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Eightfold > 实例探究 > 利用人工智能彻底改变人才招聘:Automation Anywhere 案例研究

利用人工智能彻底改变人才招聘:Automation Anywhere 案例研究

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  • 分析与建模 - 机器人过程自动化 (RPA)
  • 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
  • 采购
  • 销售与市场营销
  • 租赁金融自动化
  • 物料搬运自动化
Automation Anywhere 是机器人流程自动化 (RPA) 领域的全球领导者,帮助客户利用软件机器人实现端到端业务流程自动化。这些数字化员工执行重复性的手动任务,从而显着提高生产力、优化客户体验并提高员工敬业度。该公司拥有 1,600 名员工,随时有数百个空缺职位,其中大量职位属于销售和工程人员。 Automation Anywhere 在全球设有 15 个办事处,专业人员遍布其办事处以外的许多国家。该公司连续两年位居Gartner“魔力象限”领先者,表明其在快速增长的RPA领域发挥着重要作用。
Automation Anywhere 是机器人流程自动化 (RPA) 领域的全球领导者,在人才招聘过程中面临着重大挑战。由于 RPA 行业的快速增长,该公司正在经历招聘热潮。然而,现有的招聘流程效率低下,无法满足需求。该公司需要雇用更多人员并加快速度。此外,他们希望增加员工的多样性并提高人才招聘团队的效率。一个重大挑战是无法有效利用其申请人跟踪系统 (ATS),该系统包含约 200,000 条过去申请人的记录。该公司缺乏一种有效的方法来搜索这些过去的求职者,寻找新职位的潜在匹配者。此外,每次提交申请后记录都没有更新,导致信息过时。
Automation Anywhere 采用了八重的人工智能人才智能平台来应对这些挑战。该平台使公司能够有效地搜索他们的 ATS 并重新发现与新职位匹配的过去的申请人。该平台还使用公开数据更新了过去申请人的资料,确保公司掌握有关潜在候选人的最新信息。该公司还利用该平台列出工作所需的技能,然后将这些技能与网络中的个人资料进行匹配,从而“校准”角色。这一过程帮助公司发现了数千名以前被忽视的潜在员工。该平台还允许该公司筛选潜在客户以提高多样性,并开展有针对性的“活动”以吸引合适的候选人。此外,该公司还使用Eightfold 提供的一项服务Eightfold Sourcing 来补充其针对更困难职位的招聘工作。
  • The adoption of the AI-powered Talent Intelligence Platform from Eightfold revolutionized the talent acquisition process at Automation Anywhere. The platform provided transparency and visibility, making it easier to track interactions with candidates across multiple roles and managers. The company was able to rediscover talent within its ATS, hire faster, and with greater candidate diversity. The platform also allowed the company to be more proactive about diversity and bring more diverse candidates into the pipeline. The company was able to fill as many roles in the first quarter of 2021 as they did during the entire previous year, despite having a lean team. The efficiency of interviews improved as applicants were more likely to be familiar with the company, its business, and culture. The company was able to meet the hiring demands caused by the explosion of the virtual world and robotic process automation in 2020 and 2021.
  • Four times as many people hired year to date compared to the previous year
  • 31% improvement in time to fill, reducing the time from 65 to 45 days
  • The talent-acquisition team became about 3.5 times more productive after the AI was adopted

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