- 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 备份与恢复
- 传感器 - 电表
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- 造纸
- 设施管理
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- 现场人员安全管理
- 结构健康监测
国际纸业是纤维包装和纸浆生产领域的全球领导者。该公司经营 28 家纸浆、造纸和包装厂、200 家加工和包装厂以及 18 家回收厂,为 150 个国家/地区的 25,000 多家客户提供服务。位于东南海岸的北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿工厂是他们的主要生产基地之一。该工厂拥有近 600 名员工,每天生产 2,200 吨绒毛浆,这种纤维用于婴儿尿布、女性护理产品和医疗器械等必需产品。确保员工的安全并保持持续运营,特别是在恶劣天气期间,是公司的首要任务。
国际纸业是纤维包装和纸浆的领先生产商,在北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿设有一家工厂,该地区经常受到飓风和热带风暴的威胁。这些恶劣天气事件对企业运营和员工安全构成重大风险。威尔明顿工厂拥有近 600 名员工,每天生产 2,200 吨绒毛浆,该工厂因迈克尔飓风和佛罗伦萨飓风等风暴而受到干扰。准确及时的天气预报对于公司确保物流规划和人员安全至关重要。在实施解决方案之前,国际纸业依赖于电力公司和一般媒体的报道,而这些报道往往缺乏做出明智的运营决策所需的详细信息。
International Paper 与天气洞察提供商 StormGeo 合作,获得 24/7 气象服务和特定地点的预报。 StormGeo 的服务涵盖所有类型的天气参数,包括热带风暴和飓风监测、跟踪和影响分析。这种全面且针对具体地点的预报,加上持续的支持,指导国际纸业应对恶劣天气事件的复杂性。例如,在 2018 年佛罗伦萨飓风期间,StormGeo 的预测帮助国际纸业做出了有关关闭设施、疏散员工以及为灾后做好准备的明智决定。该公司还利用 StormGeo 的风力剖面来确定现场工作人员在工厂内最危险的时间,并预测降雨量,以便在飓风影响之前保留运输和食品资源。
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Case Study
Wireless Improves Efficiency in Compressed Air Systems
Hollingsworth and Vose wanted to improve the efficiency of their compressed air system, lower the electricity expense component of manufacturing cost in their commodity industry, and conserve energy leading to lowered greenhouse gas emissions. Compressed air systems degrade over time and become leaky and inefficient. Hollingsworth and Vose wanted to increase the frequency of system inspections without paying the high cost of manual labor.

Case Study
IoT Data Analytics Case Study - Packaging Films Manufacturer
The company manufactures packaging films on made to order or configure to order basis. Every order has a different set of requirements from the product characteristics perspective and hence requires machine’s settings to be adjusted accordingly. If the film quality does not meet the required standards, the degraded quality impacts customer delivery causes customer dissatisfaction and results in lower margins. The biggest challenge was to identify the real root cause and devise a remedy for that.

Case Study
Zenon the Ideal Basis for An Ergonomic HMI
KHS develops and produces machines and equipment for filling and packaging in the drinks industry. Because drinks manufacturing, filling and packaging consist of a number of highly complex processes, the user-friendly and intuitive operation of equipment is increasingly gaining in significance. In order to design these processes as simple as possible for the user, KHS decided to introduce a uniform, transparent and standardized solution to the company. The HMI interface should meet the requirement for people with different qualifications and enable them to work on a standard platform.

Case Study
Process Predictive Analysis in Pulp and Paper Mill
Common paper breaks consequently lead up to 60 minutes of downtime, delaying a potential $10K per hour of production value process. Thus, defective products cause financial and damage company's reputation. Improving quality and reducing defect rates can generate millions of dollars of revenue per year for your company.

Case Study
Sparks Dynamics Assists Atlas Container Secure a $15,000 BGE Energy Rebate
The ReMASTER Compressed Air Monitoring system was installed in 2015. This system is capable of monitoring compressed air system parameters on a continuous basis and transferring that information to a cloud server which can be accessed by Atlas Container personnel, Industrial Diagnostics and Sparks Dynamics. This information was collected into a database which can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet or displayed graphically using Sparks Dynamics ViewMaster Software. The average annual compressed air electricity expense was estimated to be approximately $116,000. This is based on an incremental $/KWh electric rate of $.091 per KWh and an estimated compressed air energy consumption of 1,279,200 KWH. The implementation phase of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) for the Compressed Air System included: • Identification and repair of compressed air leaks • Understanding of compressed air usage per manufacturing machine and installation of shut off valves when the machines are no longer in production mode • Identification of misapplications of compressed air to include blow offs, venturis, and cooling scenarios • Understand system pressure requirements and potential installation of point of use pressure regulation.