Assistant Vice President and technology manager, needed a vulnerability management system to meet these standards and protect customer data. The pressure to quickly comply with these new requirements was significant, and Bob’s Stores had no existing vulnerability management system in place. This made finding a suitable tool a top business priority. Bob’s Stores conducted a comprehensive assessment of various vulnerability management vendors, ultimately selecting Rapid7 due to its ability to identify vulnerabilities across networks, operating systems, databases, web applications, and a wide range of system platforms. Rapid7 Nexpose provided the necessary vulnerability assessment scanning and monitoring capabilities to meet PCI data security standards and offered sound vulnerability management practices as part of a comprehensive security program.
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Securing a City: Corpus Christi Assesses, Prioritizes, and Monitors Threats
Bob Jones, the Information Security Manager for the City of Corpus Christi, Texas, faced the challenge of increasing security awareness across the organization and detecting and investigating attacks more easily. The city’s infrastructure is unique, akin to about 30 separate SMBs operating under a larger parent company, each with different requirements and compliance regulations. Bob's role was multifaceted, involving duties of an analyst, engineer, and penetration tester. He had to change an embedded culture and establish credibility with the CIO and IT Director. The primary challenge was the lack of visibility into assets on the Corpus Christi network, making it difficult to accurately qualify or quantify the level of risk. Bob needed to prioritize remediation to add value and avoid placing a greater burden on the business.
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Vulnerability Management at Diebold: Automation, Prioritization, Remediation
Diebold needed an effective threat exposure management solution that would offer scalability and visibility. Given the pivotal role vulnerability management plays at Diebold, selecting a vulnerability management solution was an important task which the team did not undertake lightly. A main priority for them was the effectiveness of the vulnerability scanner. Diebold needed accurate, up-to-date, real-time data. Scalability was also an important factor; being a global company, they needed the ability to reach around the world without adding administrative overhead.
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Essentia Health Reduces Risk with Nexpose and Metasploit
Securing the Essentia Health network is a complex task due to its multi-billion dollar integrated health system that spans multiple states and roughly one hundred facilities in the Midwest. The network includes fifty thousand IPs, from facilities to medical device equipment. The security team must locate and resolve high-risk vulnerabilities to safeguard patient data and other critical information. Compliance with HIPAA, HITECH, and PCI DSS adds another layer of complexity. Despite compliance, security holes such as weak credentials and improper patches were prevalent. The team needed a solution to perform thorough testing against all active systems and demonstrate risk to secure necessary resources for a vulnerability management program.
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Rapid7 Conducts a Penetration Test for Eyelock
Recently, Eyelock set out on a new project: making security airtight for logical access devices. They wanted an external team to take a very close look at their security architecture to implement a design that would allow for access to computers, websites, online banking, and the like. The RFP process kicked off, and the Eyelock team began evaluating various third-party vendors. The top three qualifications were extensive experience with embedded products, a high level of security expertise, and a strong overall reputation within the industry. Through a combination of these factors, Rapid7 won out.
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Vulnerability Management assists with compliance for Hillsborough County
Before Hillsborough County acquired a vulnerability management solution, ensuring that their over 250 servers were secure and compliant proved difficult for ITS’ team of three security engineers. The County’s process was to contract with outside vendors to run periodic vulnerability assessment scans. With new security requirements increasing the need for more frequent auditing, they needed an in-house solution. The County’s security engineers required detailed reports that identified vulnerabilities to be remedied before they could pose substantial risk to the network environment. To evaluate vulnerability management solutions, ITS defined a set of technical requirements against which to measure selected vulnerability assessment scanners. The desired solution would need the ability to perform stealth scans, schedule routine scans, support multiple platforms including Windows and Linux, scan multiple platforms, applications and devices, support unauthenticated and authenticated scans, scan all systems without installing an agent, perform incremental scans, and provide future support for wireless protocols.
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MCPHS University Saves Time and Effort with Nexpose
When Allen Basey joined MCPHS University over two and a half years ago, he was tasked with developing new security procedures and policies, including comprehensive vulnerability scanning. As the sole person dedicated to maintaining security, he needed to improve the University's overall security posture without being overburdened. Initially, he opted for Tenable's Nessus due to its low cost, but found it required manual scans and lacked critical context for prioritizing vulnerabilities. This made it difficult to get IT support teams to take action, and researching how to patch vulnerabilities consumed valuable time, leading to crucial patches being neglected.
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Nebraska Public Power District Fights Phishing, Meets Compliance Requirements with Nexpose and Metasploit
The Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) faced a complex compliance situation due to various regulatory mandates, including NERC CIP standards, HIPAA, and specific cyber regulations for their nuclear facility. As a publicly powered state, Nebraska's electric utilities are owned by the public, adding another layer of complexity. NPPD needed to ensure robust cybersecurity measures across its 4,000 assets spread over 19 sites, while also addressing the increasing sophistication of phishing attacks. The organization aimed to improve its overall security posture and meet compliance requirements effectively.
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Nexpose Enables a Small IT Staff to Manage a Large IT Infrastructure at Norwich University
With a constantly growing network environment, Norwich University’s IT department found it increasingly difficult to have a clear view into all network equipment and servers—and their vulnerabilities—while still only conducting manual scans.
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Permission Interactive Turns to Rapid7 for Help Enhancing its Security with Comprehensive Vulnerability Management
Permission Interactive, an e-commerce company handling sensitive customer information, faced challenges in meeting PCI compliance standards. Their existing McAfee vulnerability management solution was only helping them 'check the box' for PCI compliance without improving their overall security landscape. A full audit revealed significant gaps in security best practices and overall compliance, prompting the company to seek a more robust solution.