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Rescale > 实例探究 > Modine Manufacturing 通过 Rescale 云计算实现转型

Modine Manufacturing 通过 Rescale 云计算实现转型

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  • 分析与建模 - 数字孪生/模拟
  • 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 云计算
  • 汽车
  • 石油和天然气
  • 产品研发
  • 质量保证
  • 制造过程模拟
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 云规划/设计/实施服务
  • 测试与认证
Modine Manufacturing Company 是一家设计、制造和测试传热解决方案的国际公司。它们服务于广泛的行业,包括汽车、农业设备和建筑设备。 Modine 业务的很大一部分是供暖、通风和空调 (HVAC)。他们专注于设计传热组件和系统,提供散热器、柴油发动机增压空气冷却器、油冷却器、废气再循环冷却器、空调系统冷凝器和蒸发器以及电动汽车电池冷却器等产品。 Modine 是一家跨国公司,2016 财年收入为 14 亿美元,总部位于威斯康星州拉辛,业务遍及北美、南美、欧洲、亚洲和非洲。
Modine Manufacturing Company 是一家全球传热解决方案提供商,其计算流体动力学 (CFD) 模拟面临着挑战。他们在北美的工作站计算系统相对较大,但缺乏内部网格计算环境。这些工作站拥有 10 个核心和 64 GB 内存,受到内存和计算带宽的限制,限制了它们在模拟中可以使用的并行化量。德国 Modine 每五年更新一次网格,拥有 32 个处理器并计划进行扩展。然而,该公司希望消除模型中的假设,这增加了复杂性并增加了模型大小。他们还想做更多的瞬态模拟,这是需要很长时间才能运行的复杂模型。在十个核心上运行瞬态模拟大约需要三个月的时间,这实际上是不可能的。他们意识到,如果不购买自己的计算设备,他们就没有计算能力来快速研究方法,这将大大延迟他们的开发。
Modine Manufacturing Company 求助于云计算解决方案 Rescale 来克服挑战。由于 Rescale 的易用性,其他 CFD 工程师在 STAR-CCM+ 研讨会上向他们推荐了 Rescale。 Rescale 的图形用户界面 (GUI) 使 Modine 的工程师无需任何编码即可轻松上传文件、运行模拟和下载结果。 Rescale 还提供了每小时的前期成本,并允许 Modine 设置运行时间限制以防止超出预算。 Modine 使用 Rescale 的免费试用版来运行快速瞬态模拟,并比较在 Rescale 上运行所需的时间。他们能够运行一个需要三个月才能运行的大型模型,而在 Rescale 上只需几天即可运行。 Modine 购买了 STAR-CCM+ 的 Power On Demand 许可,这为他们提供了每小时无限的内核。他们使用 Onyx 和 Nickel 核心类型对大约 500 个核心进行瞬态共轭传热 CFD。
  • The use of Rescale has significantly transformed the way Modine approaches simulation. It has enabled them to undertake tasks that were previously impossible or unrealistic due to time constraints. They no longer have to tie up their workstations for weeks to process large problems. Rescale has allowed them to respond to their customers in a timely manner. They have been able to improve their methodology by running transient CFD simulations in a very short time. This has led to the provision of more detailed results in a reasonable time frame. They have also been able to eliminate many assumptions by moving to transient simulation. The use of Rescale has opened up possibilities for Modine to explore areas they couldn't consider before, such as aero-acoustic simulations. The company anticipates that as their development engineers realize that the simulations are getting the same results as the physical tests, they will reduce physical testing, leading to further cost savings.
  • Reduced simulation time from three months to a few days
  • Ability to run simulations on about 500 cores in a job
  • Unlimited cores per hour with STAR-CCM+’s Power On Demand licensing

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