- 销售与市场营销
- 供应链可见性(SCV)
爱普生美国是一家生产各种消费和商业产品的知名公司。他们业务的一个重要部分是商业产品团队,每年通过各种活动产生大量潜在客户。该公司正在寻找一种方法来优化这些潜在客户的转化,特别是在他们扩展产品线时。他们需要一种解决方案,为潜在客户管理提供系统方法,并提高潜在客户跟进的可见性。爱普生美国公司五个商业集团的高级商业营销经理 Chris Nickel 接受了这一挑战。
Epson America 是一家以其消费和商业产品而闻名的公司,在优化潜在客户转化方面面临着重大挑战。该公司的商业产品部门通过“有业务的地方就有爱普生”等活动,每年产生 40,000 至 60,000 个销售线索。然而,优化这些销售线索转化的责任落在了 Epson America 五个商业集团的高级商业营销经理 Chris Nickel 身上。面临的挑战是,没有可靠的流程来管理这些潜在客户,而且随着公司扩展产品线,情况变得更加复杂。潜在客户管理的有效性还因缺乏潜在客户跟进的可见性而受到阻碍,导致难以跟踪和优化转化率。
为了应对这一挑战,Nickel 在处理投影仪的商业集团内部署了 Conversica 平台。该平台旨在管理进入爱普生的大量潜在客户。所有线索都是通过他们的 Conversica 助理 Rachel 提供的。雷切尔(Rachel)负责跟进每一个潜在客户,检查潜在客户何时准备好与销售人员交谈。她还验证了销售代表是否联系了销售线索,从而了解哪些经销商正在跟进,哪些经销商没有跟进。该解决方案提供了一种系统化的潜在客户管理方法,确保不会忽视任何潜在客户,并充分利用所有潜在的销售机会。
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Case Study
Remote Temperature Monitoring of Perishable Goods Saves Money
RMONI was facing temperature monitoring challenges in a cold chain business. A cold chain must be established and maintained to ensure goods have been properly refrigerated during every step of the process, making temperature monitoring a critical business function. Manual registration practice can be very costly, labor intensive and prone to mistakes.
Case Study
Retail Uses RFID to Enable Cold Chain Monitoring
Like most grocery retailers, Hy-Vee is faced with the challenge of providing the highest quality products to its shoppers. Shoppers want the longest possible shelf life from perishable products and expect a consistent product experience each time they shop. Controlling the quality of products sold leads to shopper loyalty, which is of paramount importance to the success of Hy-Vee. Before products arrive in stores, Hy-Vee's distribution centers (DCs) handle items including dairy products, fresh meats, seafood, deli items, produce and frozen goods, all of which have different temperature needs and sensitivities. During transit from suppliers to DCs, Hy-Vee has limited visibility and temperature management abilities due to large amount of supplier managed transportation. For instance, during a week-long transit, a supplier's carrier equipment may malfunction, causing an item to thaw and then refreeze once repairs are made. Hy-Vee sought help from TempTRIP, an RFID solution provider that focuses on shipping, storage, receiving, and temperature control. TempTRIP's EPC RFID tags use Impinj chips to monitor and report temperature readings throughout the shipping and receiving process. The tags can also be re-configured and re-used, a unique feature within the current market of temperature monitoring devices.
Case Study
Covisint Improves Mitsubishi's Collaboration With Its Supply Chain
Mitsubishi sought to improve supplier relationships on a global basis and to offer an easy-to-use solution to interact with them. In August 2004, Mitsubishi selected Covisint’s platform to help improve sharing of information and collaborative business processes with its global suppliers. Covisint enabled Mitsubishi to provide its suppliers with immediate access to information and applications to obtain more collaborative working relationships