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Gem > 实例探究 > 利用 Gem 实现 Wheel 工程团队招聘的多样性和效率

利用 Gem 实现 Wheel 工程团队招聘的多样性和效率

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Wheel 是一家位于德克萨斯州奥斯汀的医疗技术公司。该公司提供了一个平台,使临床医生和组织能够大规模提供高质量的虚拟护理。公司可以使用 Wheel 的基础设施以自己的品牌建立护理服务,临床医生可以通过一个站点管理他们的实践。Wheel 的创始人是 Michelle Davey,她有人才招聘的背景。该公司拥有 125 多名员工,已接待了近 50 万名患者。2021 年 5 月,Wheel 宣布了一轮 5000 万美元的融资,以在后疫情时代扩大规模。
Wheel 是一家医疗保健技术公司,在建立多元化的临床医生队伍方面面临着重大挑战。该公司缺乏与领导层分享的漏斗顶部数据,尤其是在多样性方面。无法了解哪些内容和消息能引起不同人群的共鸣。该公司还面临着多元化和招聘速度相互排斥的观念。由于人工跟进,长期培养潜在员工并不可行。该公司的高级技术招聘人员 Greg Troxell 决心在公司的快速发展过程中不牺牲多样性。然而,缺乏投资 Gem 等招聘工具的预算构成了重大挑战。
Greg Troxell 坚信 Gem 的能力,决定自掏腰包对其进行投资。 Gem 通过提供性别和种族/民族统计数据等功能来应对 Wheel 的挑战,这有助于该公司了解他们接触了多少女性工程师以及需要接触多少女性工程师以实现管道中的性别平等。 Gem 的外展统计功能允许团队测试链接并尝试不同的主题行,帮助他们了解哪些内容与他们不属于的人口统计数据产生共鸣。 Gem 还对科技领域代表性不足的群体进行自动化和个性化的推广,跟踪接收者的行为并帮助招聘人员检查他们的偏见。该工具还提供了漏斗顶部的数据,这些数据以前是手动保存在电子表格上的,因此很难确保准确性。
  • The use of Gem has resulted in significant operational improvements for Wheel. The tool has provided the company with valuable insights into what content and messaging resonate with different demographic groups, enabling them to tailor their outreach efforts more effectively. The automation of outreaches and the provision of contact information have saved time and increased efficiency. The company has also been able to implement long-term nurture campaigns, building rapport with potential hires over time. This has been particularly beneficial for engaging with underrepresented talent, who may need more time to establish trust. The data provided by Gem has also helped Wheel's leadership understand the value of the talent function, ensuring its importance is recognized within the organization. Furthermore, the data has informed the company's employer branding strategy, helping them understand how to better position themselves to attract talent.
  • Wheel's leadership now regularly sees diversity data, from outreach and reply stats to how many reachouts the team needs to send for gender equity in their pipelines.
  • Wheel has made 38 hires with Gem, which is nearly a third of the hires made since Gem was fully onboarded.
  • Wheel went from zero to 29% female representation and zero to 64% underrepresented representation in eight months.

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