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蒂森克虏伯电梯隶属于德国蒂森克虏伯公司,是世界领先的电梯公司之一。该公司的销售额达 64 亿欧元,在 900 个地点拥有 50,000 多名员工,产品安装在世界各地的建筑物中。蒂森克虏伯电梯的设计和工程团队以其针对现代建筑挑战的创新解决方案而闻名。他们开发了一种电梯系统,该系统使用连接到轿厢框架的电磁驱动器,无需屋顶安装电缆,并使电梯能够在世界最高建筑物的整个 800 米距离内运行。
建筑行业正在见证建筑越来越高、越来越精致的趋势,世界上最高的摩天大楼哈利法塔高达 828 米。这个高度带来了独特的挑战,特别是在有效地将人们从底层运送到顶层方面。传统电梯系统通过位于建筑物顶层的电缆系统运行,最大运行高度可达 400 米,仅为世界最高建筑距离的一半。这需要乘客乘坐两部或更多部电梯才能到达顶层。领先的电梯公司蒂森克虏伯电梯 (ThyssenKrupp Elevator) 开发了一款电梯,该电梯使用连接到轿厢框架的电磁驱动器,无需屋顶安装电缆,并允许电梯运行 800 米的完整距离。然而,这种新系统无法承载与传统电梯一样多的重量。面临的挑战是确保新设计尽可能轻,以最大限度地提高客舱的装载能力。
Altair ProductDesign 被选中来探索有助于最小化设计重量的方法和材料。他们开发了一种三阶段方法。在第一阶段,使用 OptiStruct(Altair HyperWorks 仿真工具套件中的设计优化解决方案)对 BackPack 概念进行了拓扑优化研究。该软件在满足设计要求的同时,为舱室结构提出了最有效的材料布局建议。在第二阶段,研究了材料的厚度。该团队探索了夹芯板结构的轻量化潜力,其中铝或塑料面板与泡沫芯一起使用。使用 OptiStruct,该团队执行了尺寸优化过程,以探索墙面板和泡沫芯的厚度。在第三阶段,团队探索了新机舱墙壁的新材料,特别是碳纤维。我们开展了一项优化研究,以找到理想的材料厚度、纤维层形状以及每层的铺层方向。
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Case Study
Energy Saving & Power Monitoring System
Recently a university in Taiwan was experiencing dramatic power usage increases due to its growing number of campus buildings and students. Aiming to analyze their power consumption and increase their power efficiency across 52 buildings, the university wanted to build a power management system utilizing web-based hardware and software. With these goals in mind, they contacted Advantech to help them develop their system and provide them with the means to save energy in the years to come.

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Airbus Soars with Wearable Technology
Building an Airbus aircraft involves complex manufacturing processes consisting of thousands of moving parts. Speed and accuracy are critical to business and competitive advantage. Improvements in both would have high impact on Airbus’ bottom line. Airbus wanted to help operators reduce the complexity of assembling cabin seats and decrease the time required to complete this task.

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Aircraft Predictive Maintenance and Workflow Optimization
First, aircraft manufacturer have trouble monitoring the health of aircraft systems with health prognostics and deliver predictive maintenance insights. Second, aircraft manufacturer wants a solution that can provide an in-context advisory and align job assignments to match technician experience and expertise.

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Intelligent Building Automation System and Energy Saving Solution
One of the most difficult problems facing the world is conserving energy in buildings. However, it is not easy to have a cost-effective solution to reduce energy usage in a building. One solution for saving energy is to implement an intelligent building automation system (BAS) which can be controlled according to its schedule. In Indonesia a large university with a five floor building and 22 classrooms wanted to save the amount of energy being used.

Case Study
Aerospace & Defense Case Study Airbus
For the development of its new wide-body aircraft, Airbus needed to ensure quality and consistency across all internal and external stakeholders. Airbus had many challenges including a very aggressive development schedule and the need to ramp up production quickly to satisfy their delivery commitments. The lack of communication extended design time and introduced errors that drove up costs.

Case Study
Powering Smart Home Automation solutions with IoT for Energy conservation
Many industry leaders that offer Smart Energy Management products & solutions face challenges including:How to build a scalable platform that can automatically scale-up to on-board ‘n’ number of Smart home devicesData security, solution availability, and reliability are the other critical factors to deal withHow to create a robust common IoT platform that handles any kind of smart devicesHow to enable data management capabilities that would help in intelligent decision-making