- 自动化与控制 - 人机界面 (HMI)
- 机器人 - 轮式机器人
- 金融与保险
- 电信
- 产品研发
- 销售与市场营销
- 租赁金融自动化
- 时间敏感网络
- 云规划/设计/实施服务
Richard Lloyd 是一家领先的财务和会计招聘机构,其团队拥有 50 多年的集体经验。该机构于 2008 年在澳大利亚悉尼成立,因不断为合适的职位寻找合适的候选人而享有盛誉。 Richard Lloyd 的团队以其卓越的客户服务而自豪,赢得了客户的好评。 2015 年,在运营大幅增长的情况下,该公司决定投资新的软件解决方案,以满足不断变化的需求并推动进一步增长。该公司重视卓越的客户服务,并寻求具有类似理念的供应商。
Richard Lloyd 是一家位于澳大利亚悉尼的一流财务和会计招聘机构,其现有软件解决方案面临着多项挑战。该公司正在经历大幅运营增长,需要一个能够满足其新要求并推动进一步增长的软件解决方案。现有软件用户界面不友好,功能冗余,缺乏顾问所需的必要功能。此外,它不允许招聘人员流动工作,这在竞争激烈的澳大利亚招聘环境中是一个显着的劣势。该公司仅使用了现有软件 20% 的功能,并且无法执行自定义用户界面、移动字段和屏幕或设置自己的模板等简单任务。
理查德·劳埃德 (Richard Lloyd) 决定投资新的软件解决方案,并考虑了多家提供商。 Bullhorn 由于专注于招聘软件和移动招聘领域的开发而成为首选。 Bullhorn 固有的可定制性使 Richard Lloyd 能够根据其特定需求调整其招聘软件。能够更改用户界面以适应个人偏好是一个意想不到的好处。 Bullhorn 真正的云平台为 Richard Lloyd 的招聘人员提供了急需的移动性。该公司发现 Bullhorn“满足了其他解决方案所没有的所有要求”,并且与许多其他提供商不同,它符合他们最初的营销主张。
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Case Study
Real-time In-vehicle Monitoring
The telematic solution provides this vital premium-adjusting information. The solution also helps detect and deter vehicle or trailer theft – as soon as a theft occurs, monitoring personnel can alert the appropriate authorities, providing an exact location.“With more and more insurance companies and major fleet operators interested in monitoring driver behaviour on the grounds of road safety, efficient logistics and costs, the market for this type of device and associated e-business services is growing rapidly within Italy and the rest of Europe,” says Franco.“The insurance companies are especially interested in the pay-per-use and pay-as-you-drive applications while other organisations employ the technology for road user charging.”“One million vehicles in Italy currently carry such devices and forecasts indicate that the European market will increase tenfold by 2014.However, for our technology to work effectively, we needed a highly reliable wireless data network to carry the information between the vehicles and monitoring stations.”

Case Study
Vodafone Hosted On AWS
Vodafone found that traffic for the applications peak during the four-month period when the international cricket season is at its height in Australia. During the 2011/2012 cricket season, 700,000 consumers downloaded the Cricket Live Australia application. Vodafone needed to be able to meet customer demand, but didn’t want to invest in additional resources that would be underutilized during cricket’s off-season.

Case Study
SKT, Construction of Smart Office Environment
SK T-Tower is the headquarters of SK Telecom. Inside the building, different types of mobile devices, such as laptops, smartphones and tablets, are in use, and with the increase in WLAN traffic and the use of quality multimedia data, the volume of wireless data sees an explosive growth. Users want limitless Internet access in various places in addition to designated areas.